"Your name?" Gelkaite asked when the female assassin put the throwing knife back into the slot on the belt.

"Milan! I don't have a surname." The female assassin Milan answered softly.

Gelkay characteristically nodded and commented on the female assassin's actions just now: "The knife, gestures and movements were done in one go. The blow just now was generally quite good. Those two daggers are also quasi-excellent weapons. Are you interested in joining us? Cracktooth Tomahawk."

Milanmu smiled and said coldly: "As an assassin, I am not suitable for fighting on the battlefield head-on."

"Outside the free city is the world of fighters, and inside the free city is the kingdom of assassins."

Milanam was taken aback, then bowed slightly to salute Gelkate, standard mercenary benefits.

Anvina on the side looked at Gelkaite shyly and nervously. Up to now, the girl still doesn’t know what her position is in Gerkaite’s heart. What Anvina is most afraid of at the moment is that Gerkaite takes out a large amount. Give yourself a sum of money, so you don't become like ordinary prostitutes.Although she seems to be confused in the north, the girl also knows that she is helpless. Although relying on her appearance can always coax some fools who are bewitched by her beauty, not everyone is You are an idiot. The more you deceive, the more difficult it will be for the next person to deceive. Maybe one day if you mislead someone who shouldn't be deceived, you might end up very miserably.

"By the way, Are you good at tracking Warcraft?"

When Anwina was nervously thinking about it, Gelkate's voice immediately lifted the girl's spirit: "Ah~~I know how to track Warcraft."

"Very good, so will you accept my employment?"

"Of course!" An Wei Na agreed without even thinking.

The mercenaries all around saw An Wei Na’s eyes changed. Just now, Gelkate was really talking about tracking monsters instead of wild beasts. Anyone who has the best survival skills in the wild would be able to track beasts, but a monster that can use some magic. .They are extremely survivable, and generally have a higher IQ than wild beasts, and even know how to hide their tracks. Of course, the leather, flesh and blood, and even magic cores of monsters are important materials for potion and forging, but few people in the mainland know How to track Warcraft, but I didn't expect that the little fox An Wei Na in the north actually knew how to track Warcraft. If this news spreads, An Wei Na's value will skyrocket.

An Wei Na's look suddenly became weird and finally she asked, "Your Excellency Gelkate, why do you know that I know how to track Warcraft."

Gelkite suddenly pulled Anvena into her ear and whispered: "Because you are a Mesali, tracking monsters is your natural ability."

An Wei Na's face changed suddenly!

The Mesali people are a legendary tribe on the mainland. It is said that this tribe first existed in a mountain range in the eastern part of the mainland, and there is a zone near the magical distortion and has produced a large number of beasts for it. This tribe has long been in order to capture and To defend against the invasion of monsters, every time the clan members of the tribe will use a secret technique to inject the blood of the monsters into their bodies to obtain part of the power of the monsters, and at the same time allow the people to naturally understand the breath of the monsters.Unfortunately, because of this unique ability, when the Masari appeared in front of the world, the greedy people who made huge profits from the beasts aimed their swords at this tribe, and forced Mesa with the whip and shackles. Liren became a tool for capturing Warcraft.

"Your bloodline has been weakened, but the talent for tracking monsters is still there. I know the current situation of the Maisari, but I can guarantee that as long as the Clefttooth Tomahawk mercenary group is still there, no one will dare to try to beat you Attention." Gelkate looked around and whispered to the nervous Anvena.

An Wei Na finally let go, her identity is her biggest secret, and also the most terrifying secret.In many cases, An Wei Na even deliberately forgets her identity, because the greed and viciousness of human nature is more terrifying than wild beasts. She doesn't want to be caught and chained after others know this secret and become a tool for hunting down Warcraft.The guarantee and promise of getting the strongest mercenary now is like a life-saving amulet for Anwina.

"Thank you, Lord Gelkate." Anwina smiled and kissed Gelkate's face: "I don't know what monster you are going to capture, can you tell me about it?"

"Dragon lizard!"

Dragon lizard!?An Wei Na was stunned in surprise, even the mercenary who had wanted to join in to share the cup instantly retreated. The dragon lizard is a very terrifying monster with incomparable scales and huge body. It can also breathe some breath to the legendary dragon. It is said that this kind of monster has a little dragon blood, and even the manticore and the cyclops will be scared when they see the dragon lizard.

