NPC Town-building Game

Negotiating God and Destiny God

"I couldn't predict this development ..."

To talk to me as a player through the Bible.

You should be looking into the area over here and thinking that he had called out after confirming that he had given the Bible to Gums.

Follow the letters as they appear in the Bible one after another.

"God of fate, are you in doubt of us? But as subordinates of the Lord God, we are forbidden to struggle with each other. '

It seems to be such a rule.

It has been confirmed on the bulletin board. The Dark Elves believe that God of Nature is not the evil god but the Lord, and if you believe in the information on the bulletin board, there is no mistake.

The sentence pretending that the other player is also a god, taking into account the villagers. The content that speaks to me also comes from the fact that he is taking care of his identity.

"There's nothing wrong with this side. Previously, Forbidden Forest was not as threatening as it is now. However, the danger of monsters has been increasing for several months. It was just when the villagers settled. I hope you can understand what you want to say. '

"... Is there any chance that players on the evil god side may have gathered in the forbidden forest due to my influence?"

If you read from the text, you just think so.

I have no idea! ... I can't say anything.

One of the enemies in the village was Mr. Yamamoto, a senior cleaning company, and the person who attacked me while living in the village was a player involved in me.

Maybe the person is still in a forbidden forest. And it's no wonder that that power isn't just one person, but a partner with another god-side player.

That's not how I do it directly, but maybe I'm the cause ...

"I hope you understand. But if you can't trust it, let one of the villagers live here. Everyone may be dissatisfied, but I want my face to stand here. '

The dark elves were dissatisfied with the dwelling, but heard no response to God's request.

"I'm hoping for a better reply, God of fate."

So the Bible was closed.

Seems to be a friendly partner. It seems like you can take this suggestion.

However, is the opponent a player? Then the story changes drastically.

If you accept a dark elf as a villager, you will be able to see the location of the opponent's village and see it. But isn't it possible to observe this village over there?

"No, just now. The map here has been released by being invited to the village. That's all you want to see .... Then it's a decision."

Have a Dark Elf move to this village alone and jointly attack the evil god's base. Let's go with this.

It's unclear whether the players themselves are good or not, but if you want to continue the game, you should at least not betray or deceive.

From the message on the bulletin board, it seemed that there was no bad person on the side of the Lord God.

… I guess, maybe, I think, but my judgment criteria are ambiguous and the basis is weak.

But here is a decision.

It is possible that you will continue solo play without trusting your opponent here, but it is too regrettable to miss the chance to be able to partner with the Lord God player here.

"I guess I'll postpone if I'm an old man to come to a conclusion tomorrow. But I've changed."

Determination is decided.

The rest is just a oracle, but after using the oracle today.

…… Please wait for a while until stepping over the days.

I thought about sending the oracle in the middle of the night, but I stopped it because everyone was sleeping.

In the morning, I touched the "enter" key to tell the oracle I had thought about last night.

"I've finished talking with the god of nature worshiped by the dark elf. Don't worry, swear by God's name. I swear that they have no betrayal or sneaky imitation. Both should attack monster bases and mitigate any threat to the village. However, it is advisable to share each other's information so that preparations and strengths are aligned. If so, what about after tomorrow? '

What is this sentence?

God has more strict and vague remarks. Or rather, I have directed God like that until now.

This is too specific and detailed.

However, if you do not explain here properly, the villagers will not be convinced, and if you can not communicate, you can not tell how to fight in the future.

"I'm in trouble. I ought to have produced a slightly broken god ...

But suddenly, "Chiss, it's a god. Everyone is doing fine. Well, it's a consultation. Can you just ask me what to say now? ”Villagers will be surprised.

It doesn't have to be this extreme, so if I could convey my words a bit more crushed, I would go over my thoughts exactly ... oh yeah!

"I couldn't think of it. Oh no, I'm no good. I can't do other players, but there's a way to use the oracle that only I can do."

Erase all sentences and type in a new one.

I read it a few times and sent it to the villagers.

After the meal, the old members of Rodis and others gather in front of the statue. The Bible shines at that timing.

"Everyone, the oracle has descended!

It seemed to be longing, and all of them came together in the Bible.

"I'll read it. ……wait a minute. Let's move the place

Suddenly, Chem utters that and closes the Bible in a hurry.

The villagers were surprised at the appearance, but seemed to understand immediately that there was something meaningful, and followed him calmly.

Stopping near the log fence, the westernmost part of the village, Chem opens the Bible.

"Now, please change. … First close the Bible and move to the west end of the village ”

Yes, Chem only followed the instructions of the oracle.

This place should not be within the limits of the oracle beyond. I couldn't see the other party's conversation, but I took this measure because this oracle would be troubled later if I saw it.

"I was sorry to suddenly ask for something strange. It's been a long time, everyone. This time, instead of God of fate, Yoshio, the servant who had been there for the past, wrote. ... Oh, Yoshio-sama! ?

Chem leaks a surprise voice.


Carol is happy to hear my name and clapping hands.

