It's all one flower.

1632. Thick grass harvesting

"Why so many more? Is there a craftsman in this village?

The funeral parlor's old man put the report in the next wooden box next to Morph.

There are only five craftsmanship baskets that Morph and Medvede's old man have been working on since. Soon the ingredients will be gone.

"I was there, but just before the coup d 'état, I was taken to Cravel by Monkey Ur, and I'm not coming back."

Zappers' older brother turned to the funeral parlor with the same green hair in his troubled face. The badge hanging from your brother's neck is the same [flying hawk (taka)] as Nemoraris Guerrilla's weapon craftsman on Lanterna Island today.

"My father and I are forest hunters, but my brother in the middle is in the field." The harvest basket is damaged, but the craftsman is not coming back. "

Next to my brother, a high school student with glasses, Zappers, nods with a nod.

The funeral parlor's old man jokes about it.

"Are you going to use a hundred in your little brother's field?

"There are no individual villagers' fields, but they are all managed by the Lacus Nenea family in this area."

"Hmm... all of this?

Morph's voice turned upside down unexpectedly. I looked around, but the school walls and house were in the way, and I couldn't even see outside the village. The field that passed along the road was quite a distance from the truck.

"That's right. I work with everyone in the village, but the craftsmen have been away for over a year, so I didn't get any scratches."

"Can't you ask another village?

"Due to import delays, just making alternatives for your village everywhere....."

"I'll try my best with my brother. Can't you just ask for the main unit?

"Of course (of course), I will pay for it properly."

"... that's it. What are we gonna do?

The funeral parlor's old man looks back.

Medvede, who returned to me, asked Morph.

"Boy, do your best?

"I don't know how long you'll be here, but with 50 or 100, what are the ingredients?

Morph counted the unused grass. There are only four of them, and even the third one I'm making is a little short of a handle.

"Let's raise it in the woods. I'll come with you."

My brother seems to be strong. Medvede sent one of the finished baskets to my brother. It's just two pumpkins to fill it up.

"I thought this was a shopping cage, but is this the size for harvesting vegetables?

"It would be more helpful if it were bigger."

"I'll take what's in my pocket."

Zappers ran away without waiting for a reply.

Aniki walks away and speaks to himself.

"It's good to be home safely, but I spent the whole day in my home and barely spoke to you."

It was as if Morph had listened this morning, and it didn't look like that at all.

"After listening to you, I suddenly felt better....."

"The mobile broadcasters were in the city after the coup, with the exception of two others who joined later. There have been witnesses and those who have been involved in the terrorism of the star marker."

Radio's grandmother George said quietly, Zappers' older brother nodded and looked around. Outside the simplified tent, the children also look amazing.

"Perhaps the people who know the same suffering have sorted out their feelings."

My strong brother thanked me many times with a crying face.

Zappers brought a cage the size of a gymnastically seated elementary school student. The part with a wide leather strap for carrying was sticky, and I felt like I could cut myself a thousand times when I put heavy objects in next.

"Oh, I don't want the vines to fit this one too thick."

"I will guide you to the colony."

Medvede said, the hunter's older brother said comfortably.

"I'll come with you."

"You don't have to do this.

"It's okay."

Zappers answered with a smile and the funeral home's old man slapped his shoulder.

Well, shall I take my luggage?

Morph and Medvede have no reason to say no. The five left the village with them.

Immediately after leaving the village gate, the two locals joined hands with the Morphs to [leap].

I jumped a little in the woods.

Pieces of stump stretch out small branches. The surrounding trees are wrapped in thick vines, with pale blue flowers hanging like grape bunches.

"Are you sure it's this thick?

Aniki takes off his belt and asks.

The surface of the thick vine resembled the wooden skin, touching it hard, but pulling it curved well.

Medvage also nodded to see how she was doing.

"Bigger is easier to knit."

When my brother cut his roots with a hammer and Morph and Medvage took it off the tree, many large, round bees flew away.

Every time you move a vine, a small flower falls from your cell and spreads a sweet smell. The funeral parlor's old man bundled the leaves with only a shredded vine.

Zappers, who had glasses, stood up and looked elsewhere and did nothing.

... I didn't even step out of the house until yesterday, and I just got a little fucked up, so I can't work right away.

Morph was convinced by himself as he peeled a thick vine like a tree from a regular tree. Everyone works silently.

"Niisan! It's a fire bull!

The sharp voice of Zappers flew when he became sweaty.

The hunter's brother ran towards his brother pointing a spell at him. Zappers stays on the spot and speaks powerful words quickly.

Zappers finished first, and a fist-sized stone jumped out of the tree like a surprised rabbit. Several stones floated above the bushes, flying towards my brother.

In the way of the stone, there was a green beast that glowed red corners and lowered its posture.

The same kind that Captain Sornyak and the courier Fiarka took down in the forest of Lanterna Island.

Stone rubble hit the bull's nose and the corner light disappeared. Aniki's swinging cloth is wrapped in white light. In one blow, the beast's neck flew, and his torso, which raised the blood splash, collapsed quickly.

... you didn't do anything, you were watching.

Besides, I took the lead against the Magic Beast with magic.

Morph found out why Sal Gaz wanted Zappers as a force for the Nemus Liberation Army.