Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 460: Aftermath and Rumors Fly

The psychopharmaceutical was photographed by the Association of Pharmacists in Liberty City.You know that there are only a handful of master-level pharmacists who can dispense eternal potions on the entire continent. It is certainly not trivial for Closide to obtain the identity of eternal potions, but a large number of investigations have been unable to find out about Kro. Said information.Others are just chasing after another, and the investigation will be interrupted over time.But this time Rogge's shouting aroused the enthusiasm of some forces.Celatea, who claims to be the brother of Closseide, is a princess!Then Crowside should be a prince!So what are the princesses and princes of that country?Information about royal family members of major countries on the mainland is often extremely sought-after information, but I have searched through the information of various countries and there is no news about Closside.And how could a prince of a country go to a free city to become the vice president of a chamber of commerce?Some smart people have also begun to investigate the information of the country that has once perished. Maybe the two brothers and sisters may be the royal descendants of the country that was destroyed in the era of disintegrating melee after the era of the overlord Garselik ended.If this is the case, then the identity of Closside and the source of the rare treasures he can often obtain can also be explained. The descendants of the royal family of the ruined kingdom scattered on the mainland may be for survival or for rejuvenation.Only then had to form a chamber of commerce in the free city as a source of funds for the restoration of the country.And the precious materials and eternal potions that Closid took out were the treasures of the royal family.When a scholar made this conjecture and became the most credible one, it also provoked many merchants in the free city and young ladies from aristocratic families to have more identities for Closside and Celatea. Unlimited yearning.Crowside was already very popular in the free city. As a talented young man with handsome appearance and elegant temperament, even the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Lawrence planned to marry his daughter to him and let him become his own. Family, but Closseide declined the other party's proposal without hesitation.of course!If Crowside can really defeat Lawrence in the election of the next Chamber of Commerce chairman to reach the top echelon, the influence of the free city on the road is definitely the uncrowned king!Many boys and girls who dream of becoming a'queen' and a'horse' are full of enthusiasm and inquired about the news about the two siblings of Closside. Of course, there are also many speculations that the two siblings are descendants of the royal family that destroyed the country. People sneered, thinking that this speculation was completely paranoid nonsense, and some people used it to mock a scholar who should change his career to become a novelist and write tragic novels.In addition to paying attention to the real identities of the two, there are some forces that are somewhat interested in the female soldier who flew outside the wall, because many witnesses swore that after seeing the female soldier suffered almost fatal injuries, But he walked back as if nothing happened.In the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce, which had just been formed in the Free City, people from certain hidden channels also sent detailed information to the Chamber’s President Lulu Xilan Peruki.In the dedicated office, Lelouch browsed the information. Compared with the gossip and the four or five new rumors about the identity of Closseide that appear almost every day, Lelouch has the most in his hands. accurate information.The Black Rose formed by LeBlanc has already begun to operate. Although the entire organization is still very weak and can only inquire about some external news, if there is any situation in the vicinity of the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce, it will be sent to Lelouch as soon as possible. .And this time the "Black Rose" also sent a series of news about the Chamber of Commerce in the Blackstone Ring.It's just that compared to the too general news sent by the'Black Rose', Lelouch now still has an accurate message sent from someone inside the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce.Celatea!The eldest princess of the Black Dragon clan, the daughter of the first spouse of the Black Dragon King Victor, is the Black Dragon Prince Closed and the half-sister of the Black Dragon.Celatea's position in the Black Dragon clan is very detached. It seems that the overseer of a certain project is deeply loved by the Black Dragon King Victorum.It’s just that the relationship with Closide seems to be not good. Although the topics they discussed in the room are unknown, Closide had a contradiction during the discussion with Celateia. The damage caused by the VIP room The guards brought by Celatea who flew out of the wall were caused by Closside.As the first message sent by the'contractor' Roger, Lelouch was very satisfied: "Do you know anything about Celateia? Bu Yani~" The crystal dragon Bu Yani leaning on the sofa shook regretfully. He shook his head and said while playing with his long silver hair: "I don't know much about the news about the five great dragon god clans, but since Seratia is the daughter of the first spouse of the Black Dragon King, then Majesty Yalin must be You should know something about it." "In that case, I'd better inform Yalin in advance." Putting down the information in his hand, Lelouch turned his gaze to Alyssa who was aside: "Today's schedule is still What's there?" Alissa, who is acting as a female assistant, looked at the schedule and replied: "The signing with the Kinsall Chamber of Commerce regarding the acquisition of alchemy vessels and the test bench, and a gift from the Zuogerton Slave Chamber The resettlement of the sixty slaves that came here is probably that today. The chamber of commerce is operating normally, but the goods it brings are almost sold out. Do you want to decline the additional purchase orders from several chambers of commerce?" Well, originally we weren't exclusively selling minerals and materials. How much funds have we accumulated now?" "Excluding daily expenses and the chamber of commerce's land and construction costs, the chamber of commerce now has 5.3 billion lien of funds." Lisa revealed a number, which is already a lot of money.Although it is only one-tenth of the wealth of the Westphalian family, it is less than a month to make money by selling the goods they carry. I have to say which one in the Janod Mountains The gods are really rich enough to make people blame.Bu Yani behind Lelouch suddenly showed fierce envious eyes, while Lelouch nodded slightly and looked indifferent: "Since the goods are sold out, we will have to rely on the money to make a living. Money." (to be continued)

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