Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 174 The Shadow of the Evil Spider (Part 2)

The arrival of the giant spider cast a shadow of death on the entire battlefield. Both mercenaries and fugitives surviving in the poisonous fog were frightened by the terrifying sight in front of them for an instant, and the screams sounded like a panic.Standing on the back of the giant spider condescendingly looked at the people below. When her eyes passed by Kenjiro and Gus, who were confronting Malorska and the twin brothers, a flash of Ikasis’s face flashed. Surprised, I have previously imposed the evil spider curse on these two unknown mercenaries who may hinder the plan. When the curse was activated just now, they should also die with the mercenaries parasitized by the evil web spiders, but why? Are they still alive?

Forget it!This is not important anymore, it just so happens that their flesh and blood can also become the delicacy of the god queen and holy spider.

Ikesis locked her gaze on Celian again, her purple eyes revealing a cold killing intent.Slowly stretched out his hand and took off the mask on his face, revealing a glamorous face that was vaguely similar to Celian, but she looked a little older than Celian and looked mature and moving, plus the dark elf. The mysterious breath is completely a black beauty.Ikesis slowly opened her mouth and said, "It's been a long time since I saw my dear sister."

Celian's face changed suddenly, and several dark elves around him also stood in front of Celian and glared at the giant spider in front of Celian. Ballust's hands with the dagger were constantly trembling with anger.

"I am not your sister, and you, the priest of Cthulhu, are not my sister." Celian pursed her lips for a long time and said in a deep voice, her tone of sorrow and sadness.

"Is this attitude toward your savior? It seems that after you left, you not only made a bunch of bad friends, but you also learned a lot."

Ikesis and Celian use the unique language of the dark elf. Gus and Kenjiro, who were only given the lingua franca by the summoning system, are naturally not clear about the content of the dialogue between the two, and they can only monitor Krafe in the dark. Rieger understands this language.The conversation between the two is really interesting. Are the sisters fighting each other?It seems that there should be an'interesting' story in it.

"If I know the sins I will commit in the future, I would rather not be saved by you." Celian did not deny this time.

"That's why you went to the sacred capital, wanting to 'atone for your sins' by serving as slaves to those green dragons?" Ikesis gave a harsh mocking laugh: "Haha~ Celian, my lovely sister, do you think Is it possible for you to be redeemed? Your hands are stained with blood even more than mine."

"Because of this┉┉I can't forgive myself. At least I understand the sins I have committed, and finally understand that I have been living in the lies of the evil god, and you? You know your own. His hands were covered with blood, but he continued to help the evil god persecute those innocent people."

"Cthulhu? It's ridiculous!" A murderous intent flashed in Ikesis' eyes: "Those who slaughtered our compatriots and drove us into the ground and were forced to leave this bright and rich land. Are the surface creatures qualified to claim themselves as justice? The great queen has long analyzed the basic laws of the entire world for us, the weak eat the strong! If the dark elves want to survive, they must fight to the end to eliminate the evil surface creatures, otherwise their greed will derive into the dark region one day China once again turned our country into ruins."

"Then why are we urging us to kill each other as compatriots? My mother wanted to kill me and sacrifice at the moment I was born. Isn't it to please the evil god."

"It's so stupid, to purge the weak from the dark elves to make the whole race stronger, and the fittest survive! That's why I killed my incompetent mother and saved you! My lovely and powerful sister was saved, and it was Because of your unique ability, the whole family becomes stronger."

Celian stared mournfully at Ikesis, who was like a fanatic, and shook her head: "The evil spirit's enchantment has made you hopeless, and your soul has long been twisted by lies."

The giant spider seemed to be impatient with waves of restlessness, and Ikesis gently calmed the giant spider under her body: "So Celian is the cuter of the past, you who presided over and sacrificed at the sacrifice of the Queen of God, To this day, I still remember your graceful and luxurious posture at that time."

God queen sacrifices!

Celian's expression became extremely painful, it seemed that the biggest scar in her heart was unsparingly removed, and the girl's bitten lips slowly shed a trace of blood.Assassin Baruts grabbed Celian and shouted: "Don't listen to this evil priest's nonsense, she just wants to shake your will."

Kalta and another dark elf ranger raised their bows and aimed at Ikesis almost at the same time. As Riya galloped out of the bowstring, Baruts' figure instantly turned into black mist, and the dark elf assassin burst out The sharp dagger pointed at Ikesis with the power of the whole body.The seemingly cumbersome giant spider has an intuition beyond ordinary people, judging the direction of the opponent's advancement. The huge front paws moved quickly like a heavy stone pillar to the ground, and the body of the dark elf assassin was forced to leave in an instant. In the state of'Shadow Flash', he hurriedly avoided the blow.The arrow that flew towards Ikesis was also blocked by the other front paw of the giant spider.

"The old days will end here! Your betrayal makes the Queen of God very unhappy. As the priest of the Queen, I am obliged to destroy any betrayers." Ikexi admired Celian's painful expression with a satisfied look. "But Celianni is lucky. The Queen’s will is to take you back. The traitor needs to be executed in public to set the rules. As for the others, you can become the food of the sacred spiders."

Speaking of this, Ikesis glanced at Malorska on the side: "It seems that I have overestimated the strength of the descendants of Sigma. Can you not deal with even a mercenary for such a long time?"

Malorska’s face changed several times, anger, hatred, and humiliation continued to surface on his face, as if the barbarian warrior's body began to swell up, just like the former twin brother Fakas: "Sig The glory of the Wu Clan cannot be tarnished! I will keep the promise ┉┉You are the same!"

