Inari wants to live in peace

Episode 25: The Twelve Years of Tensho (1) Long Rain

Time passed in late June of the 14th year of the Church, and it has been raining for a long time nationwide lately.

On the other hand, when I retired from General Kaisei, I was at home in the back of the sanctuary.

With the supreme ruler's grandiose declaration of semi-history residence, the Japanese people finally realized that the world of war was over.

That said, I was made into something beyond the highest rank of the imperial court, the Emperor of God.

I was set up to work in the name of new official duties, but basically no one would rule under the reign.

So better than ever.

But nominally, Japan's supreme ruler remains unchanged.I thought it would be a big problem for me to keep throwing.

If something happens or you have an important consultation, please, Inari God!And you're going to be pulled out to the front stage.

Still, it's the kindness of Tokugawa-san, his other friends Daimyo, and others who know me well because they kept me away from the Edo Shogunate.

Therefore, from now on, I feel free to live in peace in my home in the back of the forest.

As I heard the rain hitting the roof from the outside, I brought a paintbrush and put it on cardboard to make a foreign fairy tale into a paper play.

A while ago, I finished drawing all the old Japanese stories I knew.

I didn't think about the original story, so I couldn't help thinking about taking the money.

So basically, it was published free of charge, but the Inari Shrine priests and witches read and heard about it, and activities such as stage making and publishing were also actively carried out.

In such circumstances, I held a brush in a small hand in front of a Japanese-style shabudai and carefully painted it on cardboard.

Even if you sit in the cushion for a long time, your fox daughter's body won't numb her feet, so I'm relieved.

However, since the contents are for future women, unless it is an important job, the concentration does not last very long, so I get up from the cushion and walk to the nearby cabinet.

"I got the 10 o'clock snack as a offering. I wonder where to bake it."

There is still no refrigerator, and transport and storage technologies remain immature.

With that in mind, only Kanto and its surroundings are served raw food items.

Speaking of what else there is, alcohol and fermented foods are delivered from all over the country because they are daily, and there is a very wide range of high-value items that are thoroughly crafted by leading artisans and condiments that are deliberately bought from foreign merchants.

But since I am not such a collector, most of them are out of control.

For this reason, after discussion with the Inari Taisha Shrine officials, I decided to behave at the Inari Festival or Masakurain in the sanctuary forest.

So there are only a few things left, but the Japanese people were very satisfied because they were able to donate them, and there was no problem.

As soon as I took out the baked rice cake from the children's shelf to suit my height, the fox ears caught the footsteps rushing toward my home in the heavy rain.

Sudden guests are not uncommon when it comes to living a full life.

For a moment I wondered if I should eat sweets, but I gave up baking and put it back on the shelf, walked towards the front door, walked through the waste and then opened the sliding door to see what was going on outside.

Then, an official of the Shogun wearing rain wings made from weaving rosa ran out of breath.

"Inari God! It's important!"

"What is it?"

I invited him to the front door and replied, walking quickly to the nearby kitchen, fetching water and putting it in a cup, and quietly offered it to him.

"This is unbelievable!"

After moisturizing his throat with water, the official takes a breath to correct his posture.

And he looked straight at me and opened his mouth in a grand manner.

"There are signs of flooding in the Kiso River due to the long rain!"

Hearing his words, I wonder where the Kiso River was.

Then, I remembered with enthusiasm that it was around Aichi prefecture, which was the local area of the future.

According to Nobunaga Oharu, the Kiso River is a raging river that frequently floods every time it rains for a long time, but it seems to be out of control.

Therefore, although it was true that the water treatment work was the highest priority, it still seemed that the natural wonders could not be won by humans today.

This is not limited to the Edo period, but the likelihood of crossing the embankment is not zero when countermeasures are taken.

The only good news here is that you gave me a respite before the flood happened.

Since the speed of transmission of information is slower than in the future, the embankment may actually have been torn, but it is still important to report, contact, and consult, so I will inform officials of the measures to be taken.

"Open the Shogun's Yonekura and prepare to send support supplies across the country.

The Kiso River may not be the only one to suffer from the long rain. "


It's raining in Edo, and as far as I've heard from the rest of the world a while ago, it's pretty dangerous everywhere.

So in the future, there may be rampant rivers flooding everywhere.

I've never moved on to be ready to help when that happens.

"I forgot to mention, even if the floods didn't happen, I will provide nationwide support."

"You weren't damaged by the flood?Why? "

Not only is it very unusual from the common sense that the Edo shogunate supports it, but what I am doing is scattering supplies wastefully on land that did not suffer a disaster.

So I know that officials have doubts, so for the time being, I say what comes to mind.

"Long rains are a threat, even without flooding."

I keep explaining to the side that officials are surprised, even though I don't speak up.

"First, the cliffs and mountains collapse and are damaged, and in some cases the logistics stop."

"Sure! We've received reports from around the world that people and livestock have been buried in dirt and fallen trees on the streets and have had difficulty getting through!"

It seems likely to happen after the rain has stopped, but there is no guarantee that there will be no cliff collapse during the long rain.

Especially this month, it has been going down for quite a few days.It would be stranger not to have a secondary disaster.

"If the road leads to the countryside behind the mountains, it will be isolated and helpless."

Since there is no disaster rescue helicopter, we have to walk by foot to send supplies and get in touch.

If it happens in a landslide, it will easily become an island on land.

I thought about it and stared straight at the official's face with a serious expression.

"I can handle it for a while, but if I don't get in touch, I don't know what's going on there."

There may be food banks or wells buried in dirt and sand, or there may be life-threatening injured people out there.

I can't help but give a bad example.

The officials nodded deeply and convinced me many times.

"Next, crop and food damage."

"It's the opposite of sunshine, but will it hurt?"

"Yes, but this is not direct."

Machine automation has not progressed in this era, and there are no greenhouses, so the weather will strongly influence it.

For example, there is too much water, the roots rot, or the moisture causes the disease.When I grew up in the morning with my free research during the summer vacation, it was a lot softer.

"Too much water can cause root rot and, worst of all, destroy crops in the field."

Hmm, I have an idea.

I continued, as he groaned as to whether he had any idea.

"Humidity and flooding can cause food stored in warehouses and homes to get wet and moldy.

If you eat the worst, you may get hungry. "

From this point of view, rice suited the Japanese climate.

The disadvantage of requiring a lot of water is that it is not likely to rot even under the influence of long rain.

Although there may be some inaction due to cold summer and lack of sunlight, it is not enough to wipe out all of them.

After that, I continued to explain to the officials, but when he returned to the shogunate, the Inari God's proposal was put on the agenda, and in the future, it was decided to establish a disaster support system that was obvious.

This will be accompanied by rehabilitation work on streets throughout the country, food aid, and the dispatch of militias to cook and maintain law and order, which will enhance the confidence of the Edo Shogunate and faith in Inari gods.

However, in this case, I was working behind the scenes without appearing in the front, and I didn't notice such a wash.