It's all one flower.

1710. Ward reporting

In the middle of the night, an impatient voice came from the radio.

"I'll give you the news bulletin.I just got in from Spina PD. "

A group of beasts appeared at Spina Municipal Elementary School, which was turned into a shelter.

The site is highly disruptive, and the number, type, damage status, etc., cannot be grasped.

The announcer repeatedly called for lockdown and evacuation to a room without windows.

"So the school was used as a shelter to gather residents, and it became a feeding ground for beasts?"

It seems so.

"What were the Arthur Army and police doing?"

"According to the sequel, he's been preyed on."

Ensign Sikuls laughed with his nose when Magic Soldier Rubel briefly reported.

"It's a powerless people after all, even if it's a powerful technique to practice Kilcrusm and be independent."

"Residents left behind in school were rescued the next morning using helicopters, etc."

"Do you know what it is?"

"According to radio reports, a group of groundfish appeared in school gardens across the mainland of Artel."

"That's unnatural. Do you have any criminal statements, such as the Grievers?"

Lieutenant General Sikuls would have received a report from Lieutenant Razootchik earlier, but he pulled in a laugh as if he had heard it for the first time.

Lubel in his bedtime clothes keeps reporting so that he doesn't think about anything extra.

"As far as the beast is concerned, there is none at the moment."

"Was it something else?"

"We have a warning of the bombing of the primary school that triggered the evacuation.I didn't call myself Nemoralys, but from Lanista territory, I wrote to Lanista Quebec's social networking service account. "

"Was it anonymous? And then, what about Thor?"

The Magic Soldier Rubel was stuck in words.

When I look at the screen of the tablet device, I can see it at a glance, but even if someone who has no experience with the Internet and has never seen it asks for explanations, I can't answer.

... I didn't know how or how to use it.

Asked again, he was dismayed by his ignorance.

Second Lieutenant Razootchik was ordered never to write, and Rubel did not have an idea of his own.I browse to collect information, but that's all.

"Anonymous. Second Lieutenant Razootchik speculates that they may have gathered the residents in one place to prepare for a single murder, or used the writings of an entirely unrelated pleasant criminal."

"It's hard to think of it as a complete coincidence...So, what about Thor? "

"Er, um... I'm sorry about the Internet, but I didn't study."

"So how do Lannisters use it?"

Questions change and answers responsibly.

"The Lanista Kui Daily is announcing a new article."

"What's the announcement?"

"This is a link to the headline, photos, and article body.Paper newspapers take time to print and deliver, but on the internet, they can be read instantly on tablets and other devices. "

I was surprised that Rubel wasn't even answered.

The Lieutenant General nodded when he found out.

"I see. The reader sees the announcement and makes the decision to read the article."

"One is true."

Is there anything else?

"Yes, readers can spread important information and interesting articles to their acquaintances.From there, it becomes more and more widespread to acquaintances. "

"So, is it something that readers can help deliver newspapers?"

The vague thoughts were correctly translated into questions, and Rubel was impressed by the brilliance of the Nemoraris military cadre.

"Oh, I think it's something like that.And in the comment section below the announcement, you can post your thoughts on the article. "

Someone posted a bomb warning there.

"Yes, it is."

Lieutenant General Sikuls asks questions early.

"They say it's anonymous, but in Lanista's law enforcement agency, you can't break your identity?"

"According to further reports, the tablet device used for writing was stolen in Artel territory, resold in the Republic of Lanista, and stolen from the purchaser of the resale goods."

"Are the thieves still out there?"

"As of yesterday, there seems to be no clue at all."

With magical tools, you can trace them from the relics, but Artel and Lanista are civilized scientific nations dedicated to Kilcrusm.

If the killer were a wizard, it would be difficult to arrest him.

"To post, you need to register, but according to local reports, it was a pseudonym and the contact information was fictitious."

Well, I guess so.

"Apparently they only registered for bomb warnings, and there were no other posts."

"You're hiding with caution.So you don't know the original owner of the device? "

He said he was a theological student at the Rufus Seminary.

I'm sure it was a whole dorm system.

"According to the press, the restrictions on going out by the beast were irrelevant, so they were holding classes as usual until a group of groundfish appeared in the school yard."

Magic Army Rubel remembered the chapel bombing.

Theological students at the Rufus Seminary live side by side with dozens of alumni who have gone through an endless period and suffered several times as many serious and minor injuries.

Every time a classroom vacancy and chapel ruins come into sight, I don't want to see the face of a discharged alumni.

The theological students who were rescued by the emergence of earthfish and returned to their parents were finally relieved.

What are the details of the theft?

"Unknown. Detailed coverage was not available as of yesterday."

Well, by the way, how's the magic cannon?

Suddenly the conversation changed, and Rubel was puzzled.

... that's what I found out... No, I get it. I get it.

The intent of the question is unclear, but it is bad to say nothing.

"How are you? I'm doing fine."

"I see. Do you want to see him?"

Lieutenant General Sikuls loosens his cheeks.

"Yes, I think so myself, but I want to see you as much as I dreamed."

"Hmm... what kind of dream?"

When Lubel answered with a half-laugh, the Lieutenant General laughed.