Late. Tamer's day.

122 Stories End of the Battle of Glasharabolas

It's been awhile since I came back to death by Glasharabolas.


"Yeah? Again?

An awesome roar sounds and the players make a scene. It's the same vibe that Glasharabolas had when he moved in.

I was unlucky, and I was in the middle of something again. Moreover, it is a process that cannot be let go.

"Now what! Already!"



Olt and Sakura came looking for me in a panic. But it's nice play not to touch me so I don't get in the way of my work.

"-Okay, it's over"


"Yes, yes, don't pull like that. What happened? What happened?


Rick is running up to my shoulder, pulling his cheek, pointing toward Glasharabolus. Could you have knocked him down?

But when I turned to you, unfortunately, Glasharabolus was alive and well. No, I'm more of a powerhouse.

"Is that... a dragon? Wow, you look so strong."

Given that the Apostles have been driven and transformed, it would also be natural for Glasharabolas to be transformed. But he was just the boss, and he was like the most powerful warcraft, the dragon. The face and tail are dragons, and the body is people. Brown scales all over her body, but walks two legs. It is exactly half a man and half a dragon. No, at that size, half giant, half dragon?

It seems the hard work of the battle forces has allowed the event to move forward. Moreover, that was not the only progression of the event.

"Euto, can I have a moment?

"That, Grandpa Cayenne. What's the matter with the others?

There were about 10 elderly people standing in the village, beginning with Grandpa Cayenne. They're all supposed to be evacuating the house... When I thought there was someone I had never seen, I was introduced to being the village chief. With that said, we never met.

"Um, first you fight to protect the village of Nong La, thank you"

"No, Ma."

You said you'd protect the village, or it was for an event. Maybe no one's thinking of fighting purely for the villagers. No, about Siegfried, huh? Most of them will just be fighting to evaluate the event.

"Let your lords, the strangers, fight you, and you can't just be trembling!

"I'm not used to fighting, but I can beat a bow."

That's what I said, I put up a bow that the old men were carrying on their backs and showed them. I can only worry about you pulling your bow with your purple trembling thin arms.

"Huh? Are you going to fight your grandfathers, too?

"I can't just go into the woods, but he's going to pay a bow visit to him approaching the village!

"We'll fight together!

Are you happy about this? I have nothing but anxiety. I need your help badly, and what if the villagers die? I don't feel like I can take it back.

Everyone in the battle forces, do your best to defeat Glasharabolas before the village becomes a battlefield! Grandpa, I can't do this!

But my prayers were vain, and the transformed Glasharabolus seemed so strong. The pace of coming back to death has risen visibly.

"Wow, that sucks"

Something was seen blown away by the tail of a glacialabolus that was swept away. Looks like he's a player who took a direct hit.

Furthermore, he is throwing out objects like black light from his mouth. Dragon braces when it comes to dragons, but they don't look like flames. It is good that the battle forces do not seem to be extinguished by fire. Well, I don't know if there's a forest fire in this game.

"Hey, you okay?

"Silver, thank you."

Let the warrior player who came back to death stand up with a hand. The holes were punctured and worn out, as if the leather armor had corroded. Don't ever see a guy come back to death like this.

When I asked what happened, it was still due to the attack of the Transformed Glasharabolus. It's that suspicious ray. They'll corrode their protective gear when they bathe in that one.

Corrosive protective equipment had to be repaired by a blacksmith, so it took more time to retake.

"Maybe we have to go out again?

Currently, about 50 people are coming back to death. That number will increase even further. Wouldn't we be running out of combat troops?

That's what I was worried about, but they said it was my struggle to get over it.

30 minutes later.


Clearly not like previous growls, the screams of Glasharabolus, which also sound screaming. I was just finishing up, so now I can react instantly.



"Yes, yes, I can see you, so you don't have to pull it!



"So now I see it!

My kids are crowding me with walnuts to make a scene. Everyone is desperately pointing to Glasharabolus as they pull my robe. I know how you feel.

I guess the combat unit worked hard for me. It is solidified on the spot, in the form of a growl towards heaven, as the glacialabolus has been petrified. And I could see that the figure was fading gradually.

Less than a minute later, the figure had completely disappeared, as if it had been an illusion that that giant had been there until now. At the same time, the announcement flows.

"We have successfully destroyed the Great Demon Glasharabolas. Congratulations. '