Inari wants to live in peace

Episode 54: Alliance Lord (1) Joins the Fight

Lavlenchi Beria

The Soviet Union placed Poland under its control.

I have prepared a reason for declaring war, so it will be enough to say that we started the war.

And as I and the military predicted, the European countries have formed a temporary alliance to fight against our country.

It is kind of you to give me an excuse to attack.

Agents are already spreading the seeds of communism to countries in Europe such as the UK, Germany and Italy.

As the Soviets invade, they will rebel.

In fact, there was widespread chaos on the Asian continent, with Communist forces taking control of the army and a chain of popular independence movements everywhere.

The final goal is Japan's invasion operation, so we can say it's going well.

However, although it should definitely work because it has a certain effect, it was not effective in Europe alone.

On the contrary, communism has been painted fox and the operatives who infiltrated have been captured.

What's going on?As I looked into it, it seems that mummification becomes mummification, and the investigation is not proceeding as I think.

Not only Stalin and the government, but also members of the military, were in Moscow's military headquarters.

Of course, I also attend the meeting and sit in the chair with my usual slender face.

What's going on with the invasion?

Comrade Stalin, sitting in his deepest seat, stared at the map of the world spreading over a large desk with a sinister face.

Ask the military officials.

"Ha! Comrade Stalin! The invasion is going well!

My Soviet Federation is a league victory!Destroying the capitalism of the Asian continent ─ ─ "

Sooner or later, if we collided, the Soviet Union would have stepped in favor of the war, so the military was initially on the lookout.

In fact, the Asian continent was dying red smoothly, so everyone was confident of victory.

Therefore, I understand the feeling of exhilaration and reporting on the status of the war.

But unfortunately, Comrade Stalin's expression never cleared up.

So, what about the European army?

"Eh!? Oh... that's it!"

Suddenly the number of mouths decreased.

In addition, he turns his attention to other comrades, as the army officials, who have spoken energetically until now, have asked for help.

Then everyone, including me, will be in line, and their faces will be turned away openly.

The exchange took only a few seconds in time, but he was sweating cold.

Then he exhaled his breath, staring straight at Comrade Stalin, and said nervously.

"The European Union is fiercely resistant to coalition forces, but the Soviet Union outperforms the military and military forces!

So if you'll just give me a moment ─ ─ "

The Soviet Union possesses vast territory and many resources.

Although densely populated areas are limited, they are more powerful than any other country in Europe.

Fighting decently is a tough victory, but a riot with an internal workmanship will make it a tougher benchmark.

Unfortunately, that was not the case.

Because when I came here, there was a big freak going on.

"So if you take the time, you can beat Little Princess?"

Comrade Stalin intimidates the army and utters angry words.

"Oh, that's it!... that's it!"

Those who were asking questions gradually became less vocal and hardly heard in the second half.

But I can't say I can't beat Little Princess.

That's why the military representative takes a deep breath and shouts.

"It is true that Japan intervened in the war unexpectedly, and it is true that Japan is at a disadvantage in Europe!

But! The Soviets will surely win! "

That said, the military representative moves the tokens on the world map spread out on the large desk in the operation room in turn.

After placing this token at sea in the Far East island country, I breathed and started explaining.

"First of all, there's no doubt that Japan and Australia are the most vigilant."

The United States should also be vigilant, but in terms of priorities, it would be lower than Japan and Australia.

It is a threat, but it is still easier to give than the successful work of communism.

"In both countries, the basic defence is self-defense.

So the soldiers sent to Europe are a thousand... no, about 2,000. "

Although we have become allies of Allied nations, we are adjacent to the Soviet Federation, so we need to allocate more power to our defenses.

There is also East Asia, where republicanism is spreading and chaotic, and tensions between Japan and its neighbors continue to rise.

"Japan has military power, but it's just a small island country."

No matter how military or technical it may be, it is no less powerful than the Soviet Union, which has vast territory.

By placing a Soviet fleet along the border and continuing to intimidate them, we will allocate more power to our defenses and weaken the European side.

"So we know the total power that island nations can mobilize for war.

Australia will also send an army ─ ─ "

Having followed the same path as Japan, Australia followed Little Princess.His country will naturally join us, but your defense is based on it.

As for the military, the militias of the two countries have hardly moved at present.

Even when they join the European front, they argue that it would not pose a significant threat if it were thousands.

"The Little Princess actually needs to be guarded, so the number of people on the front is even smaller.

For these reasons, our enemies will be almost every country in Europe. "

I told him so clearly.

Indeed, when I heard that Japan would intervene, my liver was cold, and in reality the morale of the European Union was rising, forcing me to struggle.

"Even with America, we can never be optimistic.

But his country is so rich and so ethnically diverse that it is easy to spread communism, and it will collapse from within. "

Japan and Australia are almost out of force in the European Union.

But America remains.

Although a country with strong military power, it has a weakness as a multi-ethnic country with a sharp gap between rich and poor.

Thanks to this, communism is easy to spread, and in fact, results have been achieved.

Anyway, if we can buy time, we can break down America's capitalist economy and cause civil unrest.

"Besides, the European Union is by no means a single rock, even if it forms an alliance.

Over time, this will become more distorted, and eventually it will be just a crowd of ravens. "

Even if it was the Soviet defeat at at first, if the damage to each country increases, it is different.

Everyone starts to prioritize their country's interests, and if they succeed, they start pulling each other's feet.

If that happens, the Soviet Union will no longer believe in it.

We can destroy the alliance from within, or we can siege and annihilate the isolated forces without rescue.

"In addition, communism continues to spread across the Asian continent.

Soon, it will also be difficult to maintain European combat power. "

The European countries have many colonies on the Asian continent, so we need to send a force to keep you there.

The military representative exhaled a great deal as to whether the explanation had been completed.

The Soviet Union seemed to be at a disadvantage, but I could understand that it would not be defeated.

Stalin was also thinking with a serious face, but she nodded little to see if she was convinced.

Then put it down and speak with dignity.

"Yes, the victory of the Soviet Union is unshakeable.Thank you, comrades. "

Me and him are close enough to be best friends, but honestly, if we succeed this time, we could be cleared.

Still, the military representatives managed to avoid it by devising a maneuverable operation.

(If it is solemn, I will not do it alone.

Most of the people here may have had an unfortunate accident tomorrow)

Anyway, I escaped the difficulty, so I sat in the chair in the conference room and exhaled in my heart.

But by now, most of Europe would have been stained with communism, but with Little Princess raising his high waist, things would change suddenly, as if the mountains had moved.

I didn't expect her to come aboard.

This can no longer be described as a more troubling situation than the United States entering the war with its full backs.

(You are still scary. That's why it is difficult to yield, but this time the liver is cold on the boulder.)

Originally, Little Princess had read that he would stay in his country and defend himself.But the prediction was off track.

Fortunately, now that the command was transferred from my hand to the military, it became a good hideout in the meeting room.

But I don't know what happens next.

But since the war has already begun, there is nothing more we can do.

The Soviet Federation will win or perish.

Muddy World War was never over until it came to fruition.