NPC Town-building Game

The evil side, the Lord God side and me

For now, I decided to give up on the distributors and defeat the boss of this attack point first. There's no need to be depressed because our original goal is this one.

We just need to take our time to think about the trouble after it's over.

All of them are looking at us, waiting for instructions. The leader of this team is supposed to be Gums, but since he has a position as a follower of God, the decision-making authority seems to have been handed over to me.

'Mr. Niles,' he said, 'I feel a huge, evil presence. Do you feel a huge, evil presence?

I can use magic to detect evil, but the distance is limited. Would you like me to try it, just in case?

"Well, I guess I--

When I thought about having them probe me, just in case.

That won't be necessary.

Suddenly you hear a voice, quiet and solemn, yet without inflection.

He is just talking in a matter-of-fact manner, but his voice resonates to the core of my body.

Instantly, the villagers and hunters look around, but the owner of the voice is nowhere to be found.

'Up there!'

If you follow Gums' glaring gaze with a sharp warning, there is one object floating in the sky.

'What is that?'

I heard someone's startled murmur. I couldn't afford to be sure who it was, and I couldn't take my eyes off a point in the sky.

There is something oddly shaped floating there.

There is a white square ...... cage in the sky, but that cage is not made of iron or wood.

Is it made of bone?

Gums is right, it is a bone. A huge cage made of human bones. And inside it is a writhing mass of flesh, tightly packed.

There are blood vessels on the surface of the chunk of meat that make unpleasant sounds and repeatedly pulsate, and blood occasionally gushes out of them.

On the surface of the lump of meat, there are a number of eyes and noses, but only one mouth. It was a huge mouth with a crescent-moon mouth that was lacerated with sharp blades like shark fangs.

Whenever the saliva dripping from its mouth hit the ground, the ground would sear and white smoke would billow up.

Just looking at it made me sweat all over my body, and my throat is unusually thirsty. The reason why my vision has been blurred since a while ago is because my body is unconsciously shaking in small increments.

"I didn't know such a monster existed: ......

It's not just a matter of how much time you have left on the clock. You'll be able to see their faces are pale and their weapons have slipped from their hands and are lying on the ground.

I can assure you that if I had been here alone, I would have been an abomination and run away without a sideways glance. That thing is no good, my instincts tell me, and my mind screams to run away, run away.

Still, as a servant of ...... God, a god destined to protect the villagers, I had to muster up what little courage I had. I've already chosen not to run away from reality!

Clench your hands and grit your teeth.

Hold on, hold on, don't slump down, don't look away!

You've quit running away from reality and turning away from ......!

"Guo...... oh!

I heard a chirping sound of breath escaping from next to me. When I turned my gaze to the side for a moment, I saw a tearful Chemm in his prayerful outfit.

The rest of the men were more or less the same, but with power in their eyes, some of them supported their bodies and endured, using their weapons as wands.

Several hunters, Gams, Murus and Sudhir.

And - unlike the others - Niles is the only one who, instead of contorting his face in fear, with large beads of sweat on his forehead, seemed to be thinking about something.

"If that is ...... the god of desire⁉

While everyone was bewildered and unable to move, Niles uttered the name.

Everyone present reacted to his or her words with a look of despair.

I don't know what he was talking about, but I'm sure there was a phrase I couldn't miss.

'Are you the ...... god of desire?'

In response to my question, Niles nodded widely and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Yes, the God of Desire, the god of the followers of the evil god ....... It is said to enter the crevices of the mind, seduce and charm. Its appearance is a bloated, skinless mass of flesh. It has a large mouth and countless eyes and noses. The false body is covered with a cage of bones to preserve its appearance. So it is said.

Hearing the content of what he said with a face devoid of bloodlust, I was breathless.

Since he is the boss of the attack point, I was prepared for a strong enemy to a certain extent, but of all things, he's a squire on the side of the evil god!

"Who knows me? Yes, I am God. I am one of the evil gods, sealed in the depths of the earth. Lose the ugliness in your heart. Give yourself over to your desires.


My head wobbles and my heart beats faster just to hear a voice falling from above. Give up, give it all up," our weak mind whispers, but we shake our heads furiously and scramble to get away from the sweet talk.

Even if that's not enough, the invisible force coming down on us from above torments us.

