Super Zoo in the City

Super Zoo in the City

1229 Chapters ongoing 51,379 Views
flying fox
Word Count
1,000,000 Words
Vote Count
1 Votes
flying fox ongoing


When the zoo was about to declare bankruptcy, Lin Fan's phone automatically downloaded a game software.

[The animal is hatching, please wait patiently...]

"Fuck, what is this, a golden sacred animal, a mud horse?"

"Wait, that monkey, do you know about drinking in one day?"

"And you, you it is a crocodile, the frog can not learn then jump? Zaozhidaojiu not to throw you together. " "

bird, can not be quiet for a while, I have here is the zoo, not sound good live! "

since there is this After the new game software, Lin Fan's life has become richer and more exciting.
Super Zoo in the City


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