It's all one flower.

1692. Vacancy time

Roark went to the lion shop alone.

The curse dealer, Gentius, told me to take turns for lunch today.

Roark received a letter from Queiro to the lion shop.

"You used to be called Rourke."

"Just eating dinner doesn't give me the chance to name it."

That's true. Please wait a little longer for the daily meal set. "

The waitress who handed the letter gently flipped the apron dress and quit to the kitchen.

Queiro didn't go to the spell store because Ziolito might check with the lion store.I opened it thanking my colleagues for their wise judgment.

The noise at lunch gets farther away.

When I was at Lufthan Seminary, I didn't seem to associate with Ziolito.

I regret not knowing his handwriting.

If there were [Akeshi Mikagami] or [Shiki candlestick], I know who wrote it, at least whether it was Ziolite or not, but it wasn't here.

Read the short text again and serve the envelope without the sender's name.

... eat quickly and ask the Chloénier store manager.

The Nemoralys Grieving Squad has acquired [Summon Cloth].

I plan to summon you at Spina City Third Secondary School.

Due to the late receipt of the letter, the date of the decision is approaching tomorrow.

On the day Krilo deposited the letter with the lion shop, Skinnum was sent to King's Landing.Roark was supposed to be at the store all day, but Klaus Tra arrived because of a discrepancy with Skinny.It's a call to the Mariana House in the Kingdom of Amitostigma.

"Hey, it's our shop day, right?"

"A message from Fiarka says he wants to keep in touch as the presidential election in the Republic of Artel is approaching."

The curse dealer Gentius looked reluctant, but he had no choice but to send Roark.

However, the Klaus Tra was also summoned by the courier Fiarka for emergency purposes and jumped into King Lacrimalis on the way to the debriefing session.

Roark, one of the powerless, cannot return from the summer capital of the kingdom of Amitostigma to the underground city of Lanterna.

Congressman Krapyvnik has no land survey on Lanterna Island, and even though Amiela has a land survey, she still can't use the Jump technique.

I was sorry to have waited for Amiela to grow smaller, but Klaus Tra didn't come back after closing time.

The hauler Fiarka came to pick up Rourke the following evening.

Given the travel time, by the time you reach the basement, the restaurant's opening hours will be over.As I walked to the barrier gate surrounding the summer capital, I bought a sandwich and listened as I walked.

... why would you get me into this anyway?

I heard about the situation from the courier and was angry at the unknown Ziolite.

Now that I have read the letter, I am frustrated by the mistake I did not receive on the same day.Two days were wasted getting into Rourke's hands.

A few months ago, there was a massive outbreak of silver-scale insect fish, and school suspension devices began in all schools in the mainland of the Republic of Artel.

The second round of the presidential run-off that preceded it recorded the lowest turnout ever due to the appearance of the Beast.

I don't know what I'm going to summon this time, but it's a public secondary school.

According to press reports in the Republic of Artel, the preparation of the electronic ballot was not proceeding as expected, and a paper ballot paper was mailed.If nothing happens, an early vote will begin next week.

Perhaps the aim was to disrupt the election.

Perhaps you just want to efficiently kill Arthur by simply summoning Hirasaki, etc. for a place where people gather.

... why did you warn me of the crime?

I can't read the fugitive Ziorito's mind at all.

Arthur Ziolito warns of the disruption of the presidential election and indiscriminate mass murder, and Nemorarist Rourke is distracted.

His position stroked Roark's nerves.

I took the set meal to my mouth and waited.

Chloénier, the manager of Guo Guo Guo's nest, appeared in his usual apron dress.Take a seat next to the roast you eat at the counter.

"Oh, it's unusual for you to be alone.What happened to the boy with the glasses? "

"The store manager told me to go to lunch today.Um, so I'd like to contact Mr. Fiarka right away, but can you do something about it? "

Roark quickly opened the contents of the envelope.

"What is this?"

"It's addressed to me from Ziolito. I just received what I left here."

"Should I take you to King's Landing?"

"No, I left the device with my friends yesterday to give and receive data."

Roark put it back in the envelope and put it in front of Chloénier.

The waiter comes and takes the order.He turned to Rourke in trouble.Ask for a daily meal and wait for the waiter to leave.

How's Cruello?

"I don't know what's going on today.The day before yesterday, in King's Landing, I occasionally bowled with Ziolite and deposited this letter here as requested, returning to Nemoralis Island. "

"Do you have her contact information now?"

Roark rolled his notebook.

No one's email address was recorded as a precaution when dropping it.

However, Farkil's SNS account, Traveler for the Truth, withholds the URL of his introduction page.

"Falkill, can you do something through your SNS?"

"I want you to tell me before that, but do you have any idea why you, Ziorito, taught you so much?"

"I don't know. What the hell are you doing this for?"

When Rourke held his fist, Chloénier smiled at the troubled face.

"Don't you want me to stop you?"

"Hmm?... Well, I'd like to stop it if I knew."

... even though the war won't end just because the Arthurs resent me like this.

"I only told you how to entrust a letter to a mutual acquaintance I ran into while Grandma was away and keep it at the shop where I was going."

"It's annoying to get caught up in.If you want to change your mind and stop the plan, you can tell the police anywhere. "

"Well, you want to use whatever means you can to stop it?"

"Of course."

Respond without thinking.

The mass summoning of monsters is tomorrow.There was no immediate respite.