It's all one flower.

1554. Village connections

Razornik notices the questions of the pharmacists.

"It's a convenient technique to hear the sound of the surgeon at the same time even in a remote place."

Draw a curse on the birch board and divide it into six parts. The surgeon has the right end and the other five parts are speakers. Only while I cast Grass Ear spells and concentrated, I could hear all the sounds in the surgeon's ear, even where there were five pieces of wood.

"The surgeon must stay focused and cannot do anything else."

"If I had a budget, I could use a magical tool with similar effects."

When the radio's grandmother added, DJ's older brother also continued.

... a manpower bug. Wizard, really, there's nothing to be alarmed about.

Razornik turns to the village chief.

"Well, you've heard the broadcast in five other places, right?

"There are people who have been disturbed by school and field work."

"Besides, there are a lot of people who want to hear Mr. Jorch's voice and your songs on the spot."

When the village chief and the priest looked at the villagers who remained in the square, the green hair moved vertically.

There's a school, isn't there?

Pina's sister looked around the village and Morph was followed, but there was no building that looked like it.

"The primary and secondary schools are only located in the village next to the south and closest to Machagina in the west."

"Anyway, because we have few children, we can't have one school in each village."

I saw the south in the explanation of the priest, but I can only see the forest.

Besides, there are monsters in the forest. If you're not a wizard, you're not going to school.

... why do you live in these fucking woods?

This village, the neighboring villages, the people of the lake are free to move anywhere. It's not like the Listver Autonomous Region was forced into it.

Morph didn't understand why he stayed in such an inconvenient and dangerous place.

"Looks like there are still a lot of people who want sweets, and I can extend them a little longer."

"The longer the days, the easier it is to make."

The brother-in-law of the bakery said, and Pina added modestly.

"If you don't have a reason to move quickly, you can just be silly and slow."

An old man at the funeral parlor brightened the villagers' faces.

The radio's grandmother smiles at the green hedge and tells the village chief.

"Now, thank you for your kindness and stay here for three days."

"It's impossible to go to all the villages for fuel. If you'd like, I'd appreciate it if you could show me this map."

"The map is only available at the school in the next village, so if you're heading south to the village, I can sketch it."

The village chief looks at the driver in an unfortunate manner and lowers his white eyebrows. The old man understood, and this place was open for now.

After all, the mess came out a little early in the evening without the noon mess.

... I couldn't eat anything when I was in the Autonomous Region.

When the sun set and the lights leaked from the windows of the house, Lazolnik closed the door of the carrier and cast a spell unfamiliar to his ears.

"I hung Sound Protection on the carrier. It's a technique that doesn't leak sound. Captain, please."

The boy soldier Morph saw Captain Solnyak sitting next to him. The captain slackened his cheeks and thanked Morph and Medvede's old man.

"I misled you earlier, but tomorrow morning you won't be able to do it anymore."

"What's the matter?

"Yesterday's village and this village visit the temple every day, offering prayer and magic to the goddess."


Morph took a breath and saw the fisherman's grandfather.

"It's only common to visit a small number of people over and over, or to make errands and deceive people before they know how many people they are."

By this time, I had found out why the fisherman's grandfather had just taken Morph with his luggage. My cheeks get hot because of the embarrassment.

While Morph was away buying, Captain Solnyak and Medvede's old man must have misled him.

"I don't know how many [Voice of the Grass] users there are around here, but I'm sure I can contact up to five places by myself."

"It's faster and more detailed than a hampered city."

Razornik said that Krilo confirmed it. The radio's grandmother nods.

Morph trembled, remembering Hanasi who had just been told by the villagers.

"If the state of the capital is transmitted here, the state of the former direct control will also be transmitted to the capital."

I didn't realize the obvious until Amana's father told me.

"General Unuk Elhaia is not willing to destroy the Kilcrusts right now."


Lazolnik spoke lightly of hope, and Morph was anxious to reject it.

"You've teamed up with autonomous communities and star symbols."

"But neither the Lacus Nenea family nor the villagers of the former governorate are a single rock. The hunter said yes, but in fact, I don't know what's going on with the hidden Kilcrusians."

DJ's older brother shares his concerns. Both of them were there when the Capillo Branch Chief invaded the Autonomous Region of Listver independently.

"The general's on our side, so don't you worry about it?

Morph doesn't know what he's worried about.

"The Nemus Liberation Army was not created by General Unuk Elhaia."


I'm not sure how the old lady on the radio works either.

Not knowing what to ask, Morph had to tilt his neck.

Boy, have you decided to bring Magic Crystal to the temple of the Goddess?

I saw Medvage as a giggle, but the old man's face didn't look like he always did.