It's all one flower.

215. Communicate externally

"Um, so, what's the new store name... 'the overlooked (Praetermissa)'... so what do you say?

Leno, the bakery young man, looks around at everyone.

His sisters repeated it over and over with a small voice.


My brother made my little sister snort forcefully.

"Yeah. Praetermissa. We're still alive, but the bureau missed us, so we'd have been left in a restricted area."

Not only my sister, but the grownups agree small.

Leno turned his face to the women of the land people and the people of the lake, continuing to explain why.

"Besides, it's not just bread, it's a little thick to name the bakery's Tsubakusa."

"Ha ha! No, hey!

To Leno's words, Medvege punches her hand and laughs. Laughter spread to everyone, furkill was attached and a laugh spilled.

"Then that's settled. Even if it is shaky, it will be difficult to work. Let's all make a sign and leave when it's done"

In the words of Captain Solniak, we split up and got to work.

Bakery sister writes letters on copy paper.

The captain and Farkill stand on the lookout for the north and south, and others cut through the letters with a pair of scissors.

The boy, known as Morph, had reinforced the green cured tape by placing it on the edge of the cardboard at the base.

Awellana, the Lake People's girl, told another cardboard, "I'll make wound pills. Containers and vegetable oils should be provided".

The blonde woman, known as Amiella, said, "Crawling. The replacement product should be consulted".

There are no particular abnormalities on the north side.

Farkill turned his attention to the terminal at hand. Charging is 60%. It's a subtle thing, but I'm gonna start a browser.

I logged in to SNS and posted the text I put together last night and a photo.

The content of the post is a look at the city of North Zakart.

Only the national highway running north and south through the city had rubble removed from the destroyed city.

The others were completely untouched and, on the contrary, the survivors could not even feel the signs of the creature.

In the shadow of the rubble, the miscellaneous demon meshed, and it was dangerous to step into a place other than the national highway.

Afterwards, I met an evacuee.

They have been evacuated from the city of Zerneau on the eastern shore.

They're living an evacuation life looking for a place that looks safe while picking up survivors in a truck.

The truck has an exorcism hanging on it, and if it's against demons and mischievous demons, it's not to say it's defenseless at all.

The wizard has one man of the land people and one girl of the lake people. They both don't know anything other than the city of Zerneau, and they couldn't evacuate it [jumping].

Food is an emergency food that they were able to bring out during evacuation and fish caught at Lake Lacus.

I was able to split the grilled fish myself, and they put me in the truck.

Last night, I stayed safe inside the Zakart tunnel.

I can't personally identify them far away, but their pictures taken with the truck from below the hill were also the last I posted.

As a photo caption, I added that they also have no information, so they cannot decide what to do now.

- Good. Traveler, he's alive.

- Did you make it past the night safely? Awesome!

It immediately comes with a less than happy "traveler searching for truth" safety, images and text are shared and diffused.

Farkill did not look through those wreaths, and as soon as he finished posting articles and photos, he turned off his tablet device.

The charge is cut by 30%.

Farkil toasted the solar panels to the sun's light.

... I don't know how long I'll be able to live, so when the charge accumulates, let's UP the video from earlier.

Sign making is over, hurry up and get in the truck.

"Oh, you know, I... the passenger seat, okay? If it's about watching, I can..."

Farkill thought through and spoke to the driver.

The driver, Medvege, turns silently to the people of the lake and lets them tilt their necks.

The pharmacist (dull) Awellana agreed with a few thoughts.

"On second thought, if you're in bright light, you won't have to be a wizard"

Farkill placed the terminal and the solar panel on the dashboard as soon as he fastened his seat belt.

Fortunately, it's the south that we're headed now. The sun in the driver's seat was good.

"Oh, you wanted to charge it"

The driver, Medvege, laughs and hangs the engine when the point is made.

Farkill worked out the text he would post next, paying attention to the woods flowing through the left of the car window.

I'm in Lacrimaris territory now. I couldn't take it, I decided to go south to the city.

In Lacrimalis it is unclear what is going on with the treatment of refugees and I am anxious.

Worst case scenario, he could be hooked up in the nearest Maurnia City interrogation and sent back to the city of Nemoralis territory.

The nearest city in the Nemoralis realm, the city of Gardenia, heard rumours that the evacuees were in the gutters and that trafficking in children and women, as well as slacking and [crystal of magic] targeted killings, were also rampant......

Then why not apply for refugees in La Crimalis under no circumstances and go to the refugee camps in Amitostigma?

At least, Lacrimaris doesn't have air raids. There are people's lives.

Bakeries, pharmacists (dullness) and craftsmen were on board, so herbs and other materials were collected in the woods near the Zakart tunnel.

While making and selling goods, as an immediate destination, it was set to aim for the port of Grom.

The children made a song and a sign for the trade.

Guys, I'm doing the best I can with some role.

... Anything else I could tell you...?

People on SNS don't know each other's identities.

There are people who are happy that Furkill just gave a survival report.

I don't know who it is, but the people connected online have been waiting for me to report it.

If you read it properly, there will be a lot of people who put a lesson on suggestions about what a line of tracks should do now.

Some people will have posted links to hazard and support information.

Right now, I regret that I have no room to make sure those are true or check for viruses.

Now he decides to focus on making sure he communicates this situation, and Farkill has worked out more sentences in his head.