Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 792: Talking about Concurrency with Crisis

In the underground waterway, Claire finally got a little better after half a day's rest. Although his head is no longer painful, there is still some dizziness. The sequelae of using gems in the country is very peculiar, no matter if any potion is taken, it has no effect. , Can only rely on closed thinking to wait for it to fade slowly.

"How long have I slept."

"Almost sixteen hours┉┉"

When she heard that she had been in a coma for so long, Claire murmured in disbelief, "How could this be!"

Although it was excessive use of gems, Claire believed that the time used this time was not as long as before. How could it take so long for him to recover.

"It seems that the power of gems will exhaust your soul and body when you use them."


Claire was silent. Although he signed a contract with the devil, Claire also knew what the other party knew about him. The less the better.

Misty smiled on her face like a flowing slime: "Don’t hide my contractor, as a higher-dimensional existence, I can feel the power contained in this gem. As a mortal, you don’t have enough body and soul. You can’t continue using this gem for a long time, otherwise your body and soul will be torn apart under the impact of power.”

"Then why this time I ┉ ┉" Seeing that the other party already knows the secret, K▲▲, x. Lyle said hesitatingly.

"The power in gems is activated by your mind. It allows you and other mortals to use super-level spells and various special abilities. The more powerful spells and abilities, the more they need to be activated. You initially thought that the length of time you used the gems to determine the size of the sequelae caused was a wrong judgment. If you only need to learn spells and accelerate meditation, the gems can help you do it without too much power, but before The real-name contract is a powerful spell left over from the second generation and is even closely related to the rules of the world. However, when you tried to resolve the contract with the power of the gem at that time, it was naturally activated in that short period of time much more than your usual It’s only when the power of the people came out that it caused extremely serious sequelae.

"Serious!?" Claire suddenly felt that his body seemed to be particularly weak, even though his head no longer hurts, but there was a feeling of loss of strength all over his body: "What happened to my body when I was asleep?"

Misty pointed to the basin on the side. The full basin of hot water was almost all dyed red, and even the towel hanging on the side was red.

"There are a lot of capillaries ruptured throughout the body. The muscle tissue is abnormally twisted. Fortunately, it did not damage the internal organs and bones. And there is a very pure healing potion in your space ring. I asked you to take it when you were asleep. Bottle, otherwise your body cannot recover in such a fast time."

Misty lightly picked up a ring. Claire took a closer look and found that it was the ring she had stolen from the beautiful noble girl in the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce before. She only knew that it was filled with all kinds of Gold and silver treasures, but I didn't expect that there were still medicines in the ring.

"Don't mess with my things!" Claire snatched the ring from Misty's hand.

If the devil was holding something else, Claire might not mind so much, just when she thought of that girl with an unparalleled temperament and appearance.Claire always felt guilty when thinking that the girl might be sad and frustrated because of the loss of the ring.

Misty didn’t mind Claire’s actions: "Your luck is very good. This bottle of healing potion is a high-purity potion I have never seen before. It healed your physical damage in a very short time, but it works on your soul. The weakness and exhaustion of the human body cannot be cured by medicine and can only slowly recover with time."

"I know┉┉" The experienced Claire nodded, knowing the characteristics of the sequelae most clearly.

"The pharmacist who can dispense this kind of high-purity medicine dates back almost ten thousand years ago. It is hard to imagine that there are still master-level pharmacists among mortals."

Clairton was stunned: "Ten thousand years? How is this possible!"

"I am really curious about where you got this potion."

For a while, Claire buried her head and muttered softly: "I stole it┉┉"

"Where did you steal it from?"

"It has nothing to do with you!"

Claire put the ring in his pocket, a little weakly stood up, poured some water and drank it, and then looked at the demon and said emotionally, "Thank you for taking care of me when I was unconscious."

"You don't need to thank you, I am just fulfilling the obligation of the contract."

"Unlikeable guy." Claire shook his head helplessly and asked, "What happened when I was in a coma?"

