Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 820 Leave a message to the future (Part 2)

Another dimension and plane!

For scientists, this involves issues of physics and space science, and for magicians, it involves the second method in the rumors. It is possible to observe countless parallel worlds that exist, and to arbitrarily move between the worlds. The only person who understood this method should be the gem Onkisiuya Zelrich Shibain Ogu.Full text reading...

Whether it’s Kenneth hiding in the warehouse, Tosaka Tosaka who was hiding in the workshop and getting the news through the report by Yanfeng Kirei, and even Weber, who was still holding the steel bar on the Fuyuki Bridge and daring not to move, were surprised. If it weren’t for the dangerous Holy Grail War now, I’m afraid Shi Chen could not bear to leave his infallible magic workshop. Visit this magician who has understood the second method, even if she is not Jewel Weng himself, But the female elf who can comprehend the second method must also have some origins with the gem Weng himself.

&nbs; In the records of the Magic Association, the only magician who understands the second method is only the gem Onkisya Zelrich Shibein Ogu. You said that you came from another world. How to prove that what you said is true?Lord Magic!>Kenneth's voice sounded in the harbor, and at the same time, he deliberately used magic to spread the sound from all directions to avoid being discovered.

Although Kenneth had an arrogant personality, when faced with an unknown magician who was able to stop the heroic spirit with his bare hands, and even revealed that he possessed the power of the second magic, the genius magician from the Akipolud family still expressed respect in his tone.

No way!Although there are legal restrictions in the magician's world, to put it bluntly, it is still a world of the weak and the strong.

"Sorry~ I don't have time to prove and explain slowly now. Your Excellency Altolia, I need your help." Ignoring Kenneth's question, the Dragon Queen turned to Saber for help.

"This┉┉As a knight, I don't want to refuse a lady's request for help, but can you tell me what help you need? And I don't know what to call you yet."

The dragon queen was taken aback for a moment and then apologized: "I was abrupt. I am Ysera, the emerald dragon queen. I come from another dimension, because my world is facing a huge crisis, and there is even more of it. It may involve your world, so I have to come and seek your help."

"Dragon Queen!?" Saber was taken aback. Could it be that the other party is a legendary fantasy dragon: "Although I still don't quite understand, but if it involves our world, how can I help you?"

The dragon queen looked at the female swordsman in front of her, and then she couldn't help but shift her gaze to Alice Phil behind Saber: "I need you to help me deliver a message."

"Send a message?"

"Yes, because of my world┉┉┉┉"

Suddenly Ysera's complexion changed slightly, and as one of them waved a huge vine, he slammed out to cover a container, and the next second was accompanied by the sound of gunfire. A small gap popped out from the vine. Some green juice splashed out, and the sniper hiding in the darkness couldn't help but frown.

Damn~ It failed!

Hidden in the port, Kiritugu Eomiya immediately got up and prepared to transfer his position. As a killer, Kiritugu Eomiya knew the essentials of survival and concealment. The first thing to do after a failed sniper attack is to immediately shift position, otherwise the enemy You can roughly judge your position from the ballistic trajectory, and staying in place is not a good thing.

However, in the next second, Eomiya Kiritsugu couldn't help but his eyes widened. The black shadow that fell from the sky as if assimilated into the night sky, and the only pale white skull mask that could show his identity all showed one thing. Assassin was not dead. Moreover, he was lurking near him. As a killer, he was attracted by the female elves that suddenly appeared and did not notice his existence. He even took the initiative to expose his identity by shooting.

Wrong!Eimiya Kirito instinctively pointed the sniper rifle in his hand at the assassin that was flying down, but the magician killer who had fought countless times at this moment couldn't help but feel desperate. The gap between the heroic spirit and the mortal is really too big. Now, even if you are facing the theoretically weakest rank assassin, it is almost impossible to knock down the opponent by guns in your hands.

At the moment when the poisonous blade in assassin's hand was about to pierce, the green vine broke through the ground again and quickly intervened between the two. Whether it was assassin as a hero or assassin as a magician killer, Kirito Eomiya was in an instant He couldn't move even if he was bound by vines.

"Please stop everyone here. I have already said that this ceremony has no meaning. The Holy Grail will not bring you what you desire, it will only bring endless malice and destruction!"

Ysera's voice resounded throughout the harbor. Under the will of the dragon queen, the originally hardened concrete floor began to crack, and the nature that had been forcibly suppressed by humans broke through the shackles and grew. The flowers and trees were almost visible to the naked eye. In an instant, the port, which was originally full of steel and modern atmosphere, was immediately conquered by the power of nature. In less than a minute, the entire port was transformed into a forest, and the fragrance of nature covered the aura of steel.

"What is saber?" Alice Phil looked at the surrounding changes in astonishment. The hard concrete floor under her feet turned into soft soil, and the soil was quickly covered by the green lawn and flowers.

"Is it an inherent enchantment? No! This is not an inherent enchantment, we are still in place."

Not far away, ncer had already cut open the vine and rescued his master from it. When the Demon Smashing Spear pierced the vine, the vine did not have the news as expected. The real touch showed that the vine was indeed a real plant. It was not an illusion created by magic, the power of nature jumped with Ysera's power at that moment, returning this port to nature.

Kenneth was also at a loss, watching as if it had changed the port of a world. However, Kenneth's heart was lingering at that moment. If it weren't for the sudden appearance of vines to help him, his head had been shot from the dark. To penetrate.

