Late. Tamer's day.

197 stories, Drimo, I'm ready!

I came forward with my boys to launch an attack on the boss. Well, I'm just releasing magic from the rear guard position.

"I'm sorry, I can't."

"Mogmo ~"

Drimo answered with his hands up sassy instead of nodding, rushing straight to the front line.

"Kuma, Rick! Drimo, please! Drimo's still level one."



Drimo will be back to death in no time unless he is defensively focused. A bear and Rick, who saluted my words perfectly, ran after Drimo. With the help of the coumads, we'll be able to do some attacking.


But Drimo, who came out on the front line, kept up the momentum and ran into the honeymoon in a straight line. Humorous and slightly soothing to run on short legs while shaking up a large tulle hash......

"Is that it, Drimo? You were up to my word, weren't you? If I told you I couldn't do it, I would have held my hand up!


But you haven't heard me scream at all, and Drimo's legs, running so hard, don't stop - instead, he suddenly accelerated tremendously. I wondered if the dashing Drimo glowed thin and green, and the speed of running rose all at once so that I could be pushed back by the gnaw and something.

And the swinging tsuruhashi glowed red this time.



Drimo's tsuruhashi is beaten to the torso of a honey seal.

Oh, you've done a lot of damage. No, Cocten hit it with a tow, it's only about as much damage as a light attack... Considering it was just born and still done by a Level 1 Drimo would be a lot of damage.

I checked the combat logs and it looked like he used a heavy blow from the chase wind. It was actually accelerating, and the tsuruhashi was glowing.

In this game there is a system of hitting power increase due to speed. With acceleration, the power increases for that matter. If the power of a hard blow had increased even further with the acceleration of the chase wind, it could have been more powerful than you could have imagined.


Drimo pokes up the Tsuruhashi and raises the roar of joy. Oh, the woman who was seen by it took a direct hit from the garbage and screamed. That wasn't my fault, was it?

Still, this could have gotten you an awesome attacker. I look forward to the future. If the level goes up and the power of a hard blow goes up, could it be as easy to win as the field bosses around there?

What was I thinking...


We launched the same attack again, and now we're hugely scuffed! I didn't expect to stay almost stopped and fumble to a targeted big honey seal opponent. Heavy hitting seems to decrease the hit rate, but it's probably a lower rate than I imagined.

"Mog ~"

Drimo falls apart and rolls down the gobble and the ground. Hanami seals were not the type to come individually attacking in Range Attack Only, so they never ate the counter, but if it was a normal fight, it could have been dangerous.

Besides, what if the other guy's the boss? If you make a mistake, it could be the end of the line.

"Hmm, the combo of heavy blows from the chase wind could be the sword of all blades..."

Let's pick a few more places to use that attack. At least, it's not a good attack with a bunch of bangs from time to time. Normally attacked from the chase wind or something. But normally fighting would be enough.





Your mom is helping you out with the drimo you were rolling on your back after the Zucco Kellogging. You look like your brother! Plus Rick is slapping Drimo on the shoulder to comfort him. Let's leave Drimo to the bear moms for now.

"Besides, you seem to have interrupted other players"

It was in the form of interrupting several players, such as those who flew by surprise when they saw the rolling Drimo, or those who were simply rolled at their feet and inhibited from moving. I'm sorry.

"Um, do you look all right?

That said, players who have returned to death with it are likely to be absent. Great. I'll also observe avant-garde player fights while turning my attention to Drimo. Then there were a few players that caught my eye in particular.

The first thing that popped into my eyes was Siegfried, the most conspicuous offense. He keeps riding his horse, putting up a knight spear and repeating the charge.

Run the horse like a hanami seal, scrape it with a lance as it intersects, and instantly turn your heel back to advance again. I can tell you that it still works best, although it often gets in the way of other players.

Apparently, it's compatible with immobilized targets, so isn't the damage cut-off? However, if the horse gets intoxicated, I'm going to be unable to do anything as soon as possible...

I guess the next thing that stands out is the clams. At first glance, it looks like a heavy warrior, but the movement is like a light warrior. That pitch-black armor may be surprisingly light. It's a cheating way to fight while wielding a sword and then doing a lot of tricks.

When I spoke to the Circumstances around me, it was apparently a way of fighting that abandoned my defense. No, they usually focus on dodging rather than throwing it away. He's a boss who won't move this time, so he seemed a little impossible and repeated a series of attacks. You think you're usually famous for the style of repeatedly dodging and knocking in big moves when you find a gap between them?

"No, people with three titles are so unique and funny ~. They all work great"

What did they say, but I can't wait if they put me with those two. I haven't been able to be that active.

When I answered that, he looked delicate, but why? In fact, I've done very little in this fight. So much so that Drimo worked a little hard. No, can I just say that it worked great in the sense that it generated an event?

"Well, let's get it over with"