Inari wants to live in peace

Episode 2 New family (2) Rain begging

The next morning, I worked with the wolves to hunt the giant boar.

Lying on a tatami mat instead of a duvet, I was forced to wake up by a dog pomping my cheek with my front foot.

"Fuahh, what's wrong?"

It seems like a healthy body without sleeping anyway, but the habits from when I was a human are still deeply ingrained.

As a result, he wakes up with a large acne, rubs his sleeping eyes, and peeks out through an open wooden window without glass.

Then the sun was as though it were still beyond the shade, and the darkness was spreading with the morning sun.

I don't know for sure because I don't have a watch, but maybe before 5am.

"... did someone come?"

As the wolf woke up facing the front door, I thought a little and cleared the fox's ears, and I noticed multiple footsteps as I stepped on the fallen leaves and approached.

I hardened my body for a moment, but the wolf in front of me is calm.So I wonder if the villagers who remembered the smell came yesterday.

The problem is to come to my house, but I can't abandon the possibility of early morning worship, but it seems like I have some business to attend to.

Since there is insufficient trust between villagers, it is not permissible to withdraw because refusal of access would lead to deportation.

So anyway, I had to behave like my imaginary Inari-sama, but unfortunately, I didn't have any readily usable hands, so I could only intercept them with complete no-guard combat.

In any case, we don't have much time.Just take a deep breath to calm down your feelings and kick out your drowsiness by slapping your cheeks with both hands.

Then, put on a properly aligned waste on the soil and shake the poorly erected sliding door several times to force it open.

Early morning and cold summer. It's still dark and cold.Besides, I have bad vision in the morning, but the fox daughter's body is hot or cold, but there is no problem, so I leave immediately.

Since there was no burn when accidentally touching the hot pot, the fire can also cool down if the mind is destroyed, and the feeling can also be detached if I want to endure it, which is quite convenient.

I left it behind, and when I was ready to go out and wait for a while, I noticed that five villagers walked carefully with large luggage along the path in the mountain where I could still stand in the dark in the morning.

They stood in front of the Omboro office and were surprised to see me standing still.

Then immediately stop, correct your posture with tension, bow, and say hello.

"Good morning, Inari God!"

You guys are early.

"Good morning... eh? Maybe you were still asleep?

Inari God's sleep will be interrupted!Sorry! "

They apologized with their heads so deep down, but I was upset when they poked me at the star, and I wasn't going anywhere.

What I am thinking now is how to preserve the majesty of Inari God without being dazzled by the villagers.

So don't be ashamed of yourself, and make up for your majesty on the spot.

"No, I was awake.Instead, they deliver boar meat quickly as a offering. "

"I see! There you are! Sorry for the mistake!"

Apart from the uncle speaking for himself, four other villagers accompanied him, who packed the boar meat in a wooden box and brought it here, as promised.

I knew it was boar meat even if I didn't look at the contents with my fox daughter's sense of smell, so I was able to escape aggressively and saved my life.

They apparently wanted to deliver the offering, and I say thank you.

Pick it up with your head down like a courier, hook your feet up to the sliding door in the front door of the house, and take the luggage to the kitchen in the corner of the entrance.

(It's not a lie because I thought the offering arrived quickly.

Even so, Sengoku people are early in the morning.... I have to get up early next time.)

When I opened the lid of the wooden box a little, besides the meat, there were also wild vegetables, salt, and rice, and I sincerely thank you.

And the luggage was in the house, so as I walked out again, I thought about why the morning was early.

The lights will no doubt burn oil or trees when it comes to lighting.

All I care about is the lack of candles, and I remember casually coming out with lanterns and lanterns in the times.

But even so, it doesn't seem to be something that ordinary people can use easily.

(Because the fuel to light the lights is precious, you'll wake up before sunrise and go to bed at night.)

It is very different from the future I lived in.

When I try to get a peaceful and comfortable life in this era, I can easily predict considerable hardship.

I get a little tired of thinking about the previous development, but without expressing myself, I go out of the house and politely close the poor standing and worn sliding door with a small hand.

As I thanked them and tried to get them to come home, five representative uncles stepped forward and bowed their heads respectfully towards us.

"I would like to be the representative of Nagayama Village from today.Thank you for your forgiveness. "

He will not only be the representative of the village at the foot, but will also serve as a point of contact for Inari god (fake).

Then there is nothing to forgive, and as for me, there is no more trouble, hope and fulfillment.

But for that, I'm sorry that his burden is going to be Mach.

"I assume you also hold the position of god, but aren't you dissatisfied?"

"No dissatisfaction! Rather, it is the ultimate joy!"

Oh, really?

I don't know where that faith comes from, but I just exhale in my heart to see if there are any problems.

"From now on, I will allow you to encourage the village chief and the priest to perform their duties."

"Hahaha! Thank you, I know happiness!"

It is settled by my solemn declaration to the village chief.

But for a while he felt reassured, he still had something to say and continued his words with a serious expression.

"Um... I'm sorry to be the representative at such an early stage.Actually, there's something I'd like to ask of Inari God. "

Hmm, please?

Well, this development was, in a sense, as expected.You can't just bring your stuff to the boulder or just appoint an officer.

However, even though I could not predict it, my request to Inari God is very difficult for me to deal with.

This is because the contents of Fox's daughter are ordinary high school girls.I mean, you can't make a big deal out of it.

Still, if I did not behave confidently as Inari God, I would soon lose credibility and be chased, and I was certain that I would be eliminated as the worst monster.

So inside, he is vigilant, but he waits nervously for his request, being careful not to appear in his attitude.

"In fact, the rainy days have been going on lately and the villagers are worried that the water in the river is starting to shrink.

Therefore, thanks to God Inari ─ ─ "

In other words, let it rain.But there's nothing I can do to pray for rain begging.

I don't remember clearly what kind of benefit Inari God has.

But at least it's not like a river god or a water god.But if the Gods of the Five Grains are rich, they may be included in the critical effect range.

But even my fox daughter looks ordinary.Speaking of what I can do, I wonder if the brain muscle that made me say things to my physical abilities, and then the incineration with fox fire and the light.

At this moment, I clearly realized that it was absolutely impossible to stand upside down, such as begging for rain and eliminating the water shortage.

And I hated lying about what I couldn't do.

Therefore, I will tell the villagers clearly with a scratchy expression.

"I can't rain."

"Oh... is that so?"

Not only the village representatives, but also the people who brought the offerings conveyed a somewhat disappointing atmosphere.

You trusted me and entrusted me with hope if I was not a water god but a real god, but if it didn't come true, I wouldn't have to be disappointed.

"But we can alleviate the water shortage in the village."


The villagers who were dropping their shoulders were very surprised when they heard my continued words.

Since I am not the god of water, I will not rain, and I will not be able to increase the water of the river until it is restored, and relieve the anxiety of the villagers.

However, we believe it is possible to alleviate the water shortage.

(The question is, is there anything in my rugged modern knowledge that could help eliminate water scarcity?)

However, I am very positive that I should consider it after actually seeing it for the time being.

And I asked the village chief's uncle to guide me to the scene because he wanted to understand the situation first.