Inari wants to live in peace

Inari wants to live in peace

288 Chapters completed 439 Views
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茶トラの猫 completed


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It had fallen in a strange mountain when waking up, and the appearance had changed to the fox daughter young woman though it was a schoolgirl who was hit instead of protecting the small fox who had been run over by the car.

Despite the confusion, I managed to reach the village, and from the mouth of an elderly couple there, I knew that I had somehow traveled back in time to the Singo period.

This story is about a fox girl who doesn't want to be exterminated by humans, and somehow plays a real Inari-sama, trying to develop her own personal life to get a comfortable and peaceful

life. However, in fact, a cute and brain-poor little girl with no historical knowledge is attauta or wasshoi wasshoi.
Inari wants to live in peace


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