"Then I'll wait and see!" Yikesi smiled mysteriously with a charming gesture.

For Gus, it’s not so good. Maloska almost doubled his strength after using the "fury". The first blow of the giant axe shook Gus's palm, and soon the metal hit hard. The sound was endless, Gus could feel the pain in his palms from numbness, and the tiger's mouth began to burst slowly and red blood flowed out.

"Let you wait a long time! Let us begin the sacrifice of death here!" As soon as Ikassisi's words fell, the giant spider quickly neighed as if he had been ordered, and every time the eight spider claws stepped into the ground ice and snow It immediately dissolved into a foul-smelling green water pool, and the poisonous evil web toxins continued to spread from the giant spider to the surrounding area. Even if Celian played the flute again, the speed of dispelling was not as fast as the spread of the poisonous mist.

Baruts' eyes were serious, and the dagger in his hand began to emit a silver light, which activated the luster of the magic engraving on the dagger. The silver light has the power to expel darkness and can be used to restrain the giant spider full of dark elements. Under the cover of the arrows of the two rangers, Baruts tried to penetrate under the giant spider. Judging from the body structure of the giant spider, its limbs and predecessor were all wrapped in a thick and heavy carapace. Therefore, the dagger alone cannot cause damage to it. The only chance is to attack the compound eyes of the head and the abdomen of the lower body. Attacking the compound eyes means directly confronting the claws of the giant spider. This is the worst choice for the assassin. , Only the soft abdomen of the giant spider's lower body would become its own blind spot, and Baruts did not hesitate to narrow his eyes there.

While playing the flute, Celian also quickly applied'toxic defense' and'aura protection' to the three companions to ensure that they were not harmed by the evil net toxins.

The giant spider made a harsh hissing sound, which seemed to have anticipated Baruts' plan. He violently raised his hind limbs and pointed his abdomen at the dark elf assassin, and a web of extremely viscous and full of soluble matter sprayed out. , Baruts could only avoid this deadly spider web under the crisis, and at the same moment, a chain of lightning shot from the fingertips of Ikesis, and the other party planned to solve the assassin who threatened him the most once and for all.

Baruts, who had just avoided the poisonous spider web, had not had time to adjust his posture. The chain of lightning was almost rubbing his half of his body. Fortunately, he was protected by the "Aura of Light" for a while. The coke, but the pain caused by the exploded electric sparks still made Balluts a short-term dizziness.

"The evil spider relies on the power of the priest's faith to be able to reside in this world. Our opponent is only the priest of the evil god." Because of past experience, Celian was very aware of the weakness of the giant spider.

A ranger quickly rescued Baruts, who had finally slowed down. Celian has been maintaining the purification spell to create a small safe area, which has ensured the safety of the surviving fugitives.

"You guys also come to help. If you don't want to die here together, you can only work together."

Celian turned his head and ordered some mercenaries who had barely survived the great changes. Although the two sides were still in a hostile relationship before, the sudden change and the threat of death forced the surviving mercenaries to cooperate with the fugitives. Get up, of course at this time no one still dreams of capturing slaves and making a fortune. Everyone is cursing Malorska's deception and his own greed.

Although the number has increased a lot, facing the almost invulnerable front of the giant spider, neither the dark elf’s bows nor the mercenary’s crossbow bolts can penetrate the carapace, even those who want to detour the giant spider. Attacking its weak points from behind, but the diffuse poisonous fog firmly restricted the range of people's activities.Coupled with the magical assistance of Ikesis, one of the few priests in the mercenary team exploded into blood under the shadow spell shortly after the war began, and several mercenaries and fugitives were buried in the spider mouth.

Whether it is a mercenary or a dark elf, the death storm caused by the giant spider's horrible power quickly wielding its forelimbs makes it impossible to break through. The weapons and armor in the hand will become fragments as long as they are touched slightly. This is usually dealt with. Large monsters need to be equipped with heavy weapons and full-body metal armor. But this time the mercenaries thought they were just facing a group of fugitives with weak bodies and poorly equipped equipment. There was no one to prepare these things. The mercenaries used almost all of them. Lightweight daggers, one-handed axes and spears and other weapons, the only weapons that can be advertised with the word'heavy' are several maces.

As the only mage in the team, Celian must maintain the scope of the purification spell, and while using the spell to protect her companions from the magical attack of Ikesis, these two things alone cost Celie. Ann's full energy.

The battle was very difficult!

Celian also used a little gap in the battle to use several kinds of magic to attack Ikesis, but the spells were blocked by the giant spider.This kind of evil spider originally did not belong to this living creature, but the servant transformed by the evil god's divine power has extremely high resistance to demons, and the powerful vitality brought by the divine power is simply a living physical shield.

In Celian's negligence, another fugitive was pierced by a giant spider.The battle situation began to become more and more unfavorable for the fugitives, and everyone’s physical strength began to show signs of overdraft. Even in the cold far north, Celian’s forehead gradually secreted sweat, and the dark elf girl could I feel that my magic power is about to bottom out.

However, at this moment, the originally falling snowflakes instantly formed a huge blizzard, and the biting cold current swept across the entire battlefield. The poisonous fog that permeated everywhere disappeared like ashes under a strong wind.

The sudden change in front of me made Ikesis' mouth grow up in surprise!And the giant spider on her made a huge and ear-piercing cry as if it was under some kind of duress!