NPC Town-building Game

God in the game and real me

I came up with something like that so I wrote a pretty long sentence. If you can understand one-tenth of AI, you just want to certify it as a god game, but what about?

"I am the God of fate, those who have found life. It seems like I have repelled the monsters after my miracle. From now on, the oracle is granted only once a day. I hope you live according to my life. First, cut down the trees and secure a place to live. '

It sounds like a great tone, but it's god, so this is fine. I don't think there is a typo.

In any case, I couldn't understand the contents of the text, so I thought it was appropriate, but I just thought seriously.

Press the "enter" key while smiling at your own righteousness.

"everyone! In the Bible, the oracle from God of Destiny '

Exaggeratedly, the priest Chem is surprised.

Everyone looks into the Bible all at once, but what kind of reaction will they show from here?

"Oh, sorry. Neither I nor Carol can read the letters. "

Lyra raises her hand shyly, and Carol stretches her arms vigorously.

"I can write simple characters, but it's impossible. Will you read me? '

"Your brother can read ... That's right. Then read on

The literacy rate is not that high, as you can imagine from the current exchange.

Gums seemed to be able to read the word, but she seemed to be not good at shame on the laila.

Gums, a quiet but attentive guy.

It was only an object of jealousy, but his liking rose a little.

Even so, the effect of the game is detailed. I feel that the tempo is a bit slow, but I don't hate humane exchanges.

Chem takes a deep breath and speaks the text I typed.

Well, this isn't that difficult, because it just pastes the characters. The problem is after this.

'Did God save me? On the contrary, until our worries …… ”

"Thank you, God!

The impressed Rodis and Chem are kneeling and praying to heaven.

Carol is just laughing as she doesn't understand the meaning. Gums closed his eyes and bowed slightly, as if silently praying.

"……you're kidding"

Behavior as if you fully understood the contents of the text.

"Hey, really, it's ridiculous if the character understands and speaks. Isn't this technology a decades away?"

Some PCs and smartphones have AIs that understand these words and assist them, but they only respond to simple commands and words.

There is no ability to understand complex long sentences. Then it might just be one of the pre-input behavior patterns.

"The god of destiny is asking to secure wood and secure a bed. So let's split the tree by hand. "

...... It looks like I fully understand the characters I wrote.

"Because this is in the woods, the trees are abundant, but they cannot be used as wood immediately after felling. Of course, you have to process it, and you need to dry it after you cut it down. "

Rodis was the one who crossed her arms and spoke. ……Hmm? Drying time for processing?

Well, this kind of game is like building a house as soon as you cut down the tree. How realistic is this game?

"Does wood need to be dried?

Good point, Chem. I thought the same.

"Because wood contains a lot of water, it can change shape unless it is dried and used. So, if you make something by processing before drying it will cause problems after completion.

"Yes, I didn't study."

I synced with Chem, nodding behind the screen.

I knew that for the first time. With a versatile appeal, this blunder is a bit embarrassing.

'God's ideas are not beyond people. I have some thoughts. How about cutting down trees first? Even if you can't use it right away, there's no loss in securing it. '

Thanks for following, Rodis.

It seems that everyone agreed and removes an ax and a saw from the wooden box on the carriage. Rodis and Gums appear to be in charge of logging.

The women seem to stroll around and look for something to eat.

Move the mouse wheel button to zoom in and out of the screen, so check your current location.

When you move away from the ground, you can see nothing but the place where the character is. It's not a bug but a specification that only knows the details of the place where it is based and the place extending like a line from it.

This narrow area is the route that escaped by carriage.

"This is a type of character that moves and searches the unexplored map to expand the viewable range. With such a setting, it is a classic to have a character in charge of reconnaissance and check around, but you can no longer do oracles."

Clicking on a character will only display the settings and you will not be able to manipulate it yourself.

I tried to advance the time in the game, but did not know how to perform the fast forward operation.

"Maybe the in-game time is the same as the real thing. Well, once you do the oracle once a day, then you can leave it alone, no, no, no."

are you serious? It is not a game like this. It's fun to just watch the characters have their own personalities, but it's not a game like this.

When I hit the keyboard properly to find out what happened, characters suddenly appeared on the screen.

There is another thing you can do as God of Destiny. You can exercise many miracles using fate points >>

It came out suddenly and the explanation started suddenly. What is fate point?

<< What is a fate point? Did you think? Destiny points are the points that villagers are given to the god of fate-the more you thank you. Please see the number in the upper right of the screen >>

When I moved my gaze to the upper right as I was told, the picture and figures seemed to be Bible.

