Inari wants to live in peace

Episode 30 Shiro Amakusa (3) Shimabara Domain

In the early summer of Kanagawa 14, I arrived at the port of the Shimabara clan.

There was a lot on the way, but it was really good to be there without an accident.

It's only natural that people should be warmly welcomed everywhere, and I've been invited many times to take a little sightseeing.

Personally, it's a pretty attractive proposition.

Still, it is essential to see if the rumored Son of God is real.

I smiled vaguely and politely declined.

As a result, it became apparent that only the cabin could rest slowly.

Regardless, I set foot on the land of the Shimabara clan, the destination of my journey.

Following me like that, the wolves of my family disembarked in a line of manners.

When a wolf is by his side, he finds out in one shot when he travels with nostalgia.

So if you don't mention that you're going sightseeing like this, you won't be able to take him on a grand walk.

I looked at Katsuya Matsukura, a famous member of the Shimabara clan, as others descended from the ship.

The samurai are all at the port's docks, and you can say they're ready to greet you.

And his representative stepped forward and bowed his head politely.

"Welcome to the Shimabara clan, Inari God."

"Mr. Matsukura, thank you for welcoming me.However, I came to the Shimabara clan for sightseeing.

If you're too scared, you're nervous and can't enjoy it, so you can relax even more. "

That's what I told you even in the first place, and the reason for the appearance is not a lie.

In fact, I will enjoy sightseeing in the Shimabara clan after I have identified the Son of God with this eye.

Until I got here, the only thing I could calm down was the cabin, which was boring.

So at some point, I began to focus more on fully extending the feather, but in a sense, that was helpless.

"Haha, that helps."

Without realizing my true feelings, Mr. Matsukura continued to talk with a slightly broken expression.

"Well, it's bad to keep you waiting, and I'll have my men show you around the Shimabara clan.

Naturally, I'm smart, but I don't think I need a large number of people. "

Matsukura-san looked behind me, and the skilled guards beside him nodded at once.

Looking at it and shrugging his shoulders, he called out to the still young samurai, who next appeared to be the guide.

"I was told that I was going to guide you. Thank you very much."

Since I am the supreme ruler of Japan, it is perfectly natural that normal sightseeing should be assigned to someone who is of high status or has a proven identity.

So this person may be in a position close to the top minister, but I am more expensive in terms of status, so I am just reluctant to lose.

Speak with dignity to the guide who bows respectfully.

"I'm sorry for the haste, are you sure?"

"I don't mind."

It is also difficult to discard eating and walking the specialty dishes of the Shimabara clan, but it is still important to fulfill the original purpose.

That's why I told him where I wanted to go straight away.

"Please guide me to the Son of the Rumor God."

The air in the field froze in an instant.

I was intrigued by the Son of God when the Shimabara clan found out, but I did not dare to touch him with implicit consent.

But he didn't think I'd be raided from the front.

The escorts and caretakers of the Edo Shogunate are familiar and have not moved at all.

Incidentally, I've been feeling nostalgic about this reaction for a long time.

The guide, who recovered from rigidity as soon as possible, is afraid to call out to us.

Ah, are you the Son of God?

"Isn't the Shimabara clan the source of the rumors and the information?"

"Yeah, sure. The rumors are coming from us."

The guiding person wasn't the only one who was reluctant to respond to my remarks.The same goes for the great names and ministers.

When I look at it, I feel like it was a snake, but all I have in my dictionary is a straight match.

So, as usual, I was allowed to go straight ahead.

"Is there something I can't tell you?"

"No! Eh! Never!"

In response to the frustration of the guide, I found that the disturbing air spreads to the family, but I am the Inari God (False).

It is almost impossible to lie or hide before such a high-ranking existence, unless there is much evil in it.

There may be others, if they believe in atheists and other religions.

But most of Japan today is dyed in fox color.

Shinto is close to Inari, and Buddhism is greatly weakened by the burning of Mt. Hiei Enryakuji Temple.

So what you can say to me in the country is about Christianity as it is.

As I am not happy at all, I would like the Son of God to do his best as a rival horse.

That's why I went all the way to the Shimabara clan.

Mr. Matsukura is not a Christian, so naturally he seems to answer honestly, so he only thanked himself for his position now.

In the harbor, there were many other eyes besides ours.

Mr. Matsukura whispered that what we were going to talk about was the shame of the Shimabara clan.

So I decided to talk about the tension in a serious atmosphere between the people who invited us to Shimabara Castle.

As an outsider, I feel comfortable, but since I expose the local shame, I can't be calm to them.

Apart from that, as I did at Hojo-san's castle in the past, it was not a five-step pile of cushions, but a short time ago, so I was lucky to just sit in a cushion with a luxurious specification.

