Itaya and Liu Bang, and Tanaka.
16 words
Zhang Liang
The letters (bruises) are wombs.
You can call it the greatest merit man who helped Liu Bang to push him up to the Emperor.
The talent of the king is also famous for his delight in saying, "My child is also" when Cao Cao of Sankoku Shi subordinated him.
Divine conspiracy, the supreme minister of intelligence.
I only know a little about these days, but I know all kinds of anecdotes.
Item Yu, one of the celebrities after Liu Bang.
The fact that I was looking for a magnificent man is probably for the assassination of the first emperor.
You must be talking anecdotes about throwing a big bronze or hammer and destroying the Starting Emperor's carriage.
But it didn't hit the carriage the starting emperor was in, and he should have escaped pursuit and hidden until the war broke out.
Why are you here...?
As if he really is Zhang Liang.
You said you were going to Xianyang.
Haven't you given up the assassination of the emperor yet?
Not suitable for the face, harsh, or obsessive?
Damn, if I knew that, I might have pulled through on the same side. If Zhang Liang joins the faction, the survival rate of Simultaneous will be exceptionally increased.
No, he said he was going to see you again, and he managed to get here before Liu Bang...
"Hey, what's going on inside, suddenly screaming out"
Tatsuyoshi looked back and asked.
Ugh, how do we delude it?
"Um, no, the guy earlier said he was from Xianyang, so I should have asked him for some information"
"Hmm? Yeah, well, you are. But he would have been a good person, but he would have been a civilian, and he would have been chased. Don't you know the big deal?"
"I was going to Xianyang while I was being chased. What were you doing in Xianyang?
I'm pretty sure it's on the anti-state side. I might have had something on that side of the information. I thought I should have drawn you to my side, and I raised my voice. "
"Hmm, I see..."
Tianye had a subtle look whether she was convinced or not, but she turned forward without asking any more.
You figure it out?
"But it's a boulder, Midhouse. I can't believe we thought of that in all that conversation."
Tahiro praises me, but I shake my head.
"No, it doesn't make sense if you don't think about it in that place."
Absolutely. You could have pulled the information out of your allies.
It's about my own life and death, I need to think more seriously...
I bit my lips on my sweetness.
Afterwards, we continued our journey without a thing, and finally made it to the Mausoleum's planned site, Mount Rizan.