It's all one flower.

686. Center Escape

I finally finished reissuing my ledger and ID.

Cruillo went to the desk first thing in the morning, but lined up for over an hour just to receive it. A radio placed behind the office repeats about the truce time in the morning. They're receiving a civilian or state broadcast taken over by the Nemus Liberation Army.

"Reno, pack up, please"

"Yeah. I'll take care of it"

Cruillo lined up in a line of temporary calls. It's free, but the call time is limited to five minutes per case, and it runs out in the middle of the conversation. Still, everyone talks to the critical, so the line didn't go very far.

When the order came, the morning truce time was over.

... Well, I'll tell you now, you'll pick me up in the evening.

Turn the dial as you look at the note.

Wherever I was waiting for the dial to return after making a corny noise from the zero position, if the line had been cut in the battle, I pressed my anxiety with and killed it and hung it on my father's company.

The replacement table was still functional.

If both government forces and the Nemus Liberation Army feel the need to block communications, they will soon occupy telephone and exchange stations. I prayed for its safety by caging a generous thank you to the exchanger who carries out his duties at the stake of his life.

After a few calls, it leads me to where my father supposedly finds himself.

My father's voice gave me the name of the company and the department clerically.

I'm confused by the "voice for work" I've never heard before. I remembered I didn't have time.

"Dad, it's me, it's Cruello. I just got my ledger and ID, so in the evening..."

"Okay. I'll be right there. I told the company. It's okay."

My father said it early and cut it unilaterally.

Eat, stare at the receiver and be stunned.

With the sound of a cough, he notices that the symptoms have appeared after him, and places the receiver. Pekopeko apologized, hurrying away from the line.

Jump into the room and yell at Leno and the pharmacist (dull) Awellana.

"Dad, he said he's coming now!


The two of them stop by surprise.

His eyes turned to the watch with the crack in it, and the lake people's pharmacist spoke out of concern.

"But there's no more truce time... are you okay?

"I want you to be okay. But at that rate, I think I've already left the office, so let's hurry."

"What? Am I going, too?

Awellana points to herself.

"You say you've been very helpful to me, Mr. Awellana, aren't you the benefactor of your life? I'd definitely like to thank you."

"I think the building is more solid than here, so I agree."

When Leno also joined, Awellana asked bewildered.

"Is that okay?

"I think it's narrow..."

"Well, if it's not inconvenient..."

"I can't believe it's annoying!

There are only a few things left on the charter.

Cruillo's luggage is packed in a sports bag obtained in Chernochnijnik, the underground town of Lanterna Island. At the bottom, he hid the magic sword he had received from the manager of Chloenier.

It was surprising that there was no baggage inspection on the Magic Machine ship when we left Wang Capital. Maybe everyone was obsessed with Niptra Neumae's song and forgot about it.

The three checked to see if they had forgotten anything and ran to the dining room with their luggage.

"Thank you so much for everything. My father will pick me up soon..."

"Good. Masterful."

"All three, be careful"

"Thanks for coming."

Speaking to the kitchen, the cook and the returning refugees who helped said a verbal goodbye. Unfortunately, they can't keep their hands off the lunch preparations and don't have time for this one. I tell him my full appreciation and go to the radio seat.

"Have you contacted your parents? Good."

"Um... so, radio..."

"Oh, fine, fine. Because the bureau finally put me at the desk."

"What's yours, and don't hesitate."

"Take the battery, too. Service."

The people in the company turn off the radio, which plays classical music that they are totally tired of hearing, and offer it to Cruello. They had a lot of white maps in their hand.

An older man notices Cruello's gaze.

"Hmm? Is this it? Copy the map on the hallway, check the phone book, split it it up, hang it in the store, and find out where it's safe."

"As soon as I found out I wasn't a customer, I didn't even say anything, so I cut it."

"It's also important to know that the phone is connected and the store mon is alive."

A symbol of ○ △ × was written on the map of Cravel, the capital, written on copy paper.

"Don't worry about this place."

"Thank you, radio"

We exchanged goodbyes and words of thanks, and the three hurried to the front door.

The streets in front of the Returning Refugee Centre were interrupted and secluded by people. Because it's far from the gates that connect the capital with the outside world, or few cars.

He said the company and company house are near the West Gate, but they don't know anything about the distance from the Returning Refugee Center or the state of the road.

It was nearly an hour after the call that I saw the car with the company name, just before lunch began.

My father opens the door without turning off the engine.

"Come on, we'll talk later! Get in!"

"Dad, this guy, the pharmacist at Agate Hospital. I owe you my life, together..."

"I've already heard that!... The pharmacist is with you! Come on, come on!

My father rushes me, Cruillo gets into the passenger seat with his luggage, and Leno and Awellana get into the back seat. The moment I closed the door, my father stepped in the accelerator.