Inari wants to live in peace

Episode 22 Opening the Shogun (10) Sick Devil

The day after the farewell party was over, we decided to return to Mikawa by land instead of by boat.

At that time, it was a salvation to be able to ride a dogsleigh, not a shrine.

This is how it happened, but Mr. Takeda gave me an opportunity to ask Kofi for guidance.That's because they sent me a letter.

Imakawa-san told me this too, so I spoke with dignity and honesty.

"Mysterious strange diseases are occurring in Takeda's territory.

Therefore, it is urgent to find out and solve the cause as soon as possible, which can be described as a super-regulatory measure. "

We all had to shut up about Imakawa-san's offerings to Shizuishi.

But if you can spare some time, please.I said that I would go if I could, so I returned the usual coat saying that I would not go.

The cause of the strange disease has been investigated, and if we can solve it, we have a great cause to save the suffering people.

And I was already known to visit, and was welcomed in the township where I was going.

Since time was wasted, I refused all of them and kept the dogsleigh running.

Still, if there were any people in trouble on the road, they would help, and if they found the bad guys, they would be defeated immediately.

Calm down and hurry calmly. It's probably such a chaotic move.

The people of the Hojo family also came together, so it became even bigger, but only Saito-san was a little relieved because he was far away from the location or did not send a gift.

It is the purpose of the accompanying party, but by looking directly at Okazaki Castle and Nagayama Village, which are currently the most developed in Japan, it seems that they would like to obtain state-of-the-art information from a perspective different from secret detectives and Shinobi.

So it's only after I get home that I break up with my son.

In fact, I'm not weak enough to be protected by others.I would like to refuse that I do not need an escort, but it tastes bad if I have my own position.

Besides, I agreed that my escort was the original purpose of seeing and listening to and learning from the teachings and actions of Inari God.

There were various dramas of laughter and tears on the road, passing through poorly maintained streets that put lives at risk and across mountains, valleys and rivers, but it was all cut because it was going to be long.

If it were to become a live drama after my death, it could be a narrowly numbered episode of happiness.

Well, it's all my imagination, so I don't really know if it will.

Each faction keeps a detailed daily record, so it seems likely.

Among them, Mr. Ota Koichi, who came from Oda territory, is particularly enthusiastic and keeps a detailed record.

In the future, it will be called the Inari Goddess Book, and once it is written in about sixteen volumes, it will be released sequentially and disseminated to the world.

I couldn't stop, I just said yes and hoped that it would not be valued as a historical document in the future.

A few days after entering Takeda-san's territory, we were slowly moving along the rough, grassy streets of Kofi that were said to have been badly damaged by strange diseases, leaving only traces of people walking along the veterinary path.

Is it true that people have been out of business for a long time? Only the thin but consolidated central part is maintained.

After a while, the fox ears caught the spiral of a nearby river.

So I raised my hand and slowly stopped the dogsleigh.

Everybody, please stop.

Honda-san nearby stops the horse, moves the fox's ears and alerts someone. He slowly approaches me and whispers a question.

Another bandit?

In response to his question, I responded seriously and clearly, as usual, as Inari God.

"No, there is a horrible opponent nearby that is not comparable to a bandit."


The guards accustomed to fighting, listening to my answers, quickly formed a circle around themselves.

It should be noted that what I have just said is correct, but at the same time it does not explain important parts.

So in order to correct it, I told him that he didn't need to have a weapon first.

"Hiding is an invisible sickness.Even if you're in a bundle, you're no match for them. "

The minute I heard a glimmer of the river or waterway, something in me sounded alarmed.

If we go any further, there will definitely be a dead man.

That's why I stopped walking, but one of the kids who wasn't convinced of it roughed up his voice.

"But, Inari God! There is a village with a lot of seriously ill people ahead!"

We were going to go to the village where the damage was most severe in order to diagnose patients with strange diseases.

It is a strange feeling that can only be described as intuitive, but for some reason it is the most correct choice for me in this situation.

I was convinced that there was no basis for it.

"The Inari God said humans can't beat the sick!

But in the capital, we have saved many wounded and sick! "

I think about his words with my hand around my mouth.

Indeed, in Japan, where I was originally living, I did not hear any stories of unusual illnesses such as Kai's.

In other words, thanks to the development of human medical technology, the cause was investigated and eradicated, but unfortunately, it is difficult to do it now.

"The medicine I taught has not yet led to the elimination of the sick.

Now we can take all the precautions we can to recover from the strange illness overnight ─ ─ "

Unfortunately, when I look at myself shaking my neck to the left and right, everyone around me has a look of regret.

In the meantime, I wonder if my emotions could not be suppressed. The Takeda clan people scolded me with their voices.

Well then, Inari God! Are you going to abandon those who have been exposed to strange diseases! "

"I didn't say that."

Buying directions to the village ahead, he squeezed his fist with regret.I don't have to understand the mood.

I recklessly told my neighbors that I don't have to bear the sin of scolding Inari God.

But he repeats his words as to whether his emotions are rampant.

"Just like I said!If we move on, we'll be exposed to evil! So don't abandon me!

That village is my birthplace!I knew my family, my acquaintances and everyone in the village would be saved... and yet! "

That's why I didn't say a word about not going to the village.

Why do you have to tell me so much?I didn't understand this.

However, it is very unpleasant to leave the children who are about to get irritated by the evening atmosphere and the constant rumours against Inari God.

So I tap my hands with bread to rearrange the venue, then cough up a little and then open my mouth with a serious expression.

"As I said earlier, I will not abandon the village at all."

"Oh, what's the meaning of this?"

I smile nicely with a small chest because I don't have a hobby to take lightly.

And I answer his question, which I can't grasp right now.

"It doesn't work for me whether it's a disease that leads to death."

"No way!?"

"Yes, I'm on my own ahead."

Declare that confidently and descend from the dogsleigh to the ground.

But to finish what was before him, he somehow called out to the boy who had a sturdy iron rod.

"I'll borrow a little. I'm sorry if I broke it."

"No, no, not really."

I borrowed an iron rod from a puzzled servant about what I was going to start, and I pushed myself to the ground without hesitation.

"I will draw the line in the district where the sickness seems to be happening now.

Don't step inside until I get back!... so I'll go! "

That's why I started running fast enough to get dust.

With an iron stick on the ground, you rely on your intuition and draw a distorted line instead of a circle.

Because of the mountains and forest steps and obstacles, it was decided to run around the vast territory vertically and horizontally.