It's all one flower.

1530. Villages of former direct jurisdiction

Medvege the driver, Jorch the announcer, DJ Rafe and discuss it again.

"I have plenty of fuel. I don't know what to do."

"I, too, agree with Mr Lazolnik"

DJ Rafe did not disagree.

"Why don't you take the Warcraft charcoal that you just made and dig that herb, maybe even negotiate with an ant"

Funeral home Agoni sees pharmacist (dull) Awellana.

"Right. What do you say we put the truck here and go find the village first?

"Muscavito, if the road is narrow, I'm in trouble."

Boy soldier Morph agrees with Awellana, looking like he figured everything out.

Neither the road map nor the atlas of Nemoralis Island had details of a vast range, from the city of Holma to the city of Machagina to the west.

A resting place dotted on the Ougari Old Road is likely to be marked, but if it remains destroyed during the Civil Unrest, it will not be Ate.

"I have to go, and as usual, I'll drive."


When DJ Rafe raised his hand small, Jorch lowered his face again.

"Negotiate the material, I'll go"

"Come to the village. I'm the one who followed you."

"I'm the talker of the negotiations. I'm coming, too."

When the pharmacist (dull) Awellana raised his hand, Lazolnik and the funeral parlor Agoni also continued.

My brother Aviace saw Awellana with a worried face but says nothing.

"The villages around here are only inhabited by the people of the lake, so why not just go by the people of the land... But it's safer to have one of the people of the lake here"

"Yeah. Well, be careful."

Of course my brother (of course) didn't say anything with that intention, but Awellana confirmed to convince herself.

As a replacement, dry batteries and spreading grass, regular handbags and warcraft charcoal are loaded onto the wagon cars of FM Cravel.

If we don't find him in an hour, I'll be back.

"Be safe."

The wagon car with the four of them on board set off waved by employee Cruillo.

In the passenger seat, the funeral home Agoni sits.

Awellana hid the school badge (yesterday) in her collar as a testament to the pharmacist (dullness) and fitted it in the back seat with Lazolnik.

The ancient roads to the west, like rest stops, are branched by the trees around them. However, grass grows from gaps in the bedrock and does not appear to be used frequently.

"Only about when you go to the city to sell raw vegetables, do you use them?

"Sounds like it."

The deciduous trees were bright in the woods with the sun falling as the young leaves had just emerged. Miscellaneous demons and monsters cannot be seen, but there may be small warcraft like complementary lizards.

Awellana squeezed her mind and observed the view flowing through the windows.

In about fifteen minutes, he hit a branch road that broke south.

There are two lanes wide.

Almost a dirt road, but both sides and center are protected by [exorcism] stones, and [exorcism] -like stone tablets are erected everywhere. Although asphalt is not the only way, protection is as good as the national highway near the city of Zerneau.

Leaves traces of tires and short grass of length covers them.

The road is beautiful, but the DJ Rafe lets it run carefully at about thirty kilometers an hour.

Going all the way from the branch, my vision suddenly opened.


A person working in a cabbage field noticed the wagon car and stopped moving.

There are five men of the people of the lake. One person approaches his hand with a ball of cabbage and a knife for harvesting. The latter four stand up in the field and watch.

"Hello -. We're from a mobile broadcaster, can we broadcast in your village?

DJ Rafe opened half the driver's seat window and said in a bright voice.

A man in the village stops at a distance out of reach.

"A mobile broadcaster? What are you broadcasting?

"It's national news and international news, price information for the last week or so in Holma City, and songs that aren't military songs."

"There's gonna be a reception fee, right?

"I'm in business too, so if you could barter something..."

"I'll talk to you for a second"

The man said [leap] and disappeared.

The other four, turn the wagon car away and stare silently.

Rafe did not speak to them and waited quietly.

About enough, three men showed up in front of the wagon car.

One is an earlier farmer, one is an elderly man and the other is a young cleric. Blue thread on pure white coat, embroidered with a single flower crest.

"It's rare to be a mobile broadcaster in a place like this. What's the name of the station?

An old man steps forward and asks.

DJ Rafe answered dignified with the window fully open.

"This is mobile broadcaster Praethermissa."

"What happened to the truck?

A young cleric asks as a matter of course.

... you know who we are?

"This way, I don't know if I can turn U-turn, so I'll be waiting for you on the old road."

"Master Left? The road has always been this wide."

The old man shows a wide range (fukuen) with a cane.

The general has asked about you.

A cleric says in a faceless voice.

... which one is the general?

Both General Al Jadi of the Government Army and General Unuk Elhaia of the Nemus Liberation Army are prominent players in the Lacus Nenia family. No wonder you visited a village in the former direct jurisdiction.

General Unuk Elhaia is face-to-face and friendly with DJ Rafe, but General Al Jadi confers (crumbs) on the Klipeus regime of the Qin Peel (Tonerico) branch party.

Awellana shuddered, recalling being subjected to obstructionist work by a hidden Kirkrussian MP who had been confused by the branch party of Qin Pi (Tonerico).

In his overall judgment, Jorch did not submit an application for permission to broadcast at the Lyabina Administration of the Ministry of Information and Information Technology. West of Holma City, within the jurisdiction of the Cravel Administration, cannot apply without reaching the capital.

If it's a village where General Al Jadi's breath hung, he could be stuck out by the police or military security forces.

"We're famous Ella, too, mon."

Funeral home Agoni impresses you in the passenger seat.

He doesn't seem to be able to ask which general he is, either.

"Why don't you ask me about the herb?

"What? Now...... is it?

Razornik whispered to me, Awellana crushed her liver.

"It's okay, Daijbu"

Razornik opened the back seat window shortly after stopping.