Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 245 Two Slaps

Leave him alone!

Extremely harsh words echoed in Silvador’s ears. For a while, Silvador could hardly believe what he heard, let alone believe that someone actually said these words to himself as the lord in the lord’s mansion. As if the nerves in charge of anger were beaten, Silvador yelled for an instant.

"Damn it! You untouchables, do you know who I am?"

Neither Alexis nor Crowside are interested in the clown’s performance. Alexis just carefully examined the document in hand. In fact, this document is not a very formal contract document but just a copy. It's just a list. As a businessman, the professional habit of Closseide proposed to sign a contract. Although Closede knew in his heart that as a being beyond the secular, such things as contracts could not restrain each other at all.

To put it simply, whether it is Closside or Yalin who wants to go wrong and break the contract, then they cannot go to a judge to make a judgment in accordance with the content of the contract like a secular person. In the end, either one party swallows his words or can only use force to solve the problem. , But once the two parties open the fight, the losses caused may exceed the transaction itself.

A powerful existence that transcends the world, and mutual transactions are based on whether the power is equal, the interests are consistent, and the environment is suitable. The only function of the paper-written contract is to be torn apart.

It’s confirmed that Alexis used some special magic to sign the contract that belongs to the White Dragon clan on behalf of Yalin. Closed also used the same method to sign his name on the contract. Both of them have collected their own copy.

"I hope we can cooperate happily with each other!" Closed smiled and shook hands with Alexis, but someone on the side was already at the point of anger!

With the sound of footsteps, seven or eight tall guards walked in. Each of the guards looked like a dead person without feelings, with cold eyes staring at Closside and Alexis, as if they had no mind. The machine is waiting for Silvador's order.

"Catch them for me! Don't hurt that elf, I'll torture her slowly!" Silvador let out a sharp scream, this is the land of the lord's mansion, supported by the devil and will soon come to Bell The Rama Kingdom itself would be treated so rudely by these two untouchables!

That long, handsome man made people feel annoying, killing him, ruining his appearance, and letting him die like a dead dog!As for the beautiful female elf, several of Grador and the Punk family members died, and several cages were vacated in their secret rooms waiting for the female elf to fill the vacancies.

The body of the guards is parasitic with flesh and blood corruption demons. These parasitic demons in the abyss are not self-conscious and only obey the orders of high-level demons blindly. Silvador is carrying out a blood sacrifice to satisfy his desire for commander. The devil queen Sally also gave Silvador certain command authority. These guards, who had become'immortal', moved quickly, their arms turned into bone blades, and their entire body quickly twisted and swelled to kill Closide. Come here.

Closseide glanced at Silvador contemptuously, wondering if the devil in the abyss had a broken brain, and he would choose this kind of stupid idiot who has not succeeded enough to become a servant, this stupid stupid idiot. Even if you stick to yourself as a slave, you won't want it!But speaking of it, the devil should not make a loss-making transaction. Since Silvador’s final goal is probably to control the entire Belrama kingdom, it shouldn’t be such a waste, is it this Is there any country close to the Kingdom of Saxony worthy of the devil's effort?

Think about it!At the moment when the guard's bone blade was chopped off, Closseide's body shook abruptly, and a burst of air-breaking sound accompanied by a heavy blow sounded. The'undead' guard who was trying to attack had flown backwards, huge The force made the guard directly pierced the wall and flew out of the room until after hitting two consecutive rooms, the guard stopped. The next moment the guard's body began to be densely covered with cracks, and the next moment the guard became "immortal". The minced meat and bones became a muddy mixture.

Before Silvador had time to react, the sound of breaking through the air sounded twice again, and the two'immortal' guards also stepped on the same path of no return as their companions.It was like demolishing a house. The entire lord’s mansion swayed three times in a row. The room and walls destroyed by the guards were filled with gunpowder smoke. Silvador opened his mouth for a while and his mind was in chaos. He didn't even know what happened.

