Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 424

There are 366 pages in this book, and one question can be written on each page—but you can only write one. In other words, this book can only be used a maximum of 366 times, and three hundred and sixty a day. Fifteen days, and "a day" can only be used once-assuming that a person uses this book on January 1st, then on January 1st of each year, he cannot use this book again book.

The Apocalypse Salvation Book will give the answer to that question—of course it’s not free, it’s a price.

Depending on the difficulty of the problem, different levels of costs will appear in the Apocalypse Salvation Records.

In other words, if it is a problem that is almost impossible to solve, then it is almost impossible to get what the Apocalypse Salvation asks for.

It took a long time for the Bright Church to gather up the method to'save' the pope-that was Hui, so they invited Hui.

But one thing is certain, the answer given by the Apocalypse and Salvation is always so plausible, and the interpretation of the Bright Church - - may not be correct.

"What are you going to do with the Pope?" Su Changge opened Qin Luoxue and Tang Congxin, and asked Su Wangyou seriously.

He didn't know anything about the Cthulhu Consciousness, so he believed that the Pope himself was a person with great malice towards the world.

"Such a person cannot stay in theory, and according to the news I have inquired, the pope himself is already sick, and I think he won't be able to live long, but if he is dead --- Na Xiaohai... "

Su Changge frowned as he spoke.

He didn't care about the Pope's life or death, but didn't know how to deal with Xiaohai.

Su Wangyou suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?" Su Changge couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw him suddenly stop.

"I just feel a little sad." Su Wangyou looked at the headquarters of the Guangming Church in front of him. "It's such a big thing, but we can't find anyone else to discuss."

Su Changge was silent.

In the past, when major events occurred, they could always consult with the Sect Master, the Human Emperor, and the ancient monarchs, but now...

"Because there is no need for this, if we can't handle it, then based on their state, definitely can't handle it." Su Changge said confidently: "The Heavenly Dao's attack is too ruthless, and their state is too bad, and their state is too bad. A single blow to Xiao Hai is an aoe monster, the number actually doesn't make much sense."

"And... we are not who we were back then."

[Yes, the most important thing is that we are not who we were back then.Su Wangyou opened his eyes, and his body was turbulent.

"Let's—go meet the pope."

Chapter Forty-Five

Su Wangyou still decided to meet the pope first.

If the Pope can be saved, then getting help from the Church of Illumination must be a sure thing.


Was stopped.

Speaking out, you may not believe it. Su Wangyou, as the leader of the Bajue Grand Ceremony Comprehensive Battle, the youngest elder of the Misty Xianzong, the sword soul of the ancient country, even beheaded a beast like Lingshan, and forcibly blocked the evil demon alone. Such a person's offense was actually blocked by two ordinary guards.

Let Su Changge's mouth bloom with lotus flowers, the two guards just said, "Excuse me, the Lord Saint has ordered it, and the Bright Church will not accept visits for the time being."

Naturally, it is impossible for Su Changge to shoot the bow of the gods and point it at the heads of these two guards under the public. In fact, he wanted to do so.

If these two guards understand the meaning of shooting the bow of the gods, they are borrowing a hundred burdens, and they dare not stop Su Wangyou and Su Changge, but...recognize the bow of shooting the gods , It also needs some vision.

They are here to seek help. Naturally, it is impossible for them to kill if they disagree with each other. It is really not a good choice to push hard.

The main thing is... this is not Zu Guang.

With the identities of Su Changge and Su Wangyou, naturally they would not care about anything with the two guards... No, Su Changge would definitely do the accounting, and this fellow was never willing to suffer a loss unless it was facing Tang Congxin...

Naturally, Su Wangyou would not care about anything with the two guards who were ordered to act, but he was also a little bit strange, why he declined visitors at this time. At this time, unlike the past, Xiaohai may be born at any time. Su Wangyou naturally wants to master The initiative was stopped here again.

[In this case... let's go to find out at night.

Su Wangyou made a secret decision, and planned to leave.

At this moment

A young and slightly surprised voice rang from the side.

"You two, it's a fate, we meet again."

Su Wangyou and Su Changge turned their heads together and saw Hui and the white-haired old man—and a man in a priest’s uniform.

He Yi can become the great sage of the Tower of Truth. Although he is not an old monster with an exhaustive plan, he can also be called a thorough thinking. After a little thought, he guessed that Su Changge and Su Wangyou had come. The reason here.

He glanced at it, looked at the body movements and facial expressions of the two guards, and looked at Su Wangyou's hand on Su Changge's shoulder, and understood that the two of them should have been stopped.

"If it's convenient for the two of you--- might as well go in with me." Hey smiled slightly, "I'm going to see the pope this time. I think this is the purpose of the two?"

Before Su Changge spoke, the priest next to Hui said: "No, now the Pope is seriously ill, how can you let these unidentified people in at will."

(It is not a secret that the PS Pope is seriously ill. The saint has been in power for several years.)

Su Changge immediately had the idea of ​​drawing out the bow of shooting the gods, pointing at the opposite head and asking him, "I am unidentified" - but he was still suppressed.

"That's bad." Hey shook his head and said: "The method given in the Apocalypse Salvation Records has always been mysterious and mysterious. I don't know any medical methods myself, and you have tried almost the Western medical methods. These two are the messengers from the East—that is, Zuguang. Maybe the opportunity to save the Pope lies with them."

"What's more---I only met these two people not long ago, and they happened to meet again at this time. Don't you think---this is what the Apocalypse·Salvation means?"

The priest said that the man still seemed to want to speak, but he was interrupted before he could speak.

"It's okay, let them in." The ethereal female voice sounded out of thin air, but it didn't feel abrupt.

The priest opened his mouth, and finally just bowed his head and said, "It's all up to the Lord Saint."

"Oh!" Su Changge came to the spirit, and didn't care about the sound that appeared out of thin air. Instead, he walked over pretending to be careless and patted the shoulders of the two guards. "It's a saint, this vision It’s not like stinky fish, rotten shrimps and tomatoes..."

Su Wangyou supported his forehead with one hand.

"Just laughed..."

The priest ordered the man to listen to the saint's words, and he had no objection at first, but now seeing Su Changge's unreliable appearance, his face once again showed undisguised distrust.

Hey laughed twice, knowing that he could not wash, so he didn't wash it at all, and walked into the headquarters of the Bright Church.

Su Wangyou and the white-haired old man also followed.

The two guards stood in place, their expressions extremely firm.

The ghost knows how much I have paid for this church.JPG

The crowd followed the priest and served the man all the way forward.

Su Wangyou did not squint, her voice was calm.