In addition, other clans also have a seating area dedicated to Inari gods, and they are very welcome, but clearly, I didn't want to know such information.

Thoughts strayed from the horizon, but I returned my consciousness to reality, and Matsukura-san began to explain gravely as the family of ministers set foot together during the gaze.

In the meantime, make your fox ears clear and listen seriously.

"First, the man who talks about the Son of God is named Amakusa Shiro."

Doesn't it have a real name?

In the first place, I also call myself Inari God, and now that I remember my old name, I don't bother to name it, so it doesn't matter.

So I asked the most important question directly.

"Is Shiro Amakusa the Son of God or not?I'm curious about you. "

"Oh, that's it! We're investigating now!"

In other words, you don't know anything at the moment.

However, like Tokugawa, the Shimabara clan lord is not circulating disguised information.

Then, even in your own territory, you can feel something that might be familiar to Shiro Amakusa, who can't grasp the identity so far.

I used to live in Inari Mountain in Mikawa, and from the perspective of the surroundings, I wonder if that's what I thought.

Looking back nostalgically at the past, I wondered what was going on, and I asked Matsukura-san.

By the way, what is the shame of the Shimabara clan?

"It's hard to say ─ ─"

And I got an explanation from Mr. Matsukura, who looked serious.

To summarize briefly, despite the problems within the Shimabara clan, rather than being obstructed by the Christians and not grasping the situation at all, it is no longer an uncontrollable runaway state.

If this is known to Inari god or Edo shogunate, it is also possible that if you succeed, you will be ordered to crush the Shimabara clan, cut off the belly of the clan party, and have your neck replaced.

That's why the Shimabara clan alone was trying to solve the situation while trying to hide it from the public.

But even though the time was running out, the rumors reached Edo, far from the other domains, and the Inari gods came directly in.

She says the public is sightseeing, but it is no longer inevitable that things will become public because it is not hard to imagine that she is interested in the son of the rumored God.

Then Mr. Matsukura and the family rubbed their heads against the tatami mats that had recently been erected, not on the wooden floor.

Wherever you look, you're showing off your stunning throne.

But when I do, I feel as if I'm looking at a sinner waiting for the end of the day.

"Lord Inari, have mercy!It's on the street! "

Matsukura, who is sitting on the ground, explains whether it is an excuse or not.

In fact, the Shimabara clan was originally the domain of Haru-nobu Arima, a great Christian.

However, he struggled with Okamoto Daihachi, and there were various fights, both success and failure, and the compensation money was taken from the territory, and there were scattered eyes, but it was still better because it was a species of life.

Regardless, we cannot leave the Shimabara domain blank because of problems caused by the feudal lord forever.

It was not Mr. Matsukura who was here, but his father.

When I first came to the land, I was surprised that there were more Christians than in other territories, but that's all.

I was running a real territory without thinking anything about it.

The situation changed just before the death of such an ancestral father.

As he grew older, it became difficult to govern properly, but he built Shimabara Castle and its downtown towns, and even conducted his own local inspections.

He overestimated Ishikage and imposed excessive annuities and labor on his people.

It seems that there was also an aim to appeal to other clans for their existence by coloring Shimabara Castle all over white, but the local residents rebelled greatly against it.

Furthermore, Shiro Amakusa, the son of God, was completely pushed out to show his readiness to fight the clan lord thoroughly.

Eventually, such an ancestor passed away, and Mr. Matsukura, who had just succeeded him, tried to organize his family, which was Jesus' father, and dedicate himself to rule.

But unfortunately, it was too late.

It was the Inari god, the supreme ruler of Japan, who came there.

For the people of the Shimabara clan, it is my mood, and it is decided whether it is heaven or hell.

In my opinion, it is obvious that the ancient lords and former ministers who suffered the people as a result were bad.

But he was very famous and narrow, and even surrounded by Christians.

There must have been a desire to make the territory a little better for my son, who would carry on the trail.

However, as it stands, Matsukura and the others have been treated well, and the Shimahara clan lords and the clan of ministers have changed due to the crushing.

Long-term forced labour to atone for sins.

In the worst case scenario, the clan and the clan of ministers can all be thrown off the island, put in jail, or hungry.

If you change your head, you will be put in a circle without decay, but in the present situation, the trust between the people and the clan lord is the worst thing to say.

Therefore, the next occupier of the clan has a high chance of getting a stomach stomach stomach stomach, or if he succeeds, he will be killed by the people who caused all kinds of trouble.

Or I think it is quite likely that I will throw my work on the way and break free while crying.

Considering these circumstances, I conclude that no matter how I steer it, it is almost impossible to round things up.

And I breathed out in reality, and I didn't care about the Son of God, so I wanted to go home now.So I spilled a lot of complain inside me.