Inari wants to live in peace

Episode 36 Tokugawa Yoshijo (1) Flooding

In August of the second year of Kenpo, typhoons caused storms and storms that hit a wide area from Kanto to Kinki.

Japan is a country rich in water, and typhoons come every year.Still, such severe flooding has been rare in history.

I was lucky enough to have been in my house where the damage was being done.

And he slept in the futon, feeling a little bothered by the sound of the rain wind pounding hard on the glass window.

As I was uttering that it might be dawn soon, I heard footsteps from afar, and the unlocked entrance door was opened vigorously, and the shogun officials rushed in.

"Inari God! The water level around Edo has begun to rise dramatically!We're almost over the embankment! "

Having received such an urgent situation report, I decided this was bad and jumped out of the futon.

After wearing her usual witch clothes, the storm blew out with the momentum running down the hallway.

However, he noticed that he had left the front door and turned to the official who had overtaken him.

"Get all Edo residents up and lead them to a designated shelter now!"

In addition, it is clearly communicated that the main shrine of Inari Taisha Shrine will be the disaster response headquarters.

Officer acknowledged!As I heard back, I ran out in the middle of a heavy rain.

However, although it jumped out with momentum, it was clearly a no-plan.

Instead of running in the forest of the sanctuary where the storm is blowing along the way, we change it to a leisurely walk while thinking about what we're going to do.

"I jumped out without being there, whether standing or not.What's the right thing to do? "

With trees shaking and windbreaks constantly sounding, it is almost certain that typhoons or tropical depressures are now affecting us.

"When it comes to animations and cartoons, it's a big win to offset the typhoon.

But it's not realistic. "

Whatever Fox's daughter's mysterious power, she's unlikely to be able to fight a typhoon against a boulder.

I feel like I've heard somewhere that a nuclear bomb needs millions or tens of millions of dollars of energy to do that.

In addition, there is no weather satellite, so it is unclear where the typhoon is located.

In other words, it is virtually impossible to extinguish the typhoon and plan a grand victory.

For some reason, every time a volcano erupts, the performance is very different from the performance of opening a small gap in the clouds in the sky that are routinely held.

After all, I think we should evacuate without difficulty.

It is about five o'clock at dawn, so the residents of Edo should get up soon.

Until now, water treatment work has been carried out carefully, and soil or concrete embankments have been well built in dangerous areas.

But things are never going to happen, so under the effects of these typhoons, it is quite likely that they will break beyond the boundaries of the waters.

Even with the bureaucrats rushing to report, it is now certain that the town of Edo will be damaged by the flood.

"I can't beat natural disasters, and I think it's better to live with them than to intercept them."

He mourns his lack of power and exhales a great deal in the event of an emergency, but as the supreme ruler of the Japanese people, he does not look pathetic.

The precarious situation made me laugh invincibly and decided to stand firm.

Having reached the exit of the sanctuary forest, I find the gatekeeper waiting under the rain roof of the sanctuary guard station.

Then say hello lightly to him and have him pass through with a face pass.

The guards wearing cloak-like rain wings close to modern times looked surprised by my visit.

Early morning jogging will be discontinued due to bad weather, so did you think it would be a day off?

Anyway, it passed the security post and headed straight for the back entrance of Inari Taisha's main shrine.

Anyway, it's a waste of time, so take off the waste and go up in a wet place, and have the caretakers rush up and down the hallway wipe it cleverly while walking.

"The basic policy has already been communicated, but the main shrine of Inari Taisha Shrine will be the disaster response headquarters.

So be vigilant until the damage settles down. "

Officials from the Edo Shogunate will come and set up a disaster headquarters at the main palace.

Inari Taisha staff will rent a place to sleep and take care of their surroundings so that they can fully move.

For the time being, Inari Taisha Shrine will accept evacuees and prepare them for cooking.

By the way, I haven't eaten anything since I jumped out at dawn.

But for the time being, as the supreme ruler of Japan, I sat in a cushion laid on a tall tatami mat between my eyes.

Then the enthusiastic caretakers and witches moved around busily and set up a collapsible shabudai in front of me.

