Inari wants to live in peace

Episode 9 Battle of Fujinami (3) God, please.

Motomoto Matsudaira

How many times have you attacked Mr. Yoshiyoshi Tojo's castle?

It was good enough to capture a few castles and complete Kira's siege.

In the end, however, they were recaptured, and there was a scattered pattern that if they fought, they would lose every time.

This battle, which began in spring, will not settle in autumn, while the morale of the soldiers will decline.

Perhaps if we defeat next, it will no longer be easy to maintain the army, and the troops will disintegrate.Many soldiers will flee first.

If that happens, you will no longer have the leeway to retreat to the castle, and your life will even be in danger if you are pursued by Mr. Kira.

Now that I've fled, it's not easy to rebuild a depleted army, and if I don't get my territory and people back, even if I win, everything else will be gone.

In other words, losing is unacceptable as long as we start.

This is the right place to think.

We plan to set up a formation on the flatland we will look at Tojo Castle with the flag of Mr. Yoshira in the distance, but it is very heavy behind serious remarks.

It is often said that if you win, if you lose the official army, you are a bandit, and the worst part of your life could end here now.

It was only unfortunate to say that the unification of the Three Rivers was not even possible to prove the defiance against Mr. Imakawa, but was only decaying.

On clear weather and auspicious days, he wears fine armor across the horse, so he is only fine in appearance, but he becomes more anxious whether he can really win.

"Inari God! May our Samurai Mikawa be victorious!"

"My lord, Inari is not a god of war!"

Hirotaka Honda, one of the warlords, reprimanded me while laying a team to attack Tojo Castle from the fort on the plain a short distance away.

"Yeah, I know. But no matter how much I pray to God and Buddha, I have always lost."

Prior to the war, I went to shrines and temples where I was told I had protection, offered offerings and donations, and offered a faithful prayer.

But the result is a series of defeats. Finally, when I lost the next time, I was hunted down to the edge of the cliff.

At that time, it was reported that a part of the main team had been formed, so only the warlords of the mind were called into the tabernacle of the team, and everyone got off the horse and sat down in the chair, and paid for the meeting.

If you say that Matsudaira's future will be crushed here now, you won't find a bee when you pray to Inari God, whom you believe in from the bottom of your heart.

This is all the more true because the previous prayers for victory have had no meaning.

"Your Highness, don't be so pessimistic!You can win this time! "

"How many times have you said that?"

As a boss who obeys his subordinates, I think it would be nice to make weak remarks, but I can't help but lose in most battles from spring to autumn.

It is because of this situation that Honda Hirodaka and the warlords around him do not say anything and go to the battlefield of defeat with the same heavy atmosphere as themselves.

But he tells me in a grand manner.

"I have a plan for you!"

A solution?

I don't think he's serious enough to lie, so I'm sure he's really devised a plan.

If so, it is not obvious to ask the customer for a trial.

What I was asked about was the exact strategy of resurrection.

Doing so will undoubtedly increase the morale of the soldiers who have fallen to the bottom.

But if he fails, he can no longer live in this world.

Even if you didn't lose your life in battle, you'll be remembered as the warlord of the final tragedy of hunger.It is a sinister formation.

"Are you sure?"

"If you can win this war at the risk of this veteran's life, don't hesitate to use it!"

"Your loyalty will never be in vain!"

Then I consolidated my determination and wished Fujinawate victory.

As a sign of his determination to return to victory, Honda Hirodaka cut the edges tied to his armor with a knife in front of many generals so that he could never undo them again.

As a result, the morale of the Mikawa army rose temporarily but significantly.

At the same time, the atmosphere became unacceptable except for victory, and the withdrawal meant the collapse of the entire army.

However, Mr. Kira's army was still strong.

Although Matsudaira was a good fighter at first, he was eventually forced to retreat, which turned into a turmoil with no idea who was attacking him.

It is convenient for Tadamoto Tominaga to attack with a single horse, but it is not enough for two warlords of Mikawa to take him down.

On the contrary, it is a crisis situation that could be pushed against.

As it stands, the allies collapse, killing both Okubo Ohachiro and Torii Hanrokuro.

But after giving instructions to all the troops, I can only watch over myself now.There are no empty generals available to help, and everyone is doing their best to defeat the enemy in front of them.

I no longer thought that I could only pray to God at the end, hoping that a miracle would happen from the bottom of my heart.

But I'm sure it's not just me.

If the people who saw her ask God for help in times of trouble, everyone will think of Inari God.

Then a miracle really happened.The goddess of salvation has descended into battle.

The battlefield filled with many generals rushes with wolves like an unmanned field.

The beauty of Inari-sama makes both enemies and allies fall in love with the battle forgotten.

From there, the fury was already unfolding.

Inari-sama sank Tadamoto Tominaga, who could not be defeated by two alone, to the ground with a single blow.

After that, he left the battlefield with freshness just after he had finished using it.

The two armies were stunned for some time after a very sudden development, but Matsudaira, who was relatively accustomed to the flying of Inari God, regained consciousness as soon as possible.

"The Inari God took over Tadayumoto Tominaga!They are no longer our enemies!Push back and attack the castle! "


The true Inari god was on our side, so unlike before, Matsudaira's morale rose rapidly and broke through Heaven.

On the contrary, Yoshiyoshi's army was greatly reduced by the loss of Tominaga Tadayu, and each unit was thrown into chaos and defeated.

In this context, the battle of Fujinawate was miraculously won by the disadvantaged Matsudaira army.