Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1031 Who is the prey and whose prey

Very smoothly, he gave Carl the'door', the'imperial princess', and the spirit's hint. If possible, Felexien hopes to become Celine's lover for the time being. Celine's brother Augusta said he would respect his sister. As long as he can marry Celine as his wife, he will be able to enter the royal family of Karser's'gate' in the future.. The fastest update visit: щщщ.79XS.сОΜ.Of course, I never thought about replacing Augusta. After all, I still know that I am not a king and I don’t like to deal with troubles. All I want is enjoyment, enjoying all the best things in this world. thing!

Augusta will continue to be his king, and all he wants is to make Celine his possession and enjoy the perfect body of the golden'color' gems that countless men have imagined.If possible, add Princess Luo Jiean of the Kingdom of Saxony, tut~ tut~ the heroic dress at the banquet, which gives people the feeling of sacred and inviolable like the "female" Valkyrie, and it is this kind of blasphemy The taste made my blood boil.

After venting for a while, Felician fell asleep on the'bed' and was still thinking about some things. Although the power of the ornaments was magical, it was limited after all. And this time, Celine Brannis had the most control in the eastern part of the continent. The strong Royal Princess of the "door" empire of Karser, she can't let Celine show too many abnormalities like controlling an ordinary village "women", otherwise she will be "served" by her side. The'woman' and the entourage saw the problem.I need some time to boil the frog in warm water, and slowly penetrate my own power bit by bit, and carefully seize this opportunity to let myself reach the pinnacle of life.

Karser'gate' empire┉┉

Holy See┉┉



While thinking about it all over the sky, Fei Lexien also thought of some recent news circulating on the mainland. The kingdom of Berrama was invaded by demons, and the envoy of the goddess descended from the sky. The world seemed to be becoming more and more terrifying.It is precisely because I have obtained this ornament with extraordinary power that it also reveals for myself a world that may exist outside of mortals and transcends all secular existence. I can use the power of the ornament to play with others in the applause, but Can the power of ornaments work on gods and demons?

This has to be a question that I must think deeply!

However, thinking of this, Felecien gritted his teeth and gritted his teeth. How could he maintain this power, and then cringed to give up, as long as he was careful to hide himself from others. It’s not like those fools who are “bewildered” and “confused” by power to rush to the forefront and will not be exposed. In fact, power is more important than power and wealth. If you can control sex once For more people, a single'sex' can completely control a person's will instead of changing it with a little hint.

Sure enough, it is still not allowed to find the thing that resonates with the ornament. Perhaps it is the other half of this ornament. Just like the eyes, the eyes need a pair to be perfect, right?Maybe when you find the other half of the accessories, you can increase the number of people you control and the intensity of control. With all this, you can stay firmly behind the strongest kingdom on this continent and do everything you can to enjoy the glory, wealth and joy. !

Celine's words will be put aside first, anyway, according to the information received, the princess of the "door" empire of Karlser will stay in the kingdom of Saxony for a long time. After finding the other half of the ornaments, she will have the opportunity to enjoy this delicious. Prey, and the people around Celine at that time must have forgotten their own existence, it will be easier to start at that time, and now it is really not anxious for such a moment.

After figuring this out, Felician laughed and hugged the'girl' next to him and fell asleep enjoying the warm body. At this moment, a shadow flashed on the upper floor of the Chamber of Commerce. Over.


Ordinary human beings have a magic level of about 13 to 14. Considering his age, he is considered a very good existence among humans. The “sex” arrogance is very typical of a villain. "Sex", there is a strong non-discrimination between Celine of the Carlse "Gate" Empire and Princess Luo Jiean of the Kingdom of Saxony, but I don't know if it is just a "kinky" reverie of an ordinary human or something else. There are tactics.

"Did he mention Celine and me?" Luo Jie'an listened to the news report from Katlas after leaving the'maid' in this bedroom.

Bailong's "Servant" nodded cautiously and said: "At that time, he did call Celine's name and also called your name when he was doing that kind of thing, but I'm not sure if it was just a human meaningless reverie or indeed. The threat, if the man named Felecien is of no value, do I need to kill him just in case?"

"Are you sure he is just an ordinary mortal and not an extraordinary one?" Although it is a bit irritating to be so'sick' by others, Luo Jie'an still patiently asked the question.

"Yes! The human aura is obvious, and the state of'Essence' is also clearly within the scope of human beings."

