It's all one flower.

437. Another procurement route

"Captain...... Guerrilla old men over here, you didn't come ssss?

"No, nobody...... what's up, what happened?

Morph, a boy soldier who came into the room with the spellmaker, asked a terrible question.

In the room where the arms maker and the spellmaker wake up, Leno has an operational meeting on behalf of Captain Solgnac and the spellmaker, who was the lord of the militant guerrilla.

Instead of a desk with a stacked box, I was discussing the map Farkill wrote me and the material before.

Juvenile soldier Morph stretches his spine to report what happened in the Resalub Forest. Ultr, a magic warrior who came in a little late, supplemented and found that ten militant guerrillas had left him missing with a weapon.

"They [jumped] without solving their gear."

"Yes. Excuse me."

"No, fine. If they used magic, they had no choice."

Captain Solniak gave a gentle voice to the boy soldier Morph, who answered as he was smaller.

Oriole, a magical warrior with earth-colored hair, confirms the remaining members. Blonde Ultr replied to that.

Magic Warrior Ultr, Spellmaker, Juvenile Soldier Morph, High School Roark, The Powerful People New With Cleve, The Later Three, Total Nine of the Powerless People Old Men.

The missing persons are two people of the lake and three new powerful people, five of the original powerless people, for a total of ten.

The bearded magic warrior Par Little says in an easygoing state.

"Well, in the meantime, I might change my mind and come back. My grandmother might come back. You'll figure it out."

... somehow, hey. Well, is it better than being able to escape while we're raiding the base?

Leno felt sorry for the boy soldier Morph, who had completely shrugged back, but could not say anything. Apparently, it was the people who took the Pinas hostage that day who went somewhere.

... If those guys don't have to come home.

"Farkil, what about that one of yours, and tomorrow, when you go to the city, you get the news about the terrorist attacks and raids?

"Hmm? I wish you'd tell me that she's good, but I'm not gonna make a crime statement or anything, so I don't know whose fault it was?

The magic warrior of the people of the lake, Journitol, gently denied Leno's idea. If you ask me that, surely, this group of militant guerrillas doesn't even have a group name like "Star Road Prostitute Army".

Before Captain Solniak and his men cooperated, it was the people of UAE who attacked police stations and bases just as often as they went.

"Halfway through, it's a trained wack, and I'm pretty sure it's getting stronger than before. Even if we go for another raid, the chances of getting home alive are up, right?

As much as Leno thinks, the guerrillas' sense of union and fellowship doesn't seem high. There were no signs of fine dust in the arms maker's voice that would lead them through.

I added four magic warriors to my usual faceblank and surrounded the dinner table. The wild grass picked in the woods is the central boring content, but no one says anything. Seeing with the apparently frightened eyes of the Pinas, the Magic Warriors did not go through with it at all.

When I pull it up to the bedroom, I get more tired. As Leno sat down on the bed, Pina and Tis sat next to each other.

"I've been over here all day, and I haven't seen you much."


He stroked Tis' head, sitting next to his right, and Leno filled his chest with apologies and bad luck. While I was under one roof, I couldn't look at each other at all, except at meals.

... How long should I keep this up?

"You know, today, I was making clothes for my grandmother, shopping bags, and clothes for dressing."

"I made a lot of them. Isn't that great?"

"We all split up. Silva's piece was made by Amiela alone."

Correct Pina with a dull laugh.

"Mr. Pinatifida, shopping bags are for replacement, right? Tomorrow, can I have it?


He was suddenly talked to, and Leno and the others turned to surprise at the same time. For a moment, Farkill gave a face that he was gone, but tightened his expression and said the tone again.

"There's been a lot going on lately, and the price of wheat is rising."

"Oh, so the number of times Mr. Silva comes, you're down"

When Leno was convinced, Farkill nodded and continued.

"It is dangerous to rely on one Mr. Silva. I think we should go another way ourselves."

"You're right."

Leno himself, is careful around there. Edible weeds picked in the woods and gardens were dried every day and processed into preserved foods. For some things, I asked Cruello to drain the water and store it.

In the unlikely event that Silva's replenishment is interrupted, she will not starve to death immediately, but all dry grass will skew her nutrition.

"I think you should replace the shopping bag with a sturdy bread or something, put it in your personal belongings, and prepare it for the worst."

I don't know what kind of situation Farkill assumes it "sucks," but Leno specifically asked and didn't want to frighten his sisters any more. However, I have no objection to the need for preparedness.

"Pina, Tis. Bag...... Farkill, can I leave it with you?

"Yeah. Fine."

"I also need to ask Mr. Amiela..."

Tis responded comfortably and Pina went to the back room to ask. We'll discuss something and we'll be right back.

"Mr. Farkil, can you replace Mr. Awellana's green candy?

"Yes, maybe I'll be fine"

He said, "Well, that's fine."

Pina was horrified and lowered her hips next to Leno.

... Oh well. There was that, too.

At least one pack at a time, I want to stick a loaf of bread in each individual's baggage. The people of the lake also need food to replenish copper. When the price of wheat was going up, the rate of exchange for sturdy bread was going up, but there was nothing Leno and the others could do about it.

"If Mr. Awellana has some spare time, I have a store that buys wound pills at a high price..."

"I'm so tired, I'm already asleep."

"Oh, well, I'll see you tomorrow, I'll ask"

I really got the conversation together. Farkill apologizes for interrupting and wraps himself in a blanket in the bed assigned to him.

"It's late, and we're going to bed."

Leno gently slapped Pina and Tis on the shoulder.

Tis grumbled to dissatisfaction, but his eyelids are all down. Pina also smiled bitterly, urging her sister to go to the room assigned to the girl.

"Tis, you're sleepy now, aren't you? That room over there, go."

"... I'm with your brother."

"All right, I'll snuggle you up, so go to sleep now. Become"

Saying, Leno lifted his elementary school sister and carried her to the back room.

Cruello also took Amana to the girls' bedroom and hung a [key] on the door. The spelldoctor Septentorio and the funeral home Agoni hang a [key] that sets yet another euphemism from above.

... How long do we have to be so careful?

Leno snuck a sigh and wrapped it in a blanket.

Cloudy this morning, not as much sunshine, but hot and humid.

Farkill and the Spelldoctor Septentorio are asked to gather additional information in the city and the Magic Warriors and Craftsmen return to their strongholds on the island of Negna.

"The manager, rest over here today."


Leno, who went out into the garden with him, solidified into the words of the spellmaker. Doubts and anxieties are intertwined, unspoken.

"Oh, this, I forgot to give it to you yesterday. When you have it."

The wipes bags I was given are much heavier. There was an ominous shape to the feel over the cloth. A spellmaker folds over Leno with his mouth about to open.

"I'm out of material, so I don't have the work I can ask the manager for. Everyone picks it up in the woods today, or Mr. Silva brings it... well, relax over here until the ingredients come"

"Eh... ah, yes, well, if that's the way you say it..."

Even during such exchanges, Captain Solgnac and his ops disappear one after the other from the garden in the [leap] of the Magic Warriors.

... Well, the Pinas will be happy, and go.

"Well, take care"

"Ha. I'm just gonna cage myself in and make a spell."

When the spellmaker [jumped], one Leno, who was given a bagged pistol, was left pompous in the garden of a hidden stronghold.