It's all one flower.

1731. Independent recording

Normally, it was difficult to do anything, and I was unable to visit refugee camps or hear requests.

Congressman Raquel is quite old for a lifelong race.

Born half a century before the civil unrest, he ran through an era of unrest and laid the foundations of the Listver Autonomous Region.There are many things that didn't boil well, but don't give up and keep building a path for backwards.

It's no wonder I was summoned to heaven, but my spine grew only when I got my favorite harp.

Jerny, a young engineer at the Nemoralys Construction Industry Association, finishes adjusting the video camera and sends a signal.

Senator Raquel's modest fingers move smoothly, spinning deep soft tones.The sound of strings echoed in the spacious white-walled room, with a subtle aftertaste.

The three people in charge of recording kill their breath and fall in love with the skillful technique of over 90 years of age.

The song is "The Choral Medley for the Gods' Holidays" and has more than 30 minutes to play.

When I was young, I belonged to the Lacus Lacrimalis Symphony Orchestra, and I was able to play more than two hours of grand music and more than six hours of opera, but it has become difficult to play this song now.

Congressman Raquel was supported by his reticence as a violinist when he was called Halpator.

The gods' holidays were festivals of the old Lacus Lacrimalis kingdom before Senator Raquel was born.

The hymns praising the saints and saints of Kilcrusm and the gods of Fraxinus are bound together in one song, and on the holidays of the gods, all the people, regardless of their individual beliefs, play and sing this one song.

The formal arrangement conveyed to the score is orchestra, but in the actual festival, it was played with pleasure and thoughts with the person's good instrument.

All the people recognize one another's faith, and play one song together.

It may have been thanks to this festival that, in the days of the former Lacus Lacrimalis kingdom, Kilcrusm did not have a conflict for centuries.

Video shooting and recording is not only for Jerny, but also for Farkille Boy and the courier Fiarka, with the tablet device attached to the tripod.

Jerny in front uses three cameras to capture the body, hands, and upper body of a violinist.The Farkille boy is diagonally in front of the right, and the courier Fiarka is diagonally in front of the left, shooting from different angles.

With insurance when recording fails, it is said to connect five videos to one at a later date.

Congressman Raquel himself is worried about when he won't be able to play.

This recording says that we are preparing a thank you video for the successful planting of potatoes in the refugee camp.

The Patens Temple Faithful Association procured seed potatoes, and the planting work was done by the refugees themselves.The gathered seed potatoes accounted for about three tons throughout the refugee camp.It wasn't enough at all, but rejection led to a willingness to colonize from here.

There are also a large number of musicians in refugee camps, both amateurs and outsiders.But many of them couldn't bring out their instruments.

Buzzers who participated in the Kingdom of Amitostigma have received instruments from other shop openers on several occasions.

The most common are the custard net and the triangle.Next is the lap-sized toy piano and xylophone.Mass production instruments such as ocarina, flutes, and harmonica were also acquired.Few, but there are irons, classical guitars, accordions, and keyboard harmonica.

It was sequentially delivered to refugee camp performers from the ones that had been cleaned and disinfected, repaired and tuned.

Drummers rejoiced in the same castanette as the clap.Other players, of course, those who acquired the instruments they were good at, and those who acquired nearby instruments regained their eyes.

To prevent trouble, practice and play are limited to the room where you practice the spell song in the assembly room.

In that case, the effects of spells such as Sound Proof and Silent Note do not leak sound.

Congressman Raquel, who soon returned to Harpator, finished playing the piano.Wait a few seconds, and Jerny signals the Farkille boy and the courier Fiarka.The three of them stopped recording at the same time and spared no effort to applaud the violinist.

"It was kind of more amazing than usual."

"Even if you become a yobo, your harp's arms won't fade, streamstone."

The long-lived racial witch who spent more than three times as much time as Senator Raquel looked at the boy with respect.

"Thank you, Dr. Raqueus. I'll synthesize with other instruments later, so please check again."

"I don't mind. I hope you understand."

"With the ears of orchestrators, I want you to make sure it sounds properly organized."

Before the recording, the Jerny youth asked me about the outline of the plan, but I wasn't sure.

"I will put together Dr. Raqueus' harp as the main melody.Other instruments are recording individually, so please wait a little longer. "

Musicians scattered around the refugee camps gave me the score of "Choir Medley for the Gods' Holidays" and had me practice again.

One of the drummers who was given the goal to show motivation and listen offered to join by combining small and large empty cans to create their own percussion.

The singers who love the curse song also want me to participate in the scan.

Lyabina Citizens' Orchestra piano player Snyeg and soprano singer Oratrix circled around each compartment to list participants and instruments.Complete amateurs have also indicated their participation in the scan, and there are lots that have swelled up into hundreds of large groups.

"Scats are recorded on a part-by-part-by-part-by-part-by-part-by-part-by-part-by-part-by-part-by-part-by-part-by-part-by-part-by-part-by-part-by-part-by-instrument basis."

"Can you do that?"

Congressman Raquel looked at the progress of science and civilization.

"It's easy to play with editing software if you record it independently by part."

"It's hard to record."

The courier, Fiarka, smiled bitterly at Jerny's explanation.