It's all one flower.

1636. Representative's Considerations

During Lebel's hospitalization, the military attaché, who had infiltrated the Republic of Artel on his behalf, pretended to be a free journalist and went around the scene of the raid in a queue of pay phones.

By destination, I will change the counterfeit ID card prepared in advance, and change my face with Makeup to match the identification photo.

The Magic Armor Rubel is an impossible trick.

Second Lieutenant Razootchik also told me that beginners with large and prominent looks would not expect an investigation in the city.

The general public and police officers in the Republic of Artel have no means of discerning [makeup] or breaking the magic.

Magic Armor Rubel was given a necklace of [makeup] by Second Lieutenant Razootchik when he infiltrated the Rufus Light Ruins Church. However, the survey conducted throughout the city did not have the idea that it was necessary.

The military attaché identified the public telephone on which the incident occurred, based on a slight description of the newspaper article and a disaster prevention map appearing on the back page of the bureau's newspaper.

... how do you know that?

There was a note that made the beginner's question obvious.

Due to the large number of households without telephones in the Republic of Nemoraris, public telephones are placed where they arrive, such as in stores and on the streets.

In the Republic of Artel, the need for public telephony is low because each individual has a mobile phone or tablet device. It is an alternative to forgetting the charger or an emergency such as a disaster.

In the event of a line congestion due to a disaster, etc., public telephones are connected preferentially over ordinary lines in homes or offices.

In Artel Republic, public telephony is not a common means of communication, but a type of disaster prevention equipment.

For this reason, priority is given to public facilities that serve as disaster prevention bases, schools designated as shelters, cultural facilities and gymnasiums, and the location of public telephones is posted on disaster prevention maps.

For the first time, Rubel was stunned by the perspectives presented.

Exhale and look back.

The room given to the base in Topoly is a slaughterful landscape, with a simple bedding and no furniture other than this writing desk. All personal belongings are under the beds.

A half-sized rehab towel given to him by a physiotherapist, "Let's do some flexible gymnastics."

I switched the rehabilitation rubber ball to my right hand and rubbed it in my palm. Fufufu, the soft feeling is less reliable than the magic cannon. If you let go of your hand, you will soon lose your plump feeling.

I missed a warm lump of darkness.

The Magic Armor Rubel still has a lot of trouble with everyday operation.

Even light, flexible gymnastics can help you breathe on the way.

A full-blown muscle tread was forbidden, but it could not be done without being told. In today's physical condition, flexible gymnastics is also a problem. While restoring the grip of the right hand, attach the tablet device with the left hand.

The stationed soldier, who determined the location of the pay phone, became a free journalist and asked around.

Many are paid in advance, but there are a few people at each scene who want someone to hear about their terrible experiences. While showing sympathy and labor to them, ask them about the type of beast, the circumstances in which the victim was attacked, how it was exterminated, etc. If there were any photos or videos, they were displayed on the device and taken.

... I can give and receive data.

Open the "Witness" image folder with trembling hands.

Instead of copying and sending the original, the image quality is slightly inferior due to shooting over the screen. It was obscure and small, but I was able to fully discern the type of beast and the state of the attack.

Neither the ability to act in a different profession, nor the flexible idea of obtaining evidence photographs of the time in this way, is there any match for Lebel.

The stationed soldier revisited the press based on the testimony and the data obtained and rethinked it.

According to his senses, there are three magicians who use magic tricks. One manipulates the binocular wolf and the other two manipulates the four-eyed wolf. Individuals were identified by comparison of photographs.

... you know the face of a four-eyed wolf?

Everything looks the same to Rubel.

But if one thinks that the military dog attendants are responsible for many of the same dog species and can distinguish between their individual personalities, one will know.

Rubel's true role is to be a sentry using the technique of the school. Explore distant monsters and enemy movements with Searching for enemies and hit the alert.

What you should see is type and movement. We need to be aware of it as soon as possible and accurately communicate it to the actual team.

The only information we need is the type and number of monsters and beasts, the distinction between civilian and military aircraft, and their affiliation. During combat, movement, number, and alert to new recruits are also required, but not until individual identification.

The garrison's mission seems to require a very different observation from that of Lubel.

... if I imitate it, don't fail.

Second Lieutenant Razootchik reminded me once again why I was not asked to gather information outside the Internet with Search Enemy .

Change your mind and read through the rest of the report.

The Beast killed Arthurs one after the other, waiting for the turn of the pay phone. In all cases, the victim's head and neck were eaten with a single blow, and only the legs of the escapee were chewed to pieces, and no one was eaten.

Many of the victims are company employees who contact other companies for company use.

For more than a month, school holidays were taken throughout Artel, and the general public was asked to solemnly go out. Only the minimum necessary outings, such as work, hospital visits, and grocery purchases, are allowed.

However, when it comes to the state of "being outside for a long time waiting for a pay phone order for a business call", it is obscure.

Whenever an incident is reported, an argument erupts as to where responsibility for the beast's victims lies.

Military attachés gathered information at bus stops, restaurants, supermarkets, churches, etc.

Which of the following is responsible: the Poderes regime, the place of business where the telephone was ordered, the administrator of the facility where the payphone is installed, the telephone company, the security company that failed to protect its users, etc.?

Or is it the victims themselves who quit the insane company that gave the dangerous orders and did not change to a decent company?

Perspectives differ from one position to another, and arguments are always parallel lines.

Anyone who disagrees with each other, regardless of place of business.

The three beast contractors may all be regarded as having a relationship to the extent that they can collaborate because they simultaneously carry out raids in remote locations.

Further investigation of affiliation is required.

It is likely that the Nemoraris Savage Squad, but including the Silver Scale Bugfish incident, will not eliminate the loose connection from those who personally engage in guerrilla activities.

Terrorist activities using beasts cannot have clear evidence in the Republic of Artel, which has become a country of scientific civilization.

The shrinking economic activity and the discord caused to the Arthurs can also be highly appreciated.

The day of the collapse of the Poderes regime is near.