It's all one flower.

2092. Joining non-combatants

The boy soldier Morph finished eating the noon meal, but the brother of DJ who eats at the same table was attacked by the villagers and can hardly eat. But Morph can't answer all of them. It was pathetic and regrettable that I could not replace him.

I come up with a question and say it.

Nei-chan is wearing the Liberation Army's coat of arms, but can you use magic like Taka?

"Hahaha. Oh dear, I haven't even received the [Hatake Hatake] [Hibari] emblem yet.”

"This village is full of farmers."

It's just the blacksmith couple [crocheting], but everyone else is either [skylark hitting the field] or [spiritual pigeon].

The local Nee-chan waves her hand in front of her face, and the other villagers smile bitterly.

Why did you join the Liberation Army when you can't fight?

An army doesn't turn out just to be a warrior.

I'll help you procure supplies and stuff.

"Heehee... then, do you want to add people without strength?"

When the boy soldier Morph heard, the adults of the lake responded with a troubled smile.

It's probably not good for kids, though.

There's a lot of landmass supporters in Clavelle.

From the edge of listening to the answers, questions sprang up one after the other.

Those people will also gather the cannibals and give them to the Liberation Army?

"I need something else, and I think there's a lot of work to be done, such as office work and liaison."

"Work? Are you getting paid?"

"Well, it's different for each person." Some people get paid, others have volunteers. "

”Are you mad at me for being a free worker?”

Earlier, Nee-chan turned to Morph to see something pathetic.

"We're not helping the Liberation Army for money."

Huh? Then why are you working for free?

"To make the world much easier to live in than it is now."

Is the Liberation Army doing a good job?

The Liberation Army, or the people who are helping to build a new country in Crevelle.

Nei-chan's answer was ambiguous, and Morph felt he had been misled.

DJ's brother finally finishes eating his noon meal and asks a question.

What happened to the star sign?

Since then, which one?

"When the Liberation and the government forces were fighting in Clavelle, the stellar beacon was on a toilet, and there were bombings and terrorism everywhere."

The green-haired villagers are distant eyes.

Morph ran his eyes through the desks lined up at the meeting place, looking for Pina.

I can't see it on the left or right and the front. I turned around and clenched my fist under the folding desk, wondering how to find it.

Saru-Ul and Saru-Gaz-sama... hunting pagans...

Well, it's a lot of stuff.

Even if you survived, you escaped to Retica, where there were many land people.

Immediately after the coup, large numbers of evacuees drove by cars and motorcycles through the village east of the capital, Clavelle.

Most of them just rushed through without rest, but as they passed by, the villains who stole the vegetables and the sheep swallowed them.

Rural villages and fishing villages near the capital form vigilantes. We were prepared for the theft of groceries, fuel, etc., but there were too many of them, all of them were cars. There are only a few trucks in the village that carry vegetables and livestock, and they must also cut off fuel.

One day, a soldier from the Nemus Liberation Army chased a bandit who had escaped from Cleveland. I caught him in the immediate vicinity of the village. When I talked to the soldiers, they promised me that they would send someone.

Until around spring last year, they alternately packed me in the village.

I pulled it out of my head that no one would fall out of the city anymore.

We've been told that we have a lot of things to help us with.

Some of you work for Clavelle about the soldiers.


Boy soldier Morph remembered hearing stories of vegetable thieves even in the village of the former direct administration.

I was surprised to hear that there was less damage here, closer to the battlefield of the coup.

DJ's brother looks around at the villagers on the same table.

I heard about it in the old village, but Sheraton is opposed to the restoration of the Shinto government.

Huh? Why?

The people of the lake change the colour of their eyes and eat them.

“The Lacus Neunia family should concentrate on prayer rather than politics, democracy or anything else, so that if the country is going to be peacefully healed, someone else can take power.”

"Kotoko, the Liberation Army didn't say a word..."

The villagers looked upset, pulled their jaws small, and beat DJ's brother.

One of them heard in horror.

Who told you that story?

That's right, Master Sheraton has been missing for a long time.

Suspicion reigns in the eyes of the villagers.

DJ's brother replied without panicking at all.

“It's from Kaku Sidi and the people of the former Sheratan Territory who heard Sheraton's speech when the Republic of Nemoraris was independent.”

Huh? Did you see through Master Kaku Sidi?

An enviable eye gathered at DJ's brother. The blonde brother continued nodding tinyly.

I was called by Kaku Sidi and Susu Suhar to talk about information outside the formerly directly under their jurisdiction.

Kaku Sidi-sama, do you know where Sheratan-sama is?

I told you that if the government army used I (just) Shiki candlestick , I would know where to go, so I didn't tell anyone about it.

"Ahh... I see."

Is that what happened?

The green-haired villagers regret it.

If this is all war, I'd like you to go back to the Shinto government.

The grey-haired old man has distant eyes. The wrinkles in his eyes were deep, and he looked as old as the funeral parlor's old man, but Morph could not tell whether this old man was a longevity race who lived for 500 years or a permanent race in his mid-fifties.

A young man wearing a coat of arms sharpens his lips.

"What are you going to do about returning me to the Shinto government?" Sheratan is still missing. "

Isn't General Unuku Elhaia on the throne?

The general said he didn't mean it like that, though.

According to DJ's brother, green eyes gathered from the surrounding table, and the meeting place was quiet.

"Who told you that story?"

The flying question shudders.

"Bullshit, don't be ridiculous."

"Then why do you think we have a coup d 'état and are still preparing to build a new country?"

I put my breath away and the place was noisy, but DJ's brother replied calmly.

"General Unuk El-Haia has asked me to speak to you directly."

The breathtaking sound overlapped.

The village mayor and the radio chicks keep an eye on DJ's brother silently.

“The mastermind of the coup is not General Unuk El-Haia.”


“The general went around convincing the demonstrators to stop the riots, and in time the leader of the Nemus Liberation Army festivaled him and learned about the coup when he heard the statements of the Liberation Army on the radio.”

"That's stupid."

"If you think it's a lie, you can use [Mika Mirror] for anything."

No one responded to that.