Late. Tamer's day.

450 stories. Unleash the Ammolite.

The players are still fighting individually, so they have not been able to deal effectively with Black Skeleton's army.

Still, no significant damage has been done, I guess, because Black Skeleton's offensive power is not a big deal. Cut with a sword doesn't do much damage. They thought it was because it fits in with the second line.

However, that may have diminished the sense of crisis and did not give the players an air of unanimity.

I'm with all the Tamers around me, and I keep fighting defenses. At first it was just Amelia, Oilenspiegel, Red Star Nyer and Eringhi, but at some point the numbers grew.

Ursula and other solo Tamers have gathered from the surroundings.

It's a good thing the avant-garde got thicker, but staying this way doesn't change being grudgingly poor. What am I gonna do?

"Hey, Eringhi. Wouldn't it be a bad idea if it stayed like this?

Nothing, I didn't ask Eringhi for a deep reason. Something always seems calm, I'm wearing glasses, I'm just saying I looked smart.

But I got a more decent answer than I imagined.

"Now those who were on reconnaissance are back where the top clan representatives are discussing"

"Reconnaissance? When"

"I didn't do anything wrong."

"Huh? No, no, not on my own or anything..."

In the first place, I'm not the leader. Oh, maybe the first time you issued the decree, Eringhi and the others kept me certified as a leader?

No, I don't think so. Simply, you're just apologizing to everyone that you sent out reconnaissance until you reduced your power.

"Well, more than that, what was going on with the discussion?

"They say the top clans are claiming each other's interests, and they're in such a way that only time passes without remaining in parallel lines. Sometimes they even yelled at each other."

"Seriously. I thought this game had a more soothing vibe..."

When it comes to bee momentum and top tier, is it going to be a cynical mindset to get the handle and fame after all?

"This event took all the good places...... Some parts are solidified -"


"Ugh? This guy! Show up suddenly......!


"Yay, thanks..."

Hi. I hear the event has progressed. Black skeletons were becoming more widely summoned.

Seriously, I freaked out because I suddenly showed up in front of him.

Isn't this pretty bad?

"Ah. Sorry, Eringhi. You said something, didn't you?

"No, because it's not a big deal. More than that, what do you do after this? I think we should move aggressively ourselves."

"Hmmm...... Right. You think this black skeleton is springing infinitely?

If you don't have a cap, even if you protect it like this, you're just going to be at a disadvantage.

Even if I can't do it slightly, I have to turn to attack.

"Right...... It doesn't look like it's diminished so far, and you might want to think it's something that springs up infinitely."

"Oh well..."

"Besides, we have trump cards."

"Trump card?"

"It's Ammolite. Didn't Mr. Silver spread the word?"

Oh, don't look at me with such a frightened eye! I was just forgetting!

No, the look on Eringhi's face hasn't changed. Paranoia? But I feel a frightening atmosphere emanating from that faceless face.

"But I don't know how to use it, should I bump it?

"It will most likely be"

I'll try to take out the ammorite, but there's no extraordinary change. It may have special effects for events only, or it can be used as an item.

"I think it's been 10 minutes since it started, but hasn't anyone tried Ammolite yet?

"It's an expensive item, so I think you're hesitant to use it for one or eight. At this distance, it's hard to reach. I don't know if it'll work, but if the odds of hitting it are low, it's hard to challenge."

"I see...... But someone has to do it. All right, Rick! Eine!"



When I called, Rick and the others immediately aligned themselves before me. You understand the pressing atmosphere of the Laid Boss battle, its face is serious.

"I'm giving you two a mission! I want this Ammolite hit by that demon. Can you do that?"



Good salute. I feel ready to die.

"The mission is important. But your safety is also important. You're definitely going home alive. All right?"



"Hmm. That's a good reply"


I wonder why. I feel more raw and warm than ever seen by Eringhi.

"Mr. Silver."


"No, it's nothing. You're enjoying the game."

"Ha. That's all I'm sure no one can beat!

I can't help it. If such a nori is saluted, this one will become a nori too. You're going to be a commander.

"But seriously, I hope this opens a breakthrough"


Rick and Eine stormed at the devil as we watched.

Rick slips through the black skeleton with a quick move. You say you have a bigger ammorite than your own head, but the movement is light in itself.

Sometimes the attacks of Skeletons are hilarized, sometimes scaffolding instead of skeletons, approaching rocky mountains with demons.

Eine is easier. Some black skeletons have a mix of archers, but with Eine's dodging power, some arrows won't be a problem.

I approached Gungun and the devil.



Dozens of seconds later. Rick, who reached the foothills of Rock Mountain, throws Ammolite. At the same time, Eine threw Ammolite from above the devil.

The two Ammolites land on the devil at about the same time.

And on the surface of the devil, a tremendous flash burst.