"That is your destiny point. The more the residents are grateful, the more points they will get. As the number of inhabitants increases, the amount will inevitably increase, and the more the oracle is for the villagers, the more points will be gratefully appreciated. "

In other words, if the content of the oracle determines the increase or decrease of points.

You should take the oracle text more seriously. Do you feel like selling your favors casually?

Those that can be activated by consuming fate points are here. As the village becomes fine and the number of inhabitants increases, the content of miracles will also be upgraded, so please do your best >>

To be honest, I had begun to doubt that it was a fucking game, but with such a system the story changes. Would you like to check the contents and things of the miracle?

"Isn't it possible to give me something directly? I'm a god of destiny, so the peddler visits, the journey pharmacist comes in, the hunter drops in, and the escaping villagers join together. You can also control the weather .... Oh, you can also control a little weather. Such a thing can be like a miracle of God. "

The game is getting better.

The fate point now is the villagers' appreciation for the miracle she shines when she is being chased by monsters.

However, there are only a few points, so I get lost.

It is not clear what the villagers need now. Let's eavesdrop on their conversations and work out what to do next.

The men of Rodis and Gums are silently cutting down trees. Neither of them seem to be talking and there is no conversation.

Rodis tries to talk with care, but struggles with someone who returns only three patterns: "Oh," "I understand," and "Yes."

These two are not helpful at all. Do you want women?

"Laila, how much food did you take out?

"I was desperate to escape. I managed to carry three wooden boxes for sale, so if you save, I'd be happy for two weeks. ''

"Two weeks? I hope we can secure stable food by then. "

Notable information was included in the daily conversation between the two people picking wild plants.

Securing food? So, can you buy food if you choose "Peddlings visit"? The problem is whether the villagers have the money, but before that, if you need to secure it yourself, it's like fish and mountains.

I want to find out how close to nature there is.

"Would you tell Gums to look around tomorrow? But here's the only thing we can do to keep our strength away from everyone ..."

If the surrounding information can be obtained, the danger can be detected in advance. However, it seems reckless to let Gums act alone in situations of unknown danger.

This is a dilemma.

If you want to capture the game as a simplicity, you should use Carroll to increase the visibility of a girl who isn't currently able to help.

However, I didn't want to cut off the characters that showed humanity that I couldn't think of AI. They lived hard in the game.

I think it's ridiculous against the characters in the game, but I'm starting to seriously want to watch what happens to them in the future.

It's only been about three hours since the game started, but it seems that more and more empathy has been introduced to the human villagers.

"I can't wake up badly even if I do a vicious action and annihilate."

Such excuses spill out, even though no one is listening.

Think about the best way for them to survive. Do you properly check the list of miracles that can be executed at fate points?

For now, the first candidate is to secure the ingredients. The second candidate is the tools and materials needed to build a house. The third candidate is ...

"what's this?"

At the bottom of the list was the item Familiar.

Speaking of familiars in the fantasy world, I'm a magician. Deliver things as eyes and limbs and use them for information gathering.

"Information gathering!"

Really. If you get this, it will be possible to expand the viewable area of the map!

In retrospect, it's a game, so it's natural to take such measures. Producers are not stupid.

"I hope you can hire at the current point."

Click on the item "Familiar" to see the types of familiars that can be used at once.

There are many animals, but there are a few monster names that are often found in fantasy.

"It's a bird for reconnaissance and map purposes. It has a wide range of action and is useful for reconnaissance."

It seems that there are several types of birds, but the points are high throughout.

The types of birds I could hire now were chicks.

"Once we start laying eggs, we can serve them at the table, but they're not good for scouting anyway."

Cats and dogs are also familiar as familiar, but they do not receive points.

"Is there any way to earn points other than the gratitude from the villagers?"

Characters appear on the screen again at the timing of doubting that they responded to my muttering.

There are other ways to increase fate points. It is a billing system. Ten points will be added if you pay 1,000 yen >>

…… a billing system.

Hey, are you implementing the most troublesome system for NEETs?

It is said that it is more difficult to search for games without a billing system in online games. As a matter of course, is it incorporated in the alpha test?

At this point, it doesn't reach familiars, but if you pour 20,000 cash, you can reach cats and small dogs. Beyond familiarity, if you have points, you can make villagers easier.

When I got up from the chair, I took out my passbook from the gadget that was placed beside my PC and checked the contents.

"The rest is ten thousand. If you sell a house book or a game, you'll get a good deal of money. If you put it up in a sweepstakes and open it up on an online auction ..."

I've been worried all the time, only time has passed without making a decision.

――Ignore the discomfort you have in NPCs who behave like humans.