Itaya and Liu Bang, and Tanaka.

Itaya and Liu Bang, and Tanaka.

169 Chapters ongoing 1,043 Views
古寺谷 雉
Word Count
194,000 Words
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古寺谷 雉 ongoing


China's first united nation, Qin. The revolt that took place everywhere with the death of

its first emperor, the first emperor, turns into a hegemonic struggle for the next generation after the demise of Qin.

Eventually the struggle for hegemony was also mustered into a battle between the two heroes.

Xichu Hejiang Xiangyu. Hanzhong Wang Liu Bang. There was a man who fought

two heroes and fought through to the end.

Similar King Tianyang.

Next door was always Tanaka, the warrior.

Yes, Tanaka. Not Tanaka.

Book version Volume 1 is on sale.
Itaya and Liu Bang, and Tanaka.


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