It's all one flower.

470. Conflict in the Dining Room

"Get out of the way, Kolaaaaaaaaaa!

The boy soldier Morph swung his chair through the sideburn. Strike the old man guerrilla's side head hard. With the unintended blow from behind, the old guerrilla of the land people was utterly defenseless. The whole body leans about.

Beat the guerrilla again and remove it from the top of the pina. The girl had her T-shirt turned up and her white skin was dewy.

"What the fuck, you fucking kid!

Boy soldier Morph kicks and rolls an old man guerrilla trying to get up and slaps him in the chair. The guerrilla crawls on the floor with both arms to cover her head and slips away. Morph waved his chair many times trying to keep the old man further away from the pina.

On the dining room floor, manager Leno is down. Guerrillas beat me up, apparently.

At the entrance to the kitchen leading from the dining room, Farkill was trembling with a chair. Hiding on its back, Pina's sister and the employee's sister are crying.

At the edge of his vision, Pina moved.

Wake up your half body and lower the hem of your t-shirt.

Morph poked at a distracted moment's gap, and the guerrilla rolled down the floor and stood up.

"Ahh! You son of a bitch!

Guerrilla jumped to the pina before Morph rushed over, grabbing the coloured hair of the earth and making him stand up. Pina can't even scream, she puts her face in pain.

"Let go of the pina!

"What is it, kid? Is that your boyfriend?

Old Guerrilla distorts her mouth to a humble grin.

"No! Don't take any more from Pina!

"Take it? I'm not asking you to have a virgin. Give me a milk rub. Come on, don't lose it."

"You're going to lose your mind!

Juvenile soldier Morph watched his neighbor's daughters get rough all the time in Barack Street, in the autonomous community of Listver. My daughters are sold to their parents to live. There was no other way, and I had no choice but to put myself in the business of saying so.

Amiella, Morph's sister and neighbor, didn't have to stop herself from doing that, only because she was lucky.

The old guerrilla touches the middle school girl's chest from the top of her clothes with a thin laugh.

"... ya... no"

"I know you're touching it! Let go!"

"I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't know. I don't know, you fucking kid."

"I really don't know how to disappoint you! Let go!"

Pina manages to shake it, but she is disappointed to grab it near the root of her hair and can't escape. Tears convey the blued cheeks.

"Pina lost everything, her parents, her house, her shop! Don't take any more from Pina!

"What's wrong with that?

"You were with the Artel guys, too!

"What? Fucking kid!"

An exasperated guerrilla's hand moves from Pina's chest to her neck. The boy soldier Morph toothed.

"What's all the fuss?

Security guard Olyor came into the dining room.

The boy soldier Morph does not look back, but watches the old man guerrilla move. Oriole passed by the morph and slapped the guerrilla's shoulder intimately as if the pina was out of sight.

"What are you doing?

"What... the..."

The guerrilla palates, letting her eyes swim.

Security guard Oriol says a word in a powerful word, whining about something and pointing at old Guerrilla's face. At the same time as the dry sound, the guerrilla released the pina with a silent scream. Hold the pointed eye with both hands and squat. There was a muscle between my fingers, blood flowing.

Magic Warrior guard Oriol looked around the dining room and gently lowered his head to Juvenile Soldier Morph and Pina, grabbing the collar of the guerrilla as he had followed.

"Sounds like you bothered me. I'll get rid of it."

"Hey, wait a minute. Huh! I don't know yet..."

The guerrilla releases her hand from her crushed eyes and clings to Oriole's feet. Guard Oriol kicked up the guerrilla's jaw and dragged the loose old man away.

Boy soldier Morph rushes over to Pina.

"Hey, are you okay?

"Brother... my brother..."

Pina approached her brother with her fluttering feet and went in to collapse.

Manager Leno, was he beaten up pretty bad or his face was swollen. My lips are cut and my nosebleed conveys my cheeks to wet the floor.

"Brother... Brother..."

Pina cries and calls, but manager Leno doesn't even move with Pickle.

At the kitchen entrance, Farkill unloaded his chair and knelt on the floor. My sisters run over to the store manager crying.

"Ahh... ahh! That's right, Doctor Curse, I'll get you!

