It's all one flower.

0141. A Night at the Mountain Hut ◇

How long did she sleep, Amiela woke up fuzzy.

It's not because of the cold.

I woke up with some signs.

The rain was still ringing.

Look around the cabin.

I can't see anything in the dark. I can't even see the Miscellaneous Demon.

Patrol your gaze to those who feel signs.

Countless eyes look down at Amiella from the crevices of the decaying roof.

The eyes that glow on a rainy night do not belong to the beasts of this world. It couldn't have been a beast.

If a beast, his eyes are too big for his face and body.

Shivering... Shivering...

Shivering... Shivering...

Mixed with rain noises, heavy noises circle around the cabin.

Amiella thought about how to protect herself.

Physically, only about a rusty sickle is likely to be a weapon. Running outside is dangerous.

Luckily, now, there's no way they're going to break through the boundaries of the cabin.

... It's okay. Because there are [exorcisms]... [exorcisms], it's okay.

Amiella grabbed a bag with a [magic crystal] over her clothes. Magic, not saint Kirkulus.

"Don't forget your real name, and don't let anyone else know."

On that young day, the words spoken to my grandmother in front of the stone tablet come to life.

... I'm iffeion. Ifeion Uniflorum Sterla Caerla.

Amiella said her true name in her heart.

In the dark, I think of my family again.

It was my mother's grandmother who gave her this real name.

I don't remember my mother who died before I could even remember.

My father is a powerless people, a devout Kirkurist. As a habit around here, it was probably a huge concession, even if I just didn't object to giving it a real name.

The name Amiella means "inn". Seeds are carried from somewhere, heterogeneous evergreen trees rooted in the branches of the great trees. What thought did her grandmother give her granddaughter's name as "Amiella"?

... Grandmother.

In the daily life of nothing, faith in the saint Kirkulus was the support of the heart.

Now that demons and demons are threatening Amiella in this mountain, it is the magic of the [exorcism] of the cabin and the talisman that protects her.

Faith in the saints does not protect us from the threats now before us.

Even I don't like being confronted with things I've pretended not to see before.

In the darkness, you and the demon confront each other.

... I am a witch... Ifeion Uniflorum Sterla Caerla of witches. I'm not a powerless people!

I can hear the little birds.

When I noticed, the area was brighter. The rain also stopped.

Amiella hardened herself and turned her gaze to the door. There is nothing left closed. I can't even hear that noise.

Raise your fearful gaze. There was nothing in the roof clearance.

Stand up in horror.

The empty bottle accumulated about a third of the rainwater. Cover tightly and place next to the backpack.

Opening the door narrowly, Amiela breathed.

The muddy soil is disturbed.

Inscribed on the mud are footprints that are neither men nor beasts. Surround the cabin, overlap and circle.

Morning light shone from the slices of the clouds, and the reservoir sparkled.

... it wasn't a dream...

I trembled and went outside. The workplace is sunny and there are no miscellaneous demons.

It was disturbed by footprints, so outside, wet fallen leaves were sticking to the ground and frost was falling. Step on the white, shining frost, hurry around back and add some help back to the cabin.

I can't stay here long.

Push the breakfast into your mouth and drink a little of the bottle of rainwater to take charge of your luggage.

... this, the cabin is like this, and no one needs it anymore, right?

Amiella, halfway telling herself, took a sickle hung on the wall and left the cabin behind. Even rusty sickles are better than bare hands.