That was the longest time I spent together in Japan and in a different world.

Carroll stayed at my house for a few days before returning to a different world village. At that time, I also had to go to another world and spend a month together.

...... When others hear it, it seems like a delusion or a strange person's remark, but this is a fact.

I actually spent time in a village where I thought it was a game, and had experience interacting with villagers.

That is the greatest strength that other players do not have.

He was a servant of the god of fate, and also handed down the oracle. So I want to think that if I tell the oracle instead, the villagers will accept.

"In other words, is this oracle written by a servant?"

Gums was quite convinced.

"Because Yoshio had told the oracle before,"

"Yes. Will the detailed story be written by Yoshio in the future? "

"Wow, Yoshio, Yoshio! I want to talk about Carroll too!

The Rodis family is no problem.

Kang and Ran nodded small.

Murus looked a little surprised, but soon returned to his real face.

"Yes, brother. It looks like that. Now, read on. Sorry ... This time, the god of fate is busy, so I decided to tell instead. I look forward to sharing the oracle with you in the future. Now, as for this one case, the fate god talked with the nature god, and it turned out that this operation was irrelevant. "

The villagers hold their chests and exhale big.

Perhaps the worries were gone and I was relieved.

"You may be tired of being negotiated with the god of nature. That's why he asked Yoshio for a handwriting. "

Upon hearing Rodis's muttering, the villagers looked like they had a point.

The villagers ... it was a very helpful interpretation for me.

`` I think there are things to think about the dark elf, but believe in God ''

I was worried about the reaction of Murus, so I zoomed in and shrugged and exhaled a little.

I was reluctant, but did you agree?

"However, please make sure you have enough strength and preparation. Be sure to give as much information as possible about your base. And if you do not win, you do not need to take it. If you find it impossible, withdraw immediately. '

This is a game but not a game.

Fighting safely means that you don't want to suffer as much as possible, even if it's unreasonable. That ’s because I ’m honest.

"By the way, it seems that either one day after three days or seven days after is recommended."

Because it is a part-time job that day.

The villagers who have read the oracle are all heading for the dark elves.

She seemed to expect to come over, and came out of the building before opening the door.

"I'm here. So did you come to a conclusion? I decided to take the conditions. I'm going to live in this village. U, chi, gane "

Sudir is grinning and pointing at himself.

Really? She will live as a leader.

"Eh, my sister! ?

"I haven't heard that story!

What surprised me was not only here, but also the dark elves.

… Did you not talk to your friends?

"It's an idiot. If you want the other person to trust you, someone with a higher position should go. Looks like it's fun afterwards

The second half must not feel like the real intention.

"You are a new villager, welcome. By the way, about joint struggle ... Thank you very much. We will fight together. "

"Oh, that's right. nice to meet you. Then, I'm going to talk a bit more seriously about the future. Regards, Mayor

Sudil grasps Rodis's hand with her hands wrapped in her hands, and laughs bewitchingly with her face close enough to reach her breath.

Seeing that Rodis, who was surprised by the sudden urgency, was hurried, blood vessels appeared in Lyra's temple.

I wonder if this kind of adult woman is ready for Don because she can afford ... Is it surprisingly jealous?

Let's leave the rest of the discussion to the villagers. The oracle cannot be used anymore.

Should I do a miracle check and a check of my strength? Let's eat before that.

I was watching all the time without eating breakfast.

Once I picked up my smartphone to observe the conversation, it seemed that someone had called me.

"Because I'm not familiar with smartphones, I rarely see it except when I activate Fateful Village

So I am often angry with my family.

"Oh, it's delicate."

And another one, I was told many times to check with Seika frequently.

History ... yesterday evening? It's the time when I was taking a bath. Did you repeat it twice?

There is no help but it is likely to be squashed again.

But I'm still working now.

Checking the time is 10 am. It's definitely working hours.

Would you like to visit once during lunch break? When I picked up my smartphone, I heard a ringtone.

Check the screen and see the character of Seika.

"Are you not at work?"

I put my smartphone on my ear.


"Oh, you finally came out. Are you all right now?

"I can go, but you are not working?"

"Okay, what are you talking about? Today is Sunday

…… Checking the calendar, it ’s Sunday.

Because cleaning work has nothing to do with holidays. And the feeling of the day of the week is a bit strange due to the bad effects of the NEET era. I need rehabilitation.

"So what?"

"I'd like to talk a bit, can I go now?

"Oh, good. I'm on a part-time job today."

"So you can come home anytime."

"I understand, later."

After the call, I was in my sleepwear, so I was changing clothes ... I remember the casual conversation I had with my mother last night.

"Mr. Ogiku goes on a trip to the Geriatric Society for three days."

Maybe now ... is Seika alone?

A woman invites a man to a house.

...... No, no, I don't know. And it used to be a common place in the past. What are you conscious of now?

"Oh, I'm a little bit sweaty, so I'm gonna take a shower and go."

Yes, there is no deep meaning in this action.