Boy soldier Morph ran down the hallway and jumped out of the open front door into the garden.

"Please, help me! I'm not one of them!

The old man of the land people, who begs for his life while coughing, had already been crushed on both legs. Behind it, a guerrilla attacking Pina is rolling to the ground with a big hole in her belly.

"Friends? No."

Security guard Oriol stands with the morning sun on his back and doesn't understand his expression.

The guerrilla crawled on the ground with both arms, coughing hard.

"Hey, kid, help me!

In front of the boy soldier Morph, the head of the life-sweeping guerrilla smashed.

Security guard Oriole went to the well end in a relaxed foothold and started the water with [manicured water]. Water crawls through the ground and gathers splashy old man fragments.

Build up a meat chunk and blood for two after the garden's proper demise, Oriol turned a gentle smile to the boy soldier Morph.

"It's all right now. Funeral store, will you call me?

"Oh, oh, okay, but what about the spell doctor?

"The hospital room... I'm in the third room from the front."

The pharmacist (dull) Awellana holds Amiela's shoulder squatting on the edge of the flowerbed and rubbing her arms. I was curious about you, too, but Morph went back to the villa, as he was told.

"The curse doctor! The manager is in trouble! Come here right now!

When I ran into the room I was told, we were both there. Four curse doctors and funeral parlors, Medvege and Cruillo, look at this one with a strange face.

"The manager...? What's the matter, sir?

"It's not about breakfast, hurry up!

Juvenile soldier Morph pulled the hand of a spelldoctor who was seeing the wounded.

"Oh, yeah. Old man at the funeral parlor, Mr. Olyor is calling in the garden."

I just told the funeral parlor and pulled the curse doctor to the dining room.

Looking at the dining room again, it looked terrible.

The large table with twenty seats on the boulder is safe, but several of the chairs have fallen, and the plates lined up have fallen and broken.

The girls were crying over Leno, who fell and bled. Farkill is relieved at the entrance to the kitchen behind the dining room in the same position he was in earlier.

The spelldoctor breathed, but he moved quickly.

"Mr. Farkill, are you okay?

"No, not that way, manager..."

"I need water for my treatment."

Speaking to the back of the dining room, the curse doctor entered the kitchen without turning around.

Boy soldier Morph stands up wondering what's going on.

"Please help me"

Called by a spelldoctor, he slipped through the side of Farkill like he was losing his mind with his eyes open and went into the kitchen.

"Please take everyone to the bedroom and let me drink vanilla tea and raise them"

Hot air rises from the teapot and dries up on a large plate. The spelldoctor took the water up from the water bottle without waiting for a reply and went back to the dining room.

Morph took the teacup from the cupboard, but remembered and stopped his hand.

... herbal tea and medicine. What a smell.

Grab a large plate and let Farkill smell the hot air. Waving away two or three times at the tip of his nose, his eyes tied the focus. Furkill's face looks up at the morph in a machine-like motion of running out of oil.

"Brother, please help me."

Boy soldier Morph grabbed Farkill's hand and made him stand up.

I'm concerned about manager Leno's wounds, but I can't help but see Morph. I wanted to calm the Pinas down faster than that. Return to the kitchen and pour a little vanilla tea cooked in a pot onto a large plate. Morphs also began to turn heads on the sober scent.

"Brother, take a glass to your bedroom."

"Ugh, yeah, okay"

The boy soldier Morph hurried to the side of the pina with a large plate.

The curse doctor is crawling the water mass to the floor, collecting blood and dish fragments. Pina was supporting Leno's half body. They're done with the treatment.

Juvenile soldier Morph avoided the fallen chair and went around the big table with some horrible thoughts.

Pina's sister cries with a sweet voice clinging to the manager.

The manager, whose face swelled and regained consciousness, was stroking his sister's head but still had blurred eyes that looked somewhere far away.

"Let's go to the bedroom.... hold this."

Wiping tears with a handkerchief and passing a large plate to the employee's sister, Juvenile Soldier Morph asked manager Leno to stand up with a shoulder. Pina's sister wakes up and removes her chair.

The five of them took off and headed to the bedroom.