And the Closed who caused all of this is still sitting on the sofa plainly and not moving at all. Only Alexis sitting across from the Closed can see everything. Just now, Closed is pure. Physically, that is, fisted several guards who chanted flesh and blood to corrupt demon parasites.Worthy of being the black dragon known for its defenses and strengths among the dragons, the power of the fist that Closide slammed out was so powerful that it completely destroyed the body of the entire guard in an instant, and the flesh and blood corruption demon parasitizing it was naturally dead. Die again.

Such a powerful force, even if compared with the red dragon after the violent rage, is not much better!It’s really strange that this kind of power is excellent even in the Black Dragon clan. As the son of the Dragon King, Closede should be regarded as an elite to focus on training. How can Closede seem to be with himself Is his father very at odds?

"Kill┉Kill him! Hurry up┉Kill this monster!"

The powerful guard he relied on was knocked down in an instant, and Silvador seemed to have been drawn from the backbone, and his arrogant expression had been replaced by panic.However, the remaining guards just stepped forward, and the temperature in the room instantly dropped, and a large amount of frost spread quickly from the guard’s legs to the body. The'immortal' guard just howled and struggled a few times. The next quickly became ice sculptures that could no longer move.

Closside stared at Alexis with praise and clapped his hands: "It is amazing to be able to use the power of frost so accurately and delicately!"

The last support was gone, and Silvador crawled out of the room with a distorted face and tried to escape.A pair of vigorous and powerful hands grabbed Silvador by the collar and threw him back into the room.

Closed put his hand on his back and looked condescendingly at Silvador who fell to the ground: "Where do you want to run! Your Royal Highness?"

Just like being watched by some terrible beast, Silvador feels goose bumps all over his body. Even if he accepts the blood sacrifice transformation, he has far more power than ordinary humans, but his cowardly character and soul are doomed to Silvador. Without the possession of the Slaughter Lord, he can only become a bullying coward. Once he encounters a stronger presence than himself, Silvador's disguised strength will be torn off instantly.

"I┉┉I am the lord here, I am a great ┉┉deep┉┉the person chosen by the master of the abyss┉┉if you dare┉┉"


Before Silvador could finish talking, Closed slapped Silvador's unceremonious slap on the face: "Dare to hurt you? Sad idiot. You seem to have obtained the holy sword by accident. The goblin really thought he was invincible in the world."

Silvador, who was dizzy and slapped with a slap in the face of Closseide, became bored, clutching his swollen right cheek, Silvador had realized that the opponent seemed to be not an ordinary human.

Alexis stared at Silvador with cold eyes and said quietly: "Slap him again as punishment for the insult to me just now."

"I am happy to help you, madam!"

Closside grabbed Silvador and made a gentleman's courtesy to Alexis. The next slap made Silvador's left cheek swell.

"Ahhhhhhh!! Please don't kill me, no matter what the request is, I will agree."

Silvador was crying and begging for mercy in Closide's compelling momentum, but this appearance made Closide even more disgusted by this veritable idiot prince!

Just kill this useless idiot!

Although he had this idea in his heart, Closside did not act, because the black dragon prince had already sensed that the real master of the lord's mansion was waiting outside the door and seemed to look at everything in front of him with interest.

Closside dropped Silvador and sat back on the sofa with disdain. At this moment, the door was hurriedly pushed aside by the succubus queen Shalien and the two maids rushed in.

Silvado saw Salion as if he saw a life-saving straw and crawled to Salion's feet and shouted: "Help me, save me Salion!"

Seeing the idiot wriggling under her feet, Sally just felt more disgust in her heart: "I'm really sorry to both of you. I hope you can forgive His Highness Silvador's ignorance!"

Silvador was stunned by Salion's words, wait!I am the one chosen by the devil's ruler. Why didn't Shalien help me, but instead apologized to those two people!Why not summon the demons in the lord’s mansion to kill them, why not let the lord appear to destroy them!why!why!

Closside sneered disdainfully: "I feel a little sympathetic to you, and it is hard enough to assist such an idiot."