It's all one flower.

634. Banking procedures

A painful holiday has dawned, but the return refugee centre in the capital, Cravel, remains anxious.

Staff were seconded by major banks who could [jump] and the reissuing of the ledger resumed as planned. Today we packed a large number of temporary bank desks, with few people at the bureau desk.

The ID that Roark received in the morning is three proof of disaster: a resident card indicating he is a citizen of Zerno, a temporary student ID card indicating he is a student at Seljevroe Commercial High School in the municipality of Zerno, and medical assistance.

A few moments before the holidays, the people who completed the process receive a reissued ledger with a horrible face. The Roarks lined them up in long rows on the sidelines.

I joined the line shortly after lunch, but by the time the sun was tilting, the order had finally turned.

... If it were normal, I'd have to thank you for closing the window at 3: 00, but I'm only doing it till 5: 00.

From the stickers on the walls and the conversations that come into my ears, I found a lot of things to do during the wait.

It seems the reissue takes three working days. In special wartime situations, reissues are not subject to fees. I can extend the contact until 5: 00 because I don't handle cash.

... Mushroom bill, I got it split. You know, you can't deposit it unless you cash it somewhere.

I don't know which bank is open, so it's not a good idea to deposit everything, but it's also dangerous to carry large quantities of gems as heavy as it is.

In the first place, do material stores and jewellers continue to operate after the coup?

Would a high school student, Roark, bring in a large amount of jewelry, albeit cheap, and get suspicious and police shabby?

While waiting, some anxiety piled up.

"This, please"

Submit the written application for reissue and identification to the contact and receive confirmation of any omissions or errors.

"Yes, fine. I'll give you this one back. I'll give you a deposit card, so please come back to the desk with your ID in three business days."

An elderly clerk stares at Roark's face and says as he says without staring and returns his ID. I guess it compares to a proof photo of your ID.

"We will query the registry and reissue it, so if you decide on temporary housing, you can also specify a branch near you to receive it there."

"No, I haven't decided where to go..."

"Are you left-handed?"

The clerk added something to the paperwork and wrote it down on the small face of the copy formula.

Chop a single page copied with carbon and hand it to Roark.

The name of the family name registered as the name of the ledger, the date of birth, the address of the city of Zerneau and the branch name and account type items for which the account was opened were filled, but the account number was "unknown", the receiving branch name was blank and the margin was stamped with a "war disaster".

Roark folded his deposit card into small pieces and screwed it into his waist pouch.

Returning to the dining room, fatigue pushed me closer.

As soon as I lowered my back to my usual seat, my thick sigh leaks.

... I was just standing and waiting, is my body gone?

"Good luck"

"No, Mr. Awellana is the one... Mr. Cruillo and the others, aren't they?

"If you're Mr. Cruillo, you're reading newspapers over there."

A pharmacist (dull) Awellana, who was on the radio's turn, indicated a slightly remote table.

Cruillo surrounds the newspaper with several returning refugees. I say it belongs to the city of Rachka, where the cook bought it for me. Amana and Elantis are with us.

Leno store manager and employee Cruillo still took time to reissue their credentials, and junior high school students Pinatifida and elementary school Elantis, Amana, reissued slipped into the afternoon. I say we turn the banking process around tomorrow.

It's only Roark who's finished everything. The pharmacists of the people of the lake still have inheritance procedures, but if they cannot reunite with their surviving families, they cannot begin to process them.

FM Cravel played different classical music from yesterday, but this was also a quiet song.

Manager Leno and Pinatifida apparently went to help out with the kitchen, and I don't see him. Instead, it smelled delicious.

"Me too, newspaper, can I go read it?

"Go ahead."

Pharmacist Awellana raised her eyes from the notebook and nodded.

The cook apparently gave me a week's worth of ancient newspapers and this morning's paper.

It was minutes after the coup that the adults read with their foreheads together, and Amana and Elantis were spreading their minutes before that.

"Can I see this?

"Yeah, fine."

"Not ours, but everyone's, so"

Amana makes up for Elantis' innocent reply. Roark thanked the two of them and spread the newspaper three days before the coup.

One side shows a large picture of the runway under the heading "Completed restoration of Topoli airport paving the way for the resumption of imports and exports".

In order to bypass the extent of the lake blockade laid by the Kingdom of Lacrimaris, coordination is under way with the ministries of transport relations in various countries, etc. Actually flying ahead would be a little better if we could air food and such.

Besides, there are more people coming and going, including refugees who want to return to their country, those who want to flee the country for fear of a coup, and nemoralis supporters.

Whether that's a good thing or invites a bad thing, Roark doesn't have any prospects ahead of him, but it's certain that the various things and cots that were stalled will move and something will change.

... I hope it turns into a good one and the war is over.

Roark turned the pages of the ancient newspaper in search of hope for the future.