The last time a dragon lizard broke into a town in the Kalut Kingdom and ate a lot of people, the Kalut Kingdom had to dispatch an army and more than a dozen mages to solve the dragon lizard, but Kalut The kingdom’s army still had more than two hundred casualties, and a town was leveled.Fortunately, the number of dragon lizards is very scarce. The Kalut Kingdom dispatched troops to deal with dragon lizards happened more than 20 years ago. Now there are no reports of seeing dragon lizards appear on the mainland.┉┉

"Eight years ago, the Kingdom of Saxony also received reports of dragon lizards, and the location was the Forest of the Mist, but the Kingdom of Saxony blocked the news in order to avoid panic. This time my goal is this dragon lizard." While speaking, Kate glanced at Anwina: "Are you scared?"

"No~ You are here with your Excellency Gelkate, there is nothing to be afraid of." Even though things are a little scary now, Anwina knows she has no retreat.

"It turns out that the royal family of Saxony hired His Excellency Gelkaite here."

The mercenaries suddenly realized that the strongest mercenary suddenly appeared in the border town of the Far North for this reason.Gelkate waved his hand. In fact, killing the dragon lizard was not part of his plan, but because of a temporary intention.

"I don't remember that the royal family hired Your Excellency Gelkaite to come here. Besides, the dragon lizard hasn't appeared in eight years. Whether you still stay in the misty forest is still a question."

A loud voice suddenly came from behind everyone, and there was a sudden noise at the door, followed by the neat footsteps of leather shoes on the ground.Soldiers of the Kingdom of Saxony wearing standard armor surrounded the entire snowfield home hotel.Under the escort of the two great knight commanders, Prince Rost walked into the hotel.

"Oh~ what kind of wind are you blowing here? Your Royal Highness is here?" Gelkate replied slowly, as if he didn't care about Rost's identity.

Other mercenaries don't have the guts of Gelkate, after all, this is the prince of a country.No one wants to offend such a person, even Anvina, who was sitting on Gelkaite, hurriedly stood up and saluted Rost.Rost waved his hand to signal the mercenaries to leave, and then sat opposite Gelkaite.

"I heard that Lord Gelkate you want to enter the Forest of the Mist." Rost asked Gelkate, looking at him.

"Yeah! Is there any problem."

Rost squinted his glasses and took a deep breath and replied: "I think I might have to say sorry to your Excellency Gelkate, now the Forest of the Mist has banned anyone from entering."

After learning which legendary mercenary in Free City came to Belika Town and was about to enter the Forest of Mist, Roster arrived here as soon as possible.Rost had heard about it from Leilis, a student of Palace Mage Gretel, and was rescued by Gelkaite when he escaped from the Forest of Mist, and Gelkaite also demonstrated extraordinary fighting ability. He even killed two high-level elemental creatures ice falcons sent by the ancient gods, and even an element lord was wiped out by him.

Now Gelkaite is going to return to the Misty Forest again, if the dominated Yanod Mountains and the ancient god Yalin of the Misty Forest learn, then whether it is Gelkaite that angers the ancient god or is killed by the ancient god In the Forest of the Mist, the punishment of the gods or the pressure of the free city are unimaginable disasters for the Kingdom of Saxony.


"Summer is about to end. The blizzard in the Misty Forest is about to come. At this time, entering the Misty Forest is a suicidal act. And if I say something bad, Lord Gelkate, you died in the Kingdom of Saxony. It will be a disaster for the entire Kingdom of Saxony. At least the merchants in the free city will not let go of this good excuse to put pressure on the Kingdom of Saxony. "Rost directly stated the reason, and the emotions are strong and reasonable. One cannot refute.

"All of this is clear, but ~ what if I insist on entering?" Gelkate looked at Rost with a bad smile.

Rost's eyes darkened, and he said with a sigh."Then I can only order you to be arrested temporarily and deported. Please don't forget Mr. Gelkaite. You don't have the guarantee document of Free City this time, and Free City will have nothing to say by then."

"Very interesting idea, but do you think your people can deal with me?"

"I don't think so, but no matter how strong you are, as long as you are not a tireless undead, you will always use the moment when you use your strength." Roster looked at Gelkaite with a cautious look: "And our Saxony kingdom also Willing to pay the price."

Gelkaite shrugged and said in surprise: "Is it worth the sacrifice to catch me alone?"

"worth it!"

Rost did not hesitate to answer that without the protection of the ancient gods, the Kingdom of Saxony could only return to the state of war with the Ogman every year. The casualties caused by the battle with Gelkaite are no more than the war with the Ogman every year. Bring casualties.In any case, even if he suffered a whole army of casualties, Rost also made sure not to let Gelkaite enter the Forest of Mist.

Seeing Rost’s eyes, Gelkate also knew very well that His Royal Highness was here for real this time. If he refused, then he would have to fight the Kingdom of Saxon here first.

Tangled!This is Gelkaite's current mood.