Late. Tamer's day.

43 Stories Exploration and Collection

We picked it up. We were making good progress in the West Forest. I'm nuts and grasses. Sawya, Asihana is getting wood.

However, you don't seem to find the rare wood Asihana is looking for. Apparently the only wood we've got so far is the lowest ranked material: Begini Cedar. It's wood that beginners use to level up. The cedar cane I used to get also seems to be a cane made from this Begini cedar.

I'm looking for weeds, too, but there were only weeds in the city in a real sense that were not worth using.

Asihana is the instant killer when it comes to combat. It doesn't matter if the enemy is more than one. That's a famous player. Thanks to this, I get the material, but it's totally parasitic play. Though my mom has sacrificed me so that I can at least enjoy Asihana. I'm sorry, Kuma.

And then I checked that bear's fighting power, but it's not bad. In battle, Shakeen and her nails jump out of that cute Nuigurumi Hand for a medium attack. He is a heavy warrior type with not fast feet but a heavy blow.

Seeking further material, we came as far as the river in the west woods. As usual, there are no novel materials, but no matter how much water, light stones or soil you have, you won't have any trouble.

After exploring the river plains for a while, Asihana suddenly stopped.

"Oh, shit. I've already cut my full 20 percent."

Alerts let you know that this game will have less than or equal to a certain HP or fullness. Apparently Asihana got a full alert.

"I'd like to take a break, too. MP is getting suspicious."

"But there's no safety zone around here, is there?

A safety zone is an area in the field where monsters don't break in. It's a mountain hut, it's the roots of sacred trees, and there are many different places. They can rest and log out safely there. They also increase the amount of automatic HP and MP recovery.

On the contrary, if you log out of a place other than the safety zone, your avatar will remain on the spot and the monster will attack you. And the next time I log in, it means I'm back to death.

If you just want to eat, you can do it with a portable meal while walking, but when it's a break, it doesn't work around there.

"Pfft. With this, you'll be fine!

"What? Goza?

"Yes! Because it's my self-confidence that I made using woodworking, craftsmanship, and sacred magic!

Name: Goza the Exorcist

Rarity: 4 Quality: 6 Stars

Effect: Generate a safety zone for 30 minutes. Number of times used: 2/3

It's also surprising that I've already made my own rarity 4 items, but this effect is also amazing. The point is, you can take a break anywhere, log out, right?

"Well, let's take a break."

"Thank you, isn't it small? I don't think we can all ride if it's a six-man party?

In my case, the mons are small. As far as Rick goes, if he's on my shoulder, he won't take up space, and his bear is being held by Asihana. It seemed like everyone could barely get in.

"Because I made it so I could take a nap anywhere. I made it the size I could fall asleep in."

"I see."

"But if we make about this size, don't we all want it?

"I don't like it. You're not gonna be able to play with the feathers that make all this. I sold the recipe to the early-eared cat, so wouldn't mass production begin within it?

"I have no greed. No, are you honest about desire in a way?

"I don't care about that, why don't we take a quick break? It only works for half an hour."

"What happens after half an hour?

"The usage is automatically consumed and extended by half an hour, right? But you can only use it two more times, so you're not gonna get hurt, are you?

So we sat in a circle over Goza, each restoring its fullness. But even though both Asihana and Sawya are in production, is it portable food you eat?

I'm having cookies, and it's tea time. Boil the water in a cooking set and make herbal tea. I also bought a cheap teapot to make me feel better. I transferred the herbal tea from the pan to the teapot and poured the tea into the teacup from there, not to change the effect in particular. Hmm, not a bad herbal tea to drink in nature. Herbal tea doesn't restore fullness, but tea time in the woods is very satisfying to me. You just need to restore your full stomach with cookies.

"Hey, hey. Did you make that yourself?

"Is this it? Yeah, it's all homemade."

"That's amazing! To juice, cookies?

"I've never even seen herbal tea before."

Asihana and Sawya look at the food I'm giving Mons and the others with a surprise look on their face. If I hadn't gotten my cooking skills, I'd probably be like this. I sell food in town, but if you don't want to enjoy an in-game meal, portable food is enough for you.

"How would you like that?

"Yay! Give it to me!"

"Is that okay?

"Oh, I'd love to hear your thoughts."

I'll brew herbal tea first and give it to you. The teacup was ready for this to happen. Well, I bought two sets of four things, so I just have extra.

"Hmm. Smells good."

"It's delicious! Drinks other than water and potion in this world, you may have had it for the first time"

"Well, I'll have our cookies too"

"Yum! What's this cookie! It's super delicious!

"That's true. It's delicious."

"I've lost it before! I will decide to eat more decent food in the future! I broke up my diet just to restore my fullness."