Add warmer green tea immediately and serve.

After I thanked him, he thanked me.

Afterwards, they served rice balls wrapped with seaweed, a warm miso soup in a bowl, and two other slices of pork loin.

Thank you very much for your kindness, and hold the rice balls together and carry them to your mouth.

Since I have a small body shape, my stomach will swell up enough just for this.

(Sometimes simple Japanese dishes like this may be good.)

While chewing with a little mouth, think that it doesn't matter.

Basically, I cook my meal myself or have it cooked by a professional cook at work.

Because I didn't have the opportunity to eat onigiri, it's quite fresh and good.

However, I was hoping that the Disaster Response Headquarters could be dissolved as soon as possible, as the evacuation life might get boring for a long time.

As I cheeked the rice balls in the sea, Mr. Yoshizono Tokugawa and other officials entered the inn one after the other while watching Inari Taisha Shrine.

So for the time being, I swallow up what's in my mouth, and then I call out to them who have interpreted promptly.

"I can't fight when I'm hungry.If you don't have breakfast, Inari Taisha will prepare it for you. "

"Thank you. Now please eat for the number of people."

Yoshizo Tokugawa asked the caretaker who was waiting nearby.

She greeted her and thought that she would prepare breakfast, and barely opened her mouth on the spot.

"Rice balls include sea salmon, scallops, salmon, kelp, dried plums, and salt.Can I help you? "

"Hmm, can you choose the flavor?... I'm lost. "

I didn't know there were so many types of rice balls.

I was put out without being asked, but I wondered what this was, so I asked while tilting my neck.

"Why did you leave the sea without asking me anything?"

Then the modern caregiver bows his head respectfully and explains while apologizing.

"I'm sorry. I was wondering if Inari God would choose the sea.

Therefore, I wanted to fill up my hunger and see my smile as soon as possible, and I ran first ─ ─ "

If they say so, I won't be able to say anything.

Among the rice balls that had certainly not been eaten for a long time, I had chosen the sea to sacrifice after being asked and thinking.

By the way, it is in Japanese, but it goes without saying that the original ingredients are Seachin.

It is still far from being fully reproduced, and it is difficult to say that storage methods have been established.

But in the meantime, I was able to make the point.

And I look like a little girl, but the mental age of the contents is fixed, so it's not as far apart as I said.

Thanks to this, it was quite possible to choose the sea salmon, which is particularly well received by the younger generation.

That was good, but I discovered that the caregivers were carefully researching my preferences.

Even though it's for Inari God, I don't know how far he knows, and somehow I feel scared.

Still, I can't get upset and speak in utter calm.

"No, thank you for your prompt response"

"Thank you for your compliments. It's the ultimate pleasure."

Not only are you the caretakers who are waiting for you while watching, but also the nearby guards have lowered their heads, so you are alone inside.

Driven by the urge to escape reality, I just feel depressed when I think.

Therefore, I put it on the shelf and proceeded.

Other miso soups I ate were white, but because of the combination of red and rice, I felt an unknown fear from the believers who wiped out their faith.

Regarding the disaster, Edo's downtown town was heavily damaged by flooding.

Fortunately, however, the quick evacuation was successful, and the human damage was minor.

However, strong rain winds do not end with primary damage alone, and secondary damage must also be considered.

The next day, when I discovered the night in the shelter, the water level gradually began to drop, but I still didn't relax.

As a result, most of the downtown area was flooded again at night due to flooding from upstream, but no drowning occurred because they were kept in emergency shelters.

Still, the water remained submerged for about a week, and it was relieved that the water finally began to drain. In the meantime, the storm hit Edo again, and the water level rose, and the bee was no longer on the crying side.

In this case, the people vigorously lifted me, who ordered me to wait for the shelter until the water pulled out.

Though it is a species of life, it has been scattered nationwide by flooding, so people in difficult circumstances want a base of mind.

That's why I only accepted it spontaneously for now, and turned a large pot for cooking while touring the affected area.

And the people of all over Japan came together and shouted out loud in an attempt to overcome adversity.