If we relax even a little, we feel like we'll fall to our knees.

"We are in the presence of the god of desire. Bow down, mortals.

The pressure to crush them increases and they all fall to their knees in place.

We were told that the servants had been sent to Japan and lost most of their power, but what is this pressure!

It's not at all the same as when you met the god of fate, Mr. Sedo. It's a foul thing not to have the shape of a person in the first place.

Ugly and horrible figure, not CG but real texture. A truly deformed monster. Instincts, not logic, are frightened.

A sense of desperation surges in, not allowing me to even resist.

Still, you try to resist it somehow, but it's all you can do not to be crushed. There is no time to think about anything else.

None of my friends seem to be moving. Should I just wait for them to crush me?

Most of the villagers and hunters are grimacing in despair, and many of them are shedding large tears of fear.

It's time to rest. You can give in now.

The sweet temptation that stirs the mind tries to slip into the crevices of the weak heart.

I'm not as strong and gutsy as people in other worlds, but I did well. No one would blame you for poking your knee in anymore. ...... No, you don't!

With what little courage I had left, I stared at the god of desire.

The villagers are closer to God than I am. It has been ingrained in them since childhood as an enemy that they will never be able to defeat. I'm sure they never thought of defeating the gods.

But I wasn't, was I? Not only do I not believe in God, I even cursed God for my unworthiness and cursed him for my misfortune.

I put my hands on my knees and put all my strength into them. You hear something squeak and pain, but you ignore it!

"Yoshio, sir?

Chaem looks at me with a dumbfounded face. Everyone else is looking at me in response to his words.

The faces are all tainted with despair. I know, I know, it's unsettling, it's scary. For those who believe in God, His existence is absolute, isn't it?

I smile as best I can - to my precious friends.

I've been pampered and protected all my life. Many of my classmates worked hard, and many of them went from being protected by their families to being the ones to protect them.

'Gu...... oooh, oooh,'

My joints and bones are screaming. I'm sorry, but you're going to have to do the biggest skinny of your life with me some more!

I stood up taller and more heroic in one fell swoop.

I was really happy to be able to protect someone, even if it was a game, to be pampered and relied on by someone else. To be able to help someone, even me.

That's why I can't show my shameful appearance in front of them.

Even if this is a trivial pride, I want to continue to be their admiration.

I will not be defeated, O God of Desire, I will not be defeated! We can't give in!

"Scrabble or you stupid player!

The myriad of eyes stuck to the flesh stared at me. That alone is enough to take away all my courage. But when I think of the villagers around me, I can muster up all the courage I want ......!

There is no way to recover.

On the contrary, we are limited to bravado.

I can hardly move my hands and feet.

But still, I'm not going to let my gaze wander.

Will they say something, or will they attack us without question?

I had prepared myself for this, but my opponent didn't make a move at all. For some reason, they are just staring at me.

The tense atmosphere is broken by a song with a cheerful rhythm that is too out of place.

The song can be heard from my chest. This is ...... the ringtone of the god of destiny!

What's that sound?

Now that's the god of desire, right?

I hadn't felt any awesomeness in this voice, even though it had been unemotional and nonchalant earlier.

Whether it was the influence of the song or the result of being struck by a falsehood, the power that was holding my whole body down disappeared, and I hurriedly took out my phone from my breast pocket.

'Whoa, dazzle!'

A dazzling light floods out of my phone's screen.

The name of the caller should be displayed, but I can't see anything because of the blinding white light.

"Hello, are you connected?

This voice is still the god of destiny!

"Yes, I hear you!

This shouldn't be the scene of a drinking phone call, but the fictional God remains suspended in the air and does not move. You're not going to mess with ...... during the conversation?

The white light of the phone went out and I checked the screen to see a close-up of Sedo-san's face, the god of fate.

I'm glad to hear that. That daredevil you just dared me to say that, it was very cool. Now, I have to get to work. I know you're out there, God of Desire.

He called out his opponent by name and stretched out his arm as he thrust his phone into the sky.

'You are ...... the god of destiny.'

You two know each other.

What's the matter with you? You're downstairs working on your computer.


Downstairs means that the God of Desire is also working in the same building!

I had heard that both the followers on the master's side and the evil one were equally corrupted in Hokkaido, but I didn't know that even this god of desire was a colleague who worked in the same office in the same building.