"Me, too. They sell a lot of things in outdoor stores, and even if I can't, I'll buy them."

Oh, Betta, that's a compliment.

"Hey, you're not selling this?

"Yeah? What do you mean?

"So you haven't wholesaled this herbal tea and cookies somewhere? Or sell it in your own outhouse?

"No, I'm not mass producing."

"Yes. Too bad..."

I'm really sorry to see the two of you, and I'm so happy. That's all you liked.

"If it's herbal tea leaves, I can share them with you."

Actually, I've been working on it. Besides, you can't expect the herbal tea of the original weed to sell, and the guy who made it all goes into the inventory. I can make it right away if you want to, and if you like it, I don't mind splitting it.

"Is it good? Absolutely!"

"Isn't it precious?

"No, no, not at all. I'm making it easier today, and I want to thank you for that."

"Thank you"


Then we enjoyed the soothing and tea and started exploring again.

30 minutes later.

"I see it. Green peach tree."

"Actually, you're not alive."

"I've come this far, and I need to get at least about a peach tree"

The two punch their respective logging onos into green peaches. From me, it just looks like he's pounding an axe on a tree, but now he's able to cut it. Well, if the tree disappears, the other players won't be able to collect it or anything. The specification is that if logging is successful, the logging cursor disappears until a certain amount of time has elapsed?

"Green peaches can also be used as wood."

"I can't use it for protective equipment because it's soft, but I can use it for wands and stuff. It's not as good as performance, but the green peach tree itself is low. I can sell it to players for the price there. Why don't you pick it up, too, Mr. Ute?

"No, we don't have a logger."

"With logging, it's convenient, isn't it?

"If I had a woodworker, I would have."

"Don't you have any woodworking in Mons? If you were there, you could use it to level that kid, right?

"Mm, is that right"

Sakura has woodworking. Sure, I'm glad you can make a lot of things just by handing me the wood. Sakura's experience will accumulate.

"Hmm. I was going to take another kind of magic and shake it to ste... logging"

"Take it? Take it?

"You can take it, but I don't have a logging axe"

"Here you go."

"You're ready!

What you took out, Sawya, was a small swing ono.

"I present this"

"No, I'll pay the right price"

"Fine. Because the durability value is halved, and even if you buy it, it's an early 400G item."

Still, you get it for nothing. Even though we only get this sampling tour. If you pay for it - no, speaking of which, Sawya, you had an item you might like. As much as it's worth.

"Well, I'll present this to you."

"Is this-?!

Whoa. Eats better than I thought.

"Embossed flowers. That's amazing!

"Good if you liked it"

"Thank you. The fact that there's a book means there's a book! It could be a clue to the existence of the Book of Magic."

"I don't think it's that great."

"What's wrong with this?

"I bought it at the florist."

"Florist? Did that happen?

"Do you want me to show you next time?


It's just, Sawya, do you want to go into the florist? If you can't get in without plant knowledge, it's pretty cumbersome.

Well, let's just throw a party and go to the florist. If one person meets the conditions, it's possible to get in.

If it doesn't work, should I think about it then? If it was your passion, Sawya, I'd probably buy you a field or so.

"Well, let's get logging"

"Oh, wait. 'Cause I'm gonna party-adjust."

"Because green peaches have to have high logging levels. Uh, will you add me to the party?

Copy that.

Add Asihana to the party. Then, shortly after I gained my logging skills, a collection point was floating in the green peach trunk in my eyes. I guess it indicates that the axe mark is a logging point. Thanks to Asihana joining the party, logging points were shared and it looks like I can see them too.

The only green peach tree in this forest seems to require a high level of logging to discover logging points.

Sawya, knock the logging ono you traded into the trunk of the tree. Then the green peach tree was wrapped in light and the logging point disappeared.

Check the inventory for more items called wood and green peaches. Because of the low logging level, the quality is 1-Star.

As soon as I logged the green peaches, Asihana slipped out of the party. If we keep fighting like this, it'll be because our experience is diminished. That's discipline. I don't have to worry about that much.

"I'm letting Sakura do the woodworking, and you want more wood. I should have logged it on the road so far."

I looked for any other trees I could use. And find a single tree.

It's the same as other miscellaneous trees in the woods, but thanks to the acquisition of logging, they are able to discern objects that can be used for wood.

"Knugi tree."

Let's just cut it. Waving the logging ono just like the green peaches, the cucumber trees were glowing and getting wood, miscellaneous trees and cucumbers.

It's a miscellaneous tree, and I don't think it'll work anyway. Maybe just the right thing to do to increase your skill level. If you fail, you'll be fine. That's how I checked the inventory, and Asihana was opening her eyes and raising her surprise.

"Hey! What have you done now?