Misty shook her head: "I'm sorry. First of all, my strength is in this small space, at best, it can only be confined to an area near this waterway. It is temporarily impossible to detect further outside, unless you can go further. Expand space."

Continue to expand the space?This is obviously impossible for Claire. Now my head is still a little groggy, and I have experienced such a serious sequelae. If I continue to use gems, I am afraid that I will die next. Now I must take a rest as soon as possible. in vivo.If something happens in this debilitating situation, it will be troublesome.Ignoring the demon around him, Claire took out some brown bread he had just bought, smeared some with the remaining butter and dried meat, and ate it.

Claire was indeed a little hungry after sleeping for so long, and two large slices of bread and a bag of dried meat were solved.

Watching the demon sitting beside him, Claire asked, "Are you going to eat?"

"No, I don't need to eat mortal food. For me, human negative feelings and fallen souls are necessary to maintain my existence."

Claire glared at the devil withdrawing his hand and ate for himself: "Hmm~ It seems that being a devil is not a good thing."

"The so-called good things┉┉Do you mean?"

"Good food. Have you tasted it?"

"I don't need to eat mortal food but I can also eat it, but it doesn't make any sense to me after eating it."

"Will you feel hungry?"

"We don't have that feeling. Appetite is the desire of mortals, and our desires are more embodied in the deeper desires in our hearts, and most of them are negative and sinful desires for mortals."

Claire took a sip of water and swallowed the food and asked, "Like?"

"For example, I long to swallow more fallen souls and become stronger. I long for all the mortals in this city to believe in me. I long for the mortals to degenerate and go to the extreme with this ┉┉"

Listening to Misty’s account, Claire couldn’t help but asked with confusion, “No wonder the world calls you demons. But is there any sense in doing this? Or is it just because you need to do this? , As you said, a fallen soul is needed to maintain self-existence."

"Partly because of the need to maintain my existence, and partly because of my desires."

"Really just for desire!?"

Misty said without hesitation: "Satisfying our own desires is a proof of our own existence for our demons. For us, nothing is more important than satisfying our desires┉┉"

Misty suddenly paused in the middle of speaking.

"What's wrong?" Claire asked suspiciously.

Misty's body slid towards the door of the room like mucus flowing: "Someone has entered the waterway. There are a lot of them, and a few of them have magical power fluctuations are mages!"

I was found here!?

Clairton was shocked and busy activating the protective magic circle arranged outside, but it turned out to be nothing. Obviously, the magic circle had been lifted.After confirming that the circle was invalid, Claire had no time to think about how the opponent found her here. Now Claire's first thought was to run away.

Even if he got this magical gem, Claire still knew that he was just a low-level mage with a magic level that barely reached level 7. It would be okay to hide in a dark place and attack others. Face several wizards and a group Well-trained guards have absolutely no chance of winning!Not to mention that there are extremely terrifying monsters in this city, even if it is a powerful warrior like Longa, but with the help of the power of gems, it still loses to the athletic named Gelkaite. Field champion.

"Get out of here, can you sense the location of these people?"

"absolutely okay."

Claire quickly packed up and packed some magic books that hadn't had time to read and learn into the space ring, including the skull of the orc Longa placed aside. Claire quickly applied an'invisibility technique' to herself and 'Night Vision' rushed to the door and quietly watched. There was still no one in the dark water channel and there was no sound of footsteps. It seemed that no one came in at all.

"Please keep the gem breaking through a small space blockade, otherwise I will have to return to the abyss under the pressure of the interface law."

"I know, I will try my best."

Originally, Claire did not want to continue to use the power of gems at this time, but considering that the demon’s induction power is much stronger than her own, Claire also did not care so much to try to make the minimum power to activate the gems break the so-called as the devil said The space is blocked.The demon body that followed Claire suddenly twisted and shrank and hovered on Claire's arm, turning into a black bracelet as if it violated the principle of matter.

Claire settled and accepted the demon's gesture, and then ran to the deeper part of the underground waterway.(To be continued.)