It is against the rules to misbehave with a piece of yourself left in another world, right? Do you know what you're doing? Can I go downstairs and dump it now?

The god of desire who keeps silent against the fast-talking God of Fate.

The horror of his appearance has not changed, but the way he keeps his mouth shut makes me feel melancholy. The sense of fear and oppression that I had felt earlier has faded considerably.

This is turning the wind around. If negotiations ...... or rather threats work, we might be able to get through this place.

'Ah, um, Yoshio-sama. Who is that voice from the board, and what does it say?

Chem tugged on my clothes sleeve and called out to me apologetically.

The others seem to feel the same way and are looking at me with a troubled look on their faces.

I see, this conversation wasn't translated to the people of the other world. I was relieved to see that the conversation was about the dignity of God.

'The caller is a god of fate in human form,'

"Oh, yeah?

Cheem and Niles are the ones who are so surprised that they are on their back to the point where their upper body collapses.

The other people are also surprised and open-mouthed with their eyes wide open.

"We are negotiating with the god of desire right now. Please wait a moment.

When I say that, he nods his head so hard over and over again that it feels like his neck is going to break. It's not every day that you get to witness a dialogue between a god and a god, so it's only natural to have this reaction.

You can't just say something. You're going to have to talk like you did before," he said. You're holding a grudge against your player for letting Yoshio lose the game. He's a god, but he's a little guy.

...... Now, God of Fate said I made the game over, right?

There are two people who fit the bill. Yamamoto-san and the man who manipulated Seika.

And the one who falls for the key words lust, fascination, and seduction -- band members ministry.

Was this god of desire a god played by a band member!

"I had no idea that this one, with its secondary purpose of connecting Japan to the other world, was actually intended to lure Yoshio out of harm's way,

It's not by chance that the Anryu Mukami Village is located in the "Forbidden Forest", but rather it was a setup based on the knowledge that it was in my territory.

By the way, your pay cut is a definite matter.

The style of agitation here and there.

The God of Desire, who has been silent since then without refutation, is uncanny.

"Shut up. Shut up, shut up, shut up! Bitch Oh!

The atmosphere shakes as the giant mouth rambles, and the vibration of his voice causes his whole body to tremble.

I was caught off guard by the previous exchange, but that's the evil god's follower. He's a god.

'They're all gods, but they're all bound by human reason. What are the rules! If you're going to take a pay cut, you're going to take a riot!

This guy is a god and he's trying to talk his way out of it!

But it's easier to handle now that the dignity we had earlier has been lost and the human touch has been restored. However, the current situation is quite harsh.

It seems to be a piece of God, but even with that alone, it should still have the power to surpass us. I'm sure you'll be able to see the difference in their power with your own eyes.

I'm not sure if I'm right. I'm going to be riding upstairs to beat you, so be prepared. Yoshio, if your opponent violates the rules, you don't need to follow them either. I'll help you out, so good luck! Alright, Micchan, Medicine, and ...... Luck, let's go punch in downstairs! I get it! Yup! I'll offer you!

After those words, the call was terminated.

I heard other people's voices too, but is that another employee ...... or some other god?

I'm curious, but right now my priority is to do something about the situation.

"Damn, those guys really broke in. Damn it, stop it, man! Guys, don't look at me, help! If this happens, launch the automatic program ......

The god of desire was ranting and then suddenly fell silent.

It would be a hooray if it just stopped moving - but that's not going to happen.

The eyes of the God of Desire, which had only moved with its mouth for a long time, had a red light in them, and the blood vessels in its body were pulsing more intensely than before.

I am the God of Desire. I am the God of Desire, the god of desire, and I will destroy you.

The voice that speaks in one language is of a poor quality that could only be synthesized by an old type of machine.

You've activated that automatic program you were talking about earlier!

Ladies and gentlemen, be alert. The god of destiny has weakened them, but they still have some strength left. We have no choice but to fight back!

But I have to say.

The conversation of the gods has ruined the seriousness of the conversation, but the battle with the god of desire is not likely to be avoided. Even though the thing is not a complete body with a piece of God, and even though it is weakened, it is still a powerful enemy.

You're going to be the last boss battle, we're going to get through this.