It's all one flower.

1311. is Guru Boy

Leno looked around at the crowd burning his chest with haste and regret.

Look for that pale-colored hair in the group of worshippers, but I don't see any small former theological students.

Cruillo mouths relaxed giving up.

"It's a lot of people, it's rare for the first time, I've been kidding around, and I can't help it"

"I don't have a choice, hey!

Leno accidentally made his voice absurd, holding his mouth in haste.

"Are you going to leave me or not? It's just, if you do it, if you get lost to us in a hurry, you're in more trouble, right?

One older childhood tame said as he circled his gaze through the temple aisle.

In a crowded passage, you can't even stop, rather than defy the flow of people.

... It's a bad idea to call your name out loud.

Skinum is from the mainland of Artel.

In the land of Him (or), which is full of Kirkrus, there will be no habit of naming them. Wizards make up the majority, and here it is ridiculous to call out their real names aloud.

... It's inconvenient not to have a name.

I wish Skinum had called the Lenos, but no matter how clear his ears were, I didn't hear that boy's thin voice in the worshipper's chatter.

"Don't you dare, I'll look around the temple exit. I might have left first, so Leno looked around the premises... do you have a watch?


"Then, find it or not, meet at the bulletin board right after you enter the main entrance of the temple in thirty minutes. Okay?"


The two asked for Skinum's appearance solely with their gaze, rubbed by a human wave, but found no.

... If this is such a cot, I should have held hands all the time.

I wondered if I would treat the boulder that much as a child, and kept it just a touch when I encouraged it.

Skinum does not have the means to return such as [leap].

It's my first land, and I don't even know him.

Tonight's inn is still pending.

It was unfortunate not to predetermine the meeting place at the time of the detachment.

The only place he has in mind is the material store and the cafe where he left his luggage earlier. Near this temple, both of them, but will you know the directions?

Leno could not be present or standing, thinking of the seriousness of Skinum.

The line that leaves the temple does not proceed as late.

... you're looking for us and rolling down the aisle or something?

"It's one way. In the aisle, please follow the one way ahead."

"It's very dangerous to stop. Please proceed slowly following the previous one."

People stuck tightly in the aisle follow the guidance of clerics and guards, do not look back as one, do not stop their feet.

If we stopped here suddenly, we could have caused a crowd avalanche.

"Well, meet me on the bulletin board in half an hour."


Leno saw the watch his parents got him on a high school admission celebration as chilling and got out of a chunk of people loose at the exit.

Those who have just visited will head straight to the temple, but those who have finished their worship will be scattered three ways and rolled out to the sights of the great trees on the property and the strolls of the capital.

... inadvertently holding hands with strangers and taking him or something? No, no, no, no, I can't go that far with such a person.

Leno recalled when and how far he was with Skinum.

When we offered [the crystal of magic] in the hall of the altar, we were surely together.

The old man lined up behind him and rushed towards the exit. Cruillo was beside me, so I assumed Skinum would be with me.

Cruello also moved as soon as he found Leno.

Neither of us made sure the other person would be looking at Skinum.

Later regrets pushed in later, and palpitations intensified even though it was not a running wax.

... Why did you think it was okay earlier?

Even myself, I don't know the basis for my optimistic decision.

If this was Tis, I would never have let go of my connected hand.

Now that Cotto has happened, I find one problem after another with my actions.

... Roark wrote me in his report that I was a high school student and rarely went out of seminary.

Perhaps I've never seen such a crowd before.

I may not have been able to reluctantly tell the Lenos if I felt sick because of human fever.

... There's no point in falling down somewhere and being trampled and not even being able to speak, is there?

No, if there is such an accident, the person who stepped on it notices and asks the cleric for help.

One bad prediction after another disappeared.

In addition to clerics and guided guards, there are also volunteers wearing "guidance" arms on the temple grounds. Under the great tree, visitors were seen telling myths and how giant trees were planted here.

"Um, have you not seen the boy of the land people, who has strayed from his company?

"What kind of child are you?

"Uh, I'm in high school, I'm about a minute shorter than me, I'm a pale blonde, I'm a powerless people, I'm a fluffy muffler wrapper"

Speak from one end to the handkerchiefs.

"I can't leave my place."

A guard called for backup on a tablet device.

Communicate the characteristics again to the arriving guards.

"Something, I'm sorry I turned into an ogre"

"No, it's common, so don't worry about it. You'll see her as soon as the edge of the water is connected."

Leno remembered his mother, who had not seen him for nearly two years, and wept (here) to thank her.