Eomiya Kiritugu!This despicable magician killer, as a magician, actually surrendered himself in this way to try to assassinate himself!

But anger turned anger, Kenneth didn't dare to do anything now, just staring in awe at the female elf not far away and nodded slightly to express his gratitude for her previous help. After all, this is a person who uses unknown magic ┉┉No!It should be regarded as a kind of power of law, turning the entire port into a magician full of natural breath, and now this forest is like a cat with life and self-consciousness, following the instructions of the female elves.

The gently scrolling vine brought the constrained Weimiya Kirisu and Assassin, and on the other side even Kuu Maiya, who was hidden in the dark, was sent to the vine and gently placed on the ground.

"Kiriji!? Why are you here!" Saber looked at his real master and asked angrily. As an upright knight king, he couldn't agree with the master's intention to attack and assassinate by hiding in the dark.


After being released by the vines, guard Miyakiji moved his arm and didn't answer, but just looked at Ysera cautiously.

Ysera looked at the only assassin who hadn't been let go and said: "Hiding in the dark shadow, I can let go of you, you can also choose to stay or leave, but you can't attack, understand?"

Assassin nodded silently, and then at the moment when the vines loosened, assassin gently jumped and disappeared into the night sky. Although the figure could not be seen, Ysera clearly felt that assassin did not leave, but Hidden in the shadow of the harbor turned into a forest and continued to observe.

And in the church in Dongmu City, the master of assassin Qili Yanfeng was quietly reporting the situation at this moment: "Teacher, assassin has been exposed. He was captured at the moment when he was about to assassinate Saber's real master, and was exposed to everything. In human eyes."

Tosaka Tokimi in the magic workshop couldn't help but feel distressed. A powerful magician from other worlds suddenly intervened in the Holy Grail War, causing the Holy Grail War, which had been advancing on the normal track, to be moved away from the path of travel. Not only that, the powerful force that the other party showed above the heroic spirits could not even be expelled by force. According to the report of assassin, the forest that grows is the real creation of nature, not relying on magic or some kind of treasure. The temporary illusion that has been produced can already be attributed to the expression of a brand-new law based on this force that can easily dispatch the force of nature.

"Kiri! Now that assassin has been exposed, you should leave the church for a while, let assassin continue to monitor the female elf, and see what happens. At least we have to figure out how her so-called crisis has come to our world. thing."

"Understood, teacher!"

At the port of Toki City, the three groups of heroic camps fell into a confrontation, but because of Ysera’s existence, no one dared to take the initiative to attack, and Ysera also directly informed Eumiya Kirishu and Kenneth, humans. Although the bullets made are terrible, their power is far from enough to penetrate the dragon scales, and the ever-changing Lunar Marrow Essence cannot resist the terrible poison from the darkest side of nature, and even the heroic spirits cannot resist this poison. bear.

And just as Ysera was about to continue explaining the problem, the bull cart that descended from the sky pierced the night sky with lightning and thunder and landed on the ground.

"Ha~ It's so interesting. I didn't expect that this Holy Grail War would bring such interesting news. An elf from another world brought information about a whole new world!!"

On the bullock cart, the burly and powerful Conquer King said with excitement, while a figure who looked a little weak and trembling was trembling and looking up at the people in front of him, when his eyes met Kenneth. Suddenly, facing the person he feared the most, the boy buried his head and dared not look at it again.

Before waiting for Kenneth to be angry for the student who stole his own things and came to participate in the Holy Grail War without permission, Ysera looked at the two in astonishment: "You are the Conqueror King Iskandar, and Is the child on the other side Webber?"

"You know me? Hahaha~ It's a great honor. Is my title of Conquer King Iskandar spread in another world?" Conquer King laughed openly, seeming to have forgotten that Ysera still exposed before. Out of Saber’s real name: “Then if that’s the case, come out, there must be heroes hiding in the dark. If you still consider yourself a hero, if you don’t want to be ridiculed by the Conquest King Iskandar Just show up here!"

Is this guy┉┉ an idiot?

Many people in the audience thought of this problem in unison.

Not because Iskandar's name was passed down in his own world, but because the Dragon Queen herself witnessed Yalin call out Iskandar in her own world, and the boy named Webber.If according to the Creator’s statement, Yalin calls out people from another dimension and plane, then the two people who have clearly appeared in his own world, and now what happened to the King of Conquer and Weber in front of him? thing?

Just as Ysera was thinking about various possibilities, finally tonight's fifth heroic spirit also appeared.

"Really! I only want to see what kind of farce a group of bastards will stage, but in the end, this farce will give the king an extra episode."

The golden heroic spirit stood condescendingly on the big tree in the sky and looked down at the crowd. When his gaze shot on the emerald dragon queen, he couldn't help showing an expression as if he saw an interesting toy.


Want to leave a message in the future, this is a very good idea.

But the emerald dragon queen ┉ ┉ everything you do is still in vain. As a moon world that exists in different dimensions, there are hundreds of millions of parallel universes in this world. Everyone in this world Choice will create a parallel universe, and the opposite choice will create a second parallel universe. Some worlds look exactly the same, while some worlds are completely different.By leaving the information here, you are betting your hope on a gambling with a success rate of only one in a billion. You cannot succeed.

In the void, the'extreme' quietly observes what the dragon queen does. (To be continued.)