If you don't work hard, you have to go back and inherit the heaven

If you don't work hard, you have to go back and inherit the heaven

77 Chapters ongoing 7,405 Views
Re Dao Hun Jue 热到昏厥
Word Count
238,000 Words
Vote Count
4 Votes
Re Dao Hun Jue 热到昏厥 ongoing


Guan Nianwei is an atheist. As a result, her boss Dongyu and colleagues are gods.

Guan Nianwei whose belief was destroyed: To live with a smile

Dongyu is not only a god, but also a second-generation god, and a second-generation god who doesn't want to go home and inherit the family business of Heavenly Court.

More than that, she often said serious things that were not serious.

"Secretary Guan, can I hold you?"

"Secretary Guan, can I touch you?"

"Secretary Guan, can I hold you?"


Guan Nianwei blushed and covered her mouth. : "...Don't say it anymore!"

How could there be such a blunt fairy!
If you don't work hard, you have to go back and inherit the heaven


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