For this, Katlas can be absolutely certain, maybe even if the opponent has equipment and secret techniques that can change appearance and breath, like'sincere deception', but the state of the spirit will not change with changes in appearance and breath. , Transcendents with a long lifespan do everything without leakage. They are good at hiding their identities in the world and seizing power quietly. Let mortals dance with direct will like puppets. Few transcendents will actively expose themselves. When it comes out, there are also those who have just entered the transcendental realm. When they suddenly gain strength, they can't restrain their heart shape and act recklessly. The final result is to incur death and destruction for themselves.

Luo Jiean thought, because Katras met the Golden Dragon halfway, he lost the target once, and when he waited for Katras to return and got the position of Clay's'Men' Special Chamber of Commerce from Luo Jie'an, he rushed over. It was already too late, except for seeing the man named Felecion slap-stopping, I didn’t get any news. Because of the time, Katras couldn’t keep observing, until the other party seemed to be ready to go to sleep. The guard left quietly.

The arrival of the Golden Dragon can be ignored for the time being, at least there is still the existence of the holy capital in the royal capital, and the chief priest of the ice and snow'female' god Serena'female' did not leave, presumably the golden dragon will not proceed here unscrupulously. Destruction, maybe the other party’s arrival is because of Celine, and from the situation of Karlser’s “Gate” empire, this possibility is still very “sex”, but as for good or bad, this is not what the Saxon royal family needs. It's a matter of consideration, as long as it is not aimed at the Kingdom of Saxony and the royal family, it has nothing to do with your own side.

"If the human named Feilexien is worthless, just in case I need to get rid of him?" Seeing Luo Jie'an still pondering Katras temptation.

Kill the other party?This is a good idea. Regardless of whether the other party has any secrets or threats, when he becomes a corpse, there will be no threats!

But there is one thing that Luo Jie'an is still a little worried.┉┉

Killing the opponent is very simple, but if the opponent really leaves Celine with unremovable secrets and curses, it will be troublesome, and Celine's identity is not the same, but once she has an accident in the Kingdom of Saxony, it will be even more so. It's troublesome. Now the identity of the opponent is still unknown and I dare not make sure that if he casually kills him, he will not cause any trouble. The extraordinary can dominate the life and death of mortals unscrupulously, but after all, the Kingdom of Saxony is still a secular power, especially here. For a while, it’s better to keep a low profile. At least, it’s better not to act rashly until the identity of Feilecien is revealed in the investigation. Of course, after you can be sure that everything is okay, let Feilecien be just in case. It is better to remove.

Luo Jie'an finally replied: "Wait until the royal family's investigation comes out. In addition, I am also observing Celine's situation. As long as it is confirmed that Celine is okay and Fei Lexien is not extraordinary, then he will be removed."

"Understood, but considering the arrival of the Golden Dragon, I am afraid I have to keep a low profile." Katras pointed to the ring in his hand and said that he might not be able to lend it during this time.

"Excuse me, Your Excellency, Katlas, it seems that I may not be able to return to Ulduar City for the time being." Luo Jie'an sighed in distress, "It seems that you don't need to be on duty tomorrow, right?"

Katlas nodded and said, "Tomorrow it is my turn to rest."

Luo Jiean asked embarrassingly: "Then can I trouble you to visit Princess Celine with me tomorrow?"

Receive 7000 lien per month to guard the city's gate. Sometimes Luo Jiean thinks this is a funny thing. The Kingdom of Saxony uses this little money to hire a powerful dragon. Guarding the palace, and this dragon is still working hard and has no complaints. If it spreads out, God knows how many countries and forces will run over with a lot of gold coins to dig corners.

"If you want me to see if any unknown spells have been imposed on Celine~ I don't think it is necessary."

"Ah! Why?"

Luo Jie'an, who was seen through his thoughts, looked at Katras in a puzzled manner.

"As a dragon, I have a profound experience, but I can't distinguish all the sorcery or divine arts in this world from ancient times to the present. There will always be some ancient and obscure spells that I can't distinguish." Katlas then Pointing to the direction of the Vatican Church, he said, "┉But the gods are different. The magical arts blessed by the divine power can detect almost any kind of sorcery and the "waves" of the sorcery. I want to follow the name next to Celine. The entourage of the mage should let his princess go down to the church to visit. If there is really any witchcraft that even the gods cannot see, then naturally I can't see it."