It's all one flower.

1728. Help Usually

"Go home, you filthy wizards!"

"Don't worry!"

Ji-chan, shut up!

Behind the hallway, an old man strangled by his grandson sighed.My son's wife and another grandson block the old man's mouth with a handkerchief.

The middle-aged man who responded at the front door was terrified by Second Lieutenant Razootchik and Magic Army Rubel, who dressed up as a beast exterminator.

"I'm sorry. I'll tell my father a lot later, please."

The second lieutenant took the leather case out of his pocket.It's a regular bus service.When I opened the bi-fold case, I found out the identity card of the beast exterminator, not on a regular basis.

Issued in the Republic of Macaudes with registration number, photo, name, date of birth, union affiliation and expiration date on the surface.There's an address on the back, but it's all fictitious.

Rubel also presented a counterfeit license.

Mr. Volk, Mr. Epops, thank you very much.

"We wizards don't use real names, we use names.The name in the Beast extermination license is no exception.I'm sure that's a pseudonym for the Kilcrusts, and I understand how you feel about not trusting your father. "

Volk and Second Lieutenant Lazoottick smiled well and reassured the middle-aged man and his family.

"I believe it! I believe it!"

"I believe you too!"

My wife screamed from the back of the hallway.

An old man with his mouth shut stares at the magician at the front door with an incredible eye.

"This ID case and clothes have an [amulet] embroidery, and if you are as magical as us, a junior magical beast like a groundfish, as you can see, will not come near at all."

"Wow, even if we give it away, it's impossible, right?"

"Unfortunately, you can't.Please be careful not to be deceived by bad dealers. "

"Yes! Thank you for your advice."

Second Lieutenant Razootchik holds his ID card and two handheld watches in his pocket.

"In Machodes, there are the same things like cobblestones in buildings and sidewalks, and they're always protected, but I'm surprised Artel didn't find them at all."

The family looked around the house with crying eyes.

Of course (of course), there is no such thing in the Kilcrusians' house, and where it exists, it does not activate due to lack of magic in the only family of powerless people.

I thought it would be better for Rubel to say something, so I opened my mouth.

"Do you know what kind of beast earthfish are?"

"Yes, because I've said it on the radio many times."

"It's a carnivorous fish swimming in the dirt, and it's hard to beat because it dives right away!"

When the middle-aged man answered with a trembling voice, the boy holding his grandfather's mouth shouted.

"That's right, and to swim and move the soil beneath the asphalt, even if we just get rid of it, we'll soon have a rookie."

Well, what should I do?

"I can't even go shopping, I've only been drinking water since yesterday."

Epopus, the magic armor Rubel said in a calm voice, the couple ate in desperate shape.

"Hmm? I don't know about stocking up...."

"The Lacrimalis lake blockade made it thin, everything went up, and it was just a little bit."

This is a bit chipped, but would you like to eat it?

"Thank you."

The couple thanked Lubel for the rest of the hard bread he had used to feed him, and his wife ran to the front door.Receive the pack while thanking you many times and rush back to the back of the hallway to divide it in half and give it to the two sons.

"Where's your mother?"

"I'll buy and eat later, so eat first.It's hard, so Grandpa won't be able to do it. "

The liberated old man vomited ill and left his family.

"We recommend moving to a property that doesn't have dirt floors.First, we'll make sure you have a safe passage.Please pack your bags. "

According to the second lieutenant, the wife opened the door of the room and pulled out the inflated backpack.

"I packed it so that the army could come and help me whenever I wanted."

So, do you know where to find shelter?

"The radio said the bureau had secured the hotel."

"Well, that's a quick story.Can I borrow an umbrella or something sticky? "

The middle-aged man gives the second lieutenant a man's umbrella.

The second lieutenant dragged an umbrella into the yard soil and drew a circle surrounding the cobblestones.It also passed over a cobblestone connecting the gate to the entrance, but the umbrella could not draw a line.

"The Ring of Heaven is full of stars

Round the interior of the circle to the hedge of the stars

Everyone who doesn't call in the hedge, leave.

Ten Million Insecticides and Miscellaneous Demon Retreat

Insider Tatehira, be quiet and be quiet. "

The [Simple Boundary] was completed as the Kilcrusians watched in horror.

Return the umbrella and Second Lieutenant Razootchik will explain politely.

"Can you see the white light in the circle?"

"Ha, yes, um, what is this...?"

"It is a technique called [simple boundary] that temporarily protects itself.Monsters and beasts cannot enter the circle, even in the ground, while there is light. "

Well then, in the meantime...

"You'll never get through that!"

A man with a bright face turned momentum with an old man's voice.

"Dad, this isn't the time for that!"

"Well, I heard from a colleague of mine that he had a heart attack when he tried to force an elderly person out, so don't worry about it."

The Second Lieutenant even said it, but Lubel is new.

"But the military rescue helicopters are too busy to turn around."

"For us, it's a bit like treading on your father's faith....."

"Um, well, I'll pay you an extra fee, so will you keep us safe while you go to the bank and do your shopping and leave your food behind?Even so, he's my father to me. "


When the second lieutenant agreed, the wife carrying the backpack called out to the old man.

"I'll be right back!"

The old man doesn't say anything just by making a shiba.

Lt. Razootchik's intention was to help them get information such as a shelter.

... but we seem like normal good people.

Much easier than pretending to be a bad guy.

A middle-aged man received his jacket and luggage from his wife and stepped out the front door.