My history chat group

My History Chat Group Chapter 169

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, suddenly said: "Isn't it about the same as the movable type printing book?... I just want to be larger than the average book and have more text."

"Friends in the East, I have read Marco Polo's diary, and I know that the far east is very rich, and now many people and countries have begun to try to go to the east." Galileo added, "I hope that in the rest of my life, I can also go to the east."

When Marco Polo heard this, he was very surprised: "Galileo, I am Marco Polo, the real Marco Polo in history. I heard His Majesty Kublai said that in the future I will have a diary that will be passed down to future generations, even in the history of the East.

You have read my diary. It should belong to the age after me. How many years are there since my age?"

Marco Polo in the group really wrote Marco Polo’s diary?

Having seen the chat records of the historical chat group before, Galileo was still half-believing. At the same time, he had studied the historical chat group for a long time, and he spoke in the group for the first time after not discovering any danger or secret.

"Oh... God!"

Galileo was surprised: "My God, you are really Marco Polo himself, Marco Polo's diary is written by you?! ... I am here in 1615 AD, three or four hundred years from your time! ... Oh my God, are you in the group? Alexander the Great, is it true too?"

The group leader Wang Yu said: "In the historical chat group, it's all true, don't doubt it! If you want to come to the Eastern world, it's easy, you can send it directly with the teleporter. Or, try it and come to me.

There is more freedom here than you, and there will be no church intervention to prevent your invention and scientific doctrine."

Galileo is a talent, Wang Yu wants to fool him over.

Empress Wu Zetian answered: "Galileo, a well-known person in the Western world, I, I just read the Chinese history book, and there are some records about him, invented the Galileo telescope, what pendulum needle, what thermometer is it? Category……"

Zhuge Liang said: "I just looked at it. Galileo is called a mathematician, physicist, astronomer... and is one of the important figures in the development of science in the future!"

Science is a strange word to most people in the group.

Suddenly, Alexander the Great said: "Galileo, come to me and help me conquer the world! And Marco Polo, come together!"

"Alexander the Great?" Galileo was startled. "Are you really Alexander the Great nearly two thousand years ago?"

conquer the world?

These four words are very harsh!

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng was very upset, not angry with himself, and said in a shocking voice: "Alexander, do you mean to conquer the world, does it include the Eastern world where China is located?"

The group leader Wang Yu reminded: "The age of Alexander is similar to that of Zhang Yi, that is, the age of King Qin Hui. Whether it is in the same world as Zhang Yi is not known."

King Qin Hui?

When was your great ancestor?

Han Gaozu Liu Bang said: "Ying Zheng, others have a big tone, maybe they really want to call Qin Hui from the Western world! ... You have to accumulate points to 100 million, and then use the express delivery function and designated delivery. Run to the rescue!"

At this time, Zhang Yi said: "I have seen the world map I got from the group leader. It does have Western world countries on it, and there is also the kingdom where Alexander the Great is located... Its land is so large that it can add up to the Central Plains countries. compared to.

However, there is no record of the Kingdom’s soldiers and horses coming to the Central Plains where Alexander the Great lived.However, now that Alexander the Great has come to the historical chat group, he..."

To be honest, Zhang Yi was really worried.

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng snorted coldly: "Huh, Zhang Yi, are you still afraid that Alexander will not succeed? ... If I am here, those who dare to offend me, die!

At that time, even if I can't use the express delivery function, I will ask Zhu Yuanzhang for help. What's so terrible!"

Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang expressed his support and said: "Qin Shihuang, rest assured! If foreign enemies dare to come, I will definitely help!"

In this regard, Alexander the Great is not afraid and believes: "If you want to stop me, just come!... In the near future, I will lead countless warriors to the east and conquer everyone!... Galileo, Marco Polo, don’t you want to Come help me?"

Marco Polo did not speak.

"People in the world will yearn for peace. If it is for war, I would not help Alexander the Great." Galileo said: "Moreover, I just want to continue my research, hoping to be recognized by more people, and ultimately benefit. Humanity."

Although he is curious about other worlds at different times, his research is more important.Moreover, he doubted that the people of Alexander the Great's time could not accept his scientific research and theories, and it would be useless to go.

Jin Wudi Sima Yan smiled and said, "Alexander shouldn't have guns... Didn't he bring people to the Central Plains to find his own way?... Today, I understand what a newspaper is, I want to try it and leave first."

For guns, Sima Yan is very respected!


Chapter 110: Help and Choice

Gossiping in the pavilion, drinking and composing poetry, leisurely and contented.

Li Bai also brought the food that Wang Yu gave him here to share with everyone. If someone asked him "where did it come from", he would prevaricate "from a mysterious person."

"Here, soak chicken feet, it tastes very good, it goes perfectly with wine!"

Wang Changling ate soaked chicken feet and drank wine, praised again and again.

"No, wine is good wine. I have lived for most of my life and have never drunk such a mellow and strong wine!"

Meng Haoran drank the "wuliangye" with a look of enjoyment and intoxication: "Taibai, if you can get this kind of wine in the future, please change it with me."

"This kind of fine wine can be called fairy brew, and it is definitely not made by mortals!"

Wang Wei was very curious about the "mysterious people" Li Bai said, but Li Bai didn't say much, and he didn't ask too much.

Great poets, mostly good wine, also like fine wine.

"Everyone likes it."

Li Bai pointed his finger at other things, and said: "There are other foods, everyone will taste it."

Li Qingzhao, who was sitting by the side, was eating spicy sticks and drinking small wine. His volume was not small.

"Jushi Yi'an, not only does his wording work well, but he also has a good drinking volume." Du Fu took a glass of wine and said: "Looking at the place of Lay Mojie, brother Taibai's wine, Xiaosheng Du Fu, respect Lay Yi'an."

When the wine was over, the poems were booming, and everyone began to chant poems against them.

Later, I went boating on the lake, drinking wine and singing poetry, so I was not bold, comfortable and at ease.

One day passed without knowing it.

Early the next morning, Wang Wei received an invitation from the prime minister Zhang said.

And I hope that Wang Wei will take Meng Haoran, Li Bai, Pei Di and others with him.

Zhang said that he is now in his sixties, has worshipped the Lord three times, and has been in charge of the Tang literary world for more than 30 years. The literati of the Tang Dynasty knows his name, and many people want to befriend him.

Wang Wei is now an official in Chang'an, that is, Zhang Shuo's subordinate, Zhang Shuo's invitation, he can't refuse, so he can only go.

However, as for whether other people are willing to go, they cannot be forced.

"Brother Haoran, invited by Prime Minister Zhang. I think you can go together on this trip. If you get the appreciation of Prime Minister Zhang, you might get an official position and show your ambition."

Meng Haoran just failed the imperial examination, and it will take some time to wait for the next imperial examination.Now that he has a new opportunity, Wang Wei suggested that he try it.