It's all one flower.

1626. Hunting pagans

The sound of the door opening was accompanied by a high metal sound.

"Ah, hey, hey!

"We are the Nemus Liberation Army. I've received information that terrorists are hiding behind star markers."

A familiar voice comes closer and closer to the cafeteria with a few footsteps.

The owner of the pavilion denies everything, but the sound of the shoes does not stop.

A group of green hair with [armor] hardened appeared in the cafeteria.

"Ah, uh... Sal Gaz... ah, um... here..."

"Lefrartz, remember now. I'm Sal Ul."

I finally called out, but one of the twins gave me an unpleasant glimpse. With his chest, the magical warrior's badge (today) shines cold.

The reflators slipped off the chair and knelt down, staring at the floor and trembling.

"Leave me alone with this bastard who kills no one without power."

A voice of contempt poured over his head, like a [curse rope], stopped the boy's movement.

Take this.

A voice I didn't know coincided with the sound of several hard objects rolling onto the table.

Several shoe sounds run up the stairs. It seems that the owner of the inn protested, but I don't understand the contents at all due to the trouble.

"All right, give me back my crystal."

When he raised his fearful face, he saw the students of the land people who remained in the cafeteria return the Magic Crystal on their palms to the soldiers of the Nemus Liberation Army. Light is sucked into small leather bags that soldiers hold with their mouths wide open.

"Just in case, please."

Sal Ur, one of the rulers of his hometown, lightly pushes the back of the innkeeper. The boss picked up a small [crystal], but his hands trembled and fell off the table.

Soldiers pick up a fall in front of the reflators.

Sal Ulu cast a spell that Lefrartz didn't know and put his hand on the shoulder of the boss.

"Ask a question. Who lives in this house, who lives in this room now? Answer them all."

"No, it's not... my mouth! Your mouth is on its own!

"Oh, don't be offended. To save time, I used Force .

Sal Ur smiles intimately and interrogates the bloody boss.

"Ask a question. Who else lives in this house?"

"There's another wife and boarder."

The lord pressed his mouth with both hands, but the soldiers strangled him with wings.

"Ask a question. Answer me, is your wife a powerless people?"

"No, it's not."

"Ask a question. Answer me, is your lodger not here now a powerless people?"

"Yes, a powerless people."

Unnatural questions like Hunan translations in foreign language textbooks persist.

His face distorted in anguish, but Saru's smile did not collapse at all. The footsteps that run down the stairs slow down the owner of the pavilion.

"Don't be afraid. Both Kilcrusts and terrorists falsify their faith. Even close people live in peace and deceit. I will not blame the people of the deceived lake, or the people of the mighty land, like Sal Gaz. Ning, I feel sorry for the betrayed victim."

Monkey Ulu's cat caressed smoothly. The boss is pale and is about to collapse.

"Ask a question. Answer me where the lodgers of your powerless people are now."

"I don't know."

The tension of the boss eased somewhat.

He was at the front door and didn't see where his wife took the students.

What you really do not know cannot be made to confess even if you use [forced] techniques.

Green-haired soldiers approached Captain Sal Ulu and bowed out a bunch of paper.

"I have seized the letter. At the end is a Kilcrustic word of prayer."

Sal Ur, the leader of the unit, took the top piece with his hand on the shoulder of the boss and let him run.

"Find it. Remember to search the back of the ceiling, the basement, and the outside storage."

Ask the other men to look around the boarding house.

"Children cannot choose their parents. If you find it, don't kill it until you've confirmed your faith."

Multiple footsteps were distant, and three soldiers remained in the cafeteria, one using the techniques of Sal Ulu and Search Enemy , and the other using the Lord of the Pavilion as a feather.

"Refraz, don't pretend to grieve your mother by sheltering the powerless people."

My mouth is dry and I can't make a sound.

Sal Ur smiled at her nose as she saw her lips tremble slightly.

"Terrorists pretend to be good neighbors and approach wizards. As a friend, we enter our pockets, extract information, and take our feet to the temple to watch terror."

The voice of the ruler falls over the immobile reflators.

"It's Lefrartz, you know? Half a century of civil unrest, powerless saint fanatics shot at the temple. Women, children, the elderly, the sick, the injured. Every weak man came forward, threw a poison gas weapon into the sanctuary where he sought refuge, and even killed them all."

My mouth was half-open for the first time to hear a horrible story, but I didn't hear a voice.

"In the temple, one of the branches of the Lacus Nenea family was rescuing the weak with the whole family, but died with the foliage. One of the cursers who survived in the branch was working elsewhere."

Only the voice of Monkey Ulu echoes in the quiet cafeteria.

You know what I mean? Refraz. Kilcrusians call magic the unclean power, treat the people of our lake and the powerful land as monsters, and mercilessly kill babies who shouldn't have the power to fight. "

Waiting for the words to break, the [SEARCH] soldier in charge called out.

"I was there. It's the basement."

Call back those who are out there searching.

Soldiers ran on brief orders, and within three minutes multiple footsteps ran into the back of the hallway.

Students of the powerless left their hometown of Guiazzint, disgusted by the parents of the Kilcrusts, and went to university in the capital, Cravel - Lefratz prayed for that possibility.

First, she was brought in and seated in a chair.

One of the soldiers chants [exercise water] and cooks the herbal tea on the table. With a clean scent, the mind trapped in fear was somewhat relieved.

Students of the powerless are as white as paper.

Sal Ur takes his hand off the shoulders of the lord of the pavilion and [forces] the students of the powerless people. He grabbed the student's shoulder with one hand and called his name with the other.

"Ask a question. Are you a Kilcrust? Answer me."

"Yes, I'm a Kilcrust."

Students breathe.

"Take him."

I threw it into the filth. Soldiers drag students who have lost consciousness in the middle of the day.

Sal Ur turned to the boss and smiled.

"Don't worry. Unlike Sar Gaz, I will not stain your home with heathen blood. I will execute you where you deserve it."

A hidden Kilcrust hunting unit led by Sal Ulu left, and a siren announcing the end of armistice hours in the morning rang, but nobody could move.