It's all one flower.

0050. Two families

Leno finally reached the steel park. Look over the park as you breathe.

Evacuation-like people are littered with ground cleaning and carrying firewood. The children's park was burned with trees on the east side.

... Dude, did you burn all this way?

Trembling feet stepped into the park.

There's a man in white in the middle of the ground. My chest is pounding and my gait is faster. At a distance where his face could be seen, he forgot his fatigue earlier.


Shout as you let your breath bounce. My father notices Leno, too, and runs over.

"Leno... Leno...!

Beyond that, words don't last.

Embrace my son, who is bigger than himself, to be sure that it is not an illusion. The father and son were speechless and confirmed each other's existence.

I feel a little calm and ask as I recall.

"What about your mother, Pina, Tis and Cruello?

"The children are all here. I'm going to get some water now. Amana is with you. Mr. Orlán, you and your wife are not in the city because you work there, so you will be safe."

Leno got hooked on his father's words and asked (and) quality (just).

"What about your mother?

Grab both shoulders of my father who won't answer.

"What about your mother?

Leno was surprised by his voice, and he whispered. As much as I never thought I would, my tone got rough.

My father lay down his eyes and gave an answer with exhale.

"... my mother, I don't know yet. I'm gonna wait here till noon tomorrow."

"You're abandoning me!


The father looked up and looked up at his son.

"Near the lake, we're off limits now. I'm on a bus arranged by the bureau, moving to the Zolata area and shelters outside the city this morning, in order. This park says tomorrow afternoon will be the final flight, so wait until critical. That's how you got here safely."

"... sorry. I didn't mean to blame you. I'm glad your fathers are safe."

"Oh, you, too, have always been safe."

"Oh, yeah. Food."

In an attempt to change the subject, Leno pulled a pack of emergency food out of his front pocket.

"If you break it in half, you'll go to everyone."

"Where did you get that?

"Public and private halls in the district of Miech. Yesterday, after getting away with my fathers..."

Leno gave a brief account of his previous history.

My father nodded many times, holding Leno's shoulder and struggling.

By the time I finished talking, the kids who went to get water came back.


Tis jumped me. Leno was delighted to be safe when she scratched her youngest sister's head.

"Mr. Cruillo helped me."

A pina holding a polytank moisturizes your eyes.

"Thank you, Cruillo!

Leno held Cruillo's hand and shook it violently.

Cruillo also responds by firmly holding back his childhood taming hand.

"I was just picking up our little one, and don't worry about that. I'm a wizard for once."

A working evacuee raised his face simultaneously.

A middle-aged man throws out a bunch of firewood.

"Brother, are you wizarding me now?

When Cruillo nodded in confusion, the man said with a glimmer of eyes.

"Brother, it's late today, so you're staying here tonight, right? Huh?

"Yeah, well, for once, I'm going to be traveling on the noon bus tomorrow..."

The man spoke of his predicament as he cried extra relief (mostly) and sneezed in tears.

He was a resident of the district of Gryage and worked in a nearby factory.

I was burned out, and I ran away with my life, but I don't know if my family and colleagues are safe or not. Without a single sentence, there are no acquaintances or land surveys in the district of Jerizo.

Buses going elsewhere gave priority to those with children.

Immediately full, one adult man, he can't ride until now.

I was told in tears of sudden misfortune, but now, around here, it's become a common story.

Cruello hammered the man's story with the thought of not sending him.

Evacuation in the distance does not see the future ahead.

There is also no guarantee that terrorists will be swept away in the short term.

... Basically, why did you go around the fire so fast? I mean, why didn't you magically turn it off?

Cruillo noticed the possibility that he couldn't "turn it off" and the bottom of his belly was cold.

Terrorists decided on the understanding that the person they would strip their fangs against was a wizard.

At the time of the civil unrest of half a century, those who joined the battle are still alive.

Pulling the trigger is faster than casting a spell, but a regular gun can't break through the demon-mounted soldier's [armor].

Normally pushing into the dark clouds with weapons, the powerless people have no chance of winning.

On the contrary, it can also be said that the armed bee was executed because of the chance.

... If you couldn't "put out" the fire, is it a trick to say that you've got the means to deactivate the technique?

Cruillo saw the direction of the autonomous community of Listwar over the shoulders of a man speaking crying, but too far from the district of Jerriezo to know anything.