Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 89 Two Interludes

As a magician, he has reached level 12 ┉┉ is now level 13 magic level, and he is also the chief student of the palace mage Great.It stands to reason that as long as Relith is willing to join a certain country and some wealthy nobles, there will never be any difficulties in money.But Reilis has been influenced by magic since she was a child, and she is just blindly insensitive to things other than magic in the world of magic.In order to make a living, I usually only work as a lecturer in the law school of the Kingdom of Saxony. Given the remote location and national power of the Kingdom of Saxony, it is very rare to have a high-level mage willing to come here to be a lecturer. .In addition, Leilis, as a student of Great, has always been very rewarding for being a lecturer.

It’s just that there are exceptions to everything, sometimes no matter how much money is, it’s too little.┉┉

"No! It's a far cry!" Relith covered her forehead and looked at the bill in front of her in trouble: "It's still three million liens short of it. Where can I find it?"

As a magician, Leilis naturally likes to do all kinds of magic research. For this reason, her daily expenses are much higher than other wizards, and female wizards' daily savings are not so generous.Of course, the savings here are not very "rich" and undoubtedly a huge sum of money for ordinary people, but the money is not enough to pay a bill.

"What's the matter with Relith? Your face is so ugly." When Relith was distressed, the palace archmage Grete came in.

Relith recovered and hurriedly saluted: "Ah, Teacher Gretel!"

Grete waved his hand to signal that Leilis didn't need to be polite: "Is your body recovering well recently?"

"The teacher is much better."

When looking at Relith’s broken arm, Gretel couldn’t help but feel moved and sad: “I’m so wronged, Relith┉┉If it wasn’t for me to let you go to the Forest of the Mist to investigate┉┉”

"You don't have to blame yourself for the teacher, it's the best result that everyone can come back safely." Relith smiled faintly.

Grete looked at his student and couldn't help feeling a touch of relief. Leilis was an excellent girl, not only her talent in magic learning, but also the rare fact that this child had a compassionate heart.

"Oh~ that's right! Master Farohn has recently returned from the Forest of Mist." Grete suddenly changed the subject and said.

"Really? Does Master Farohn bring back any news?" Reilis' eyes lit up, and her strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge was aroused in an instant.

The news brought back by the Great Magister Faloren, who returned from the Forest of Mist, is very shocking. The unknown ancient god in the Jarnoud Mountains possesses powerful power. Thousands of years ago, he gave the overlord Garselik extraordinary Power to conquer and unify the entire continent, and the mystery of the disappearance of the once star mage Sillia finally learned the truth. The Saxon royal family has blocked these news, and everything is Enough to cause violent shocks on the mainland.

"Master Faroun has returned to the Tower of the Sage?" Reilis sighed after hearing the news.

"Master Falorne is walking a little bit urgently this time. After all, there are many things in the Tower of the Sage that need to be handled by Master Falorne."

There was also a trace of anxiety in Grete, one thing he didn't tell Reilis even the royal family.Although Master Faluoen returned safely this time, but the ancient god located in the Yanod Mountains imposed some kind of contract or curse and other spells. If Master Faluoun does not return to Yanrod within the specified time, then the Fa Master Lorne would die under the curse.

Although the curse of Master Farohn still appears to be calm and composed, Grete is worried. As the tower of the sage, he is even the most prestigious Great Magister on the entire continent.

It’s a pity that the curse that Master Farohn imposed on the body by the ancient gods is a new spell that has never been seen before. It is probably a magic lost in ancient times. Since there is no information about this curse, it is added The spells that the ancient gods personally applied, even Master Faluoen himself did not dare to easily try to crack the curse.

"This is the bill from the Clefttooth Tomahawk Mercenary Corps?" Suddenly Gret noticed a receipt on the table.

"Ah! This teacher┉┉I┉┉"

"What's the matter with Relith?" Grete asked, looking at the panicked student.

Relith panicked and hesitated. It probably meant that when he escaped from the Forest of Mist, he happened to be rescued by the Clefttooth Tomahawk mercenary group, and in order to return to Belika Fortress as soon as possible, The promise to pay the mercenary group a generous reward has been exchanged for their rapid march.

"So, Leilis, are you going to pay this bill alone?"

Reilis nodded honestly and said with a slight grievance: "Yes, teacher, this is what I promised. Besides, the Clefttooth Tomahawk mercenary group also sacrificed many people to protect me."

"No, I mean, are you going to use your own property to compensate them for their losses?" After listening to his student's account, Grete twitched in the back, and looked at Relith a little bit dumbfounded.

"Is there something wrong?"

Looking at her teacher Leilis revealing a puzzled look, the female mage who has been silent for too long in the magical world and is too simple in foreign objects, in her impression, of course, she should bear the responsibility for the request she made, Grete She smiled helplessly and took away the bills on the table. His students had gone through hardships to bring the news back to the Belika Fortress. The lives of more than 40 people in the investigation team were saved by her. This bill Saxony How could the royal family let her pay the bill.

After instructing Leilis a few words, Grete left the room. As soon as he walked outside, a maid came over and saluted: "Master Grete, Your Majesty Rodland has something to summon you."

Under the leadership of the maid, Grete came to the study of the old king, where several important members of the Saxon royal family had gathered. The commander of the Imperial Guard, General Salas, Prince Rost, and Prince Morris were all present.

"Your Majesty!" Grete bowed slightly, and sat aside after getting a signal from the old king.

