Mordo Online

Mordo Online

244 Chapters completed 4,064 Views
Word Count
480,000 Words
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Use superpowers to generate waves.

And waves give rise to mutant creature creators.

The world is doomed by superpower warfare. The master of

the world becomes a creator. The

protagonist, Ha-yun, was more overwhelming than anyone else. He was the only one who could

survive the creators.

Then he moves into the online game that used to exist in the past.


Butterfly Valley Author's Online. I used to read cheeky players for fun. I also read this work in a fun way. In fact, unlike Chitkey, he's the strongest player since the beginning. In the meantime, the fun is that when the protagonist uses his abilities, It's giving birth to creators. Because of

that setting, even if the protagonist meets a strong enemy, he does not use his abilities as leverage. If, of course, an enemy appears overpowered to deal with it, a single shot with abilities... In that case, it's a little futile.

And the story that comes as a threat to the protagonist as he

reads the novel. I didn't really feel that way. The protagonist is strong, and he has superpowers. At least he won't die because of what he thinks. In fact, it does. That is why I regretted the lack of tension somewhat.
Mordo Online


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