I Think I'll Hide My True Ability to the Last Moment

I Think I'll Hide My True Ability to the Last Moment

66 Chapters ongoing 21,979 Views
MTL translator
Word Count
93,000 Words
Vote Count
3 Votes
Nekoyasha ongoing


A world where you can contract with God and gain skills. Born as the third son of a famous knight family, Yuno was so busy controlling his innate power that he was eventually called "incompetent.".

However, in the magical knight academy, who was enrolled for some reason, he fulfilled his fateful encounter with an unnamed god who was despised as "incompetent" like himself..

Yuno, who contracted with the goddess and named her [Athena], secretly decided to make her the highest god, and decided to get a little more serious.
 I Think I'll Hide My True Ability to the Last Moment


i think i'll hide my true ability to the last moment novel full read novel i think i'll hide my true ability to the last moment novel i think i'll hide my true ability to the last moment i think i'll hide my true ability to the last moment full i think i'll hide my true ability to the last moment chapter 1 novel drama i think i'll hide my true ability to the last moment i-think-i-ll-hide-my-true-ability-to-the-last-moment i think i'll hide my true ability to the last moment chapter 66