"This is the most recent sighting report of Master Great. It is now the third time." Grand Duke Gul on the side handed a report to Great Master.

Grete took the document and took a closer look. A few days ago, a report from the border with Berrama Kingdom was sent to the imperial capital. The villagers in the border village witnessed a huge creature passing through the air at night. Flew quickly to the north.Not long afterward, the second report showed that another sighting occurred near the city in the northern region of central China. This report is more detailed. The creature was judged to be tens of meters long with a pair of huge wings. There are rumors that a dragon flew over the city. These rumors have caused a lot of panic in many cities. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, the dragon has been described as a huge and terrifying existence, cruel and ruthless. The symbol of the power and destruction of the beast, and at the same time ┉┉ is also the goal of the dragon slaying warriors.

Of course, in reality, most of the warriors who went to slay dragons were in the belly of the dragon.┉┉

"This time there is an eyewitness report in Mobike Territory┉┉" Great frowned and stood up. Under the eyes of everyone, he walked to the map hung on the wall, and then made a mark on the map with a pen and was finally uneasy. Said: "From the perspective of the direction of flight, the destination of this creature should be ┉┉Jarnold Mountains."

Prince Rost took a deep breath and asked anxiously, "Is it related to the ancient god of the Janod Mountains?"

Grete pondered for a moment, and suddenly the sound of the tip of a needle could be heard in the room.In the news that Master Faroun brought back, the territory of the ancient gods was full of books and things related to the dragon race, plus the dragon head sword wing banner used by the empire established by the overlord Garselik. Can't deny the connection!

"It is very possible. If it is really a dragon going through the territory of the Kingdom of Saxony to the Janod Mountains, then as long as it does not launch an attack, then Your Majesty Roland┉┉" Grete sighed and said meaningfully. : "I suggest doing a good job not to block its path."


The heavy snow on the edge of the Forest of Mist has stopped. In a white world, plants and beasts that have been infiltrated by the power of frost are living freely, and the terrible cold has no effect on them now. .And a huge white dragon high in the sky was quickly passing the forest, flying towards the border of the Kingdom of Saxony.

The huge dragon's claws are firmly grasping a large net, in which are seven long-haired cotton boll sheep that are common to residents of the Far North.These antelopes were all captured after the battle of the Saxon Kingdom Investigation Group. Yalin left most of them for grazing in the territory, and the seven boll sheep were used as mounts for the people who went out.Due to the dragon’s innate dragon power, the cotton boll sheep was in a state of panic. In order to drive these scared boll sheep into the net pocket, the frost and snow elf wizard had to apply sleep magic to them. Bailong transported these cotton-bell sheep out of Ulduar City.

"Wow, this view is so beautiful!"

Manigot, the Golden Saint Seiya of Cancer, stood on top of the white dragon, holding the dragon's horns, which had been erected so high, looking at the beautiful scenery below.And not far behind him, Pisces Golden Saint Seiya Jabofica, Great Sword Miriya Miriya, and the two brothers Gus and Xiaodouzi were sitting on the dragon's back and enjoying the rare high-altitude travel.

The arrogant dragons on the mainland would never allow worldly mortals to ride on their bodies. This is a great insult to the dragons. Of course, the white dragons are all creatures summoned by Yalin using the summoning system. , Absolute obedience to Yalin's orders was 100%, so that everyone would be so obedient to use themselves as some kind of transport plane in another world.

"Please be careful, Lord Manigot, it's dangerous to stand there." Bai Long's open and loud voice kindly reminded someone who had put his forehead in the observation tower on the spot.

Manigott sat down cross-legged and jokingly replied with disapproval, "Reassure, the big man will be fine."

"That guy's spirit is really good." Miliya lay leisurely on the dragon's back, enjoying the feeling of the cold wind. When I looked around, Miliya realized that the world was so vast and so beautiful. People are breathtaking.The world in which I lived before, the world in which demons and awakened ones are fighting is so small.I never thought that one day I could be lucky enough to be a bird, looking down at a corner of the world from the sky.

The team Riggs had the same ideas as Miria, and was chased by the apostles and the undead. After coming to this world, Gus finally fell asleep in the most stable sleep, no longer worrying about the intrusion of the northern undead in his sleep.Gus adjusted his prosthesis. This prosthesis is a new one. It is more flexible and firmer than his previous one. It feels like his real hand, connecting the prosthetic fingers with his own thoughts. You can move freely. The only pity is that this prosthesis doesn’t have a cannon like before.┉┉

Princess Luo Jie'an looked into the distance, the endless forest has revealed its end, and the vast and boundless frozen soil began to appear in her sight, which shows that she has left the range of the Forest of Mist and officially entered the domain of the Kingdom of Saxony. Within, my former motherland!

"Let's land here." Opened the magic map and checked Princess Luo Jie'an and quickly gave instructions to the white dragon. With a dragon cry, the huge body of the white dragon stretched out and began to slowly descend to the ground.

When the group of people who went out safely entered the kingdom of Saxony, Lid Yalin in Ulduar was solemnly discussing two matters with Schneizel. The first thing was because of the forest of the mists. The snowstorm stopped automatically because of the increase in level. Yalin realized this problem only after receiving the report. After calling the snowstorm again, a team from the northern barren land had entered the range of the misty forest. The second thing is a giant dragon, broke into the misty forest and rushed straight to the Yanod Mountains!