Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 1036 The Physician of the Soul (Part 2)

Celine's sharp cry was filled with sorrow and pain, like a person who had fallen into the darkness and was struggling for help.[Reading the latest chapters]

your Highness!

Leonas was very worried, but his body was bound to be unable to move at all. He also tried to use magic to release the bondage, but found that his body was completely in a rigid state, unable to mobilize the slightest magic power at all. Ya was restrained, but seeing Borzea seemed to use some method to lead to some strange situations of Princess Celine. In addition, the other party was a member of the Holy See, and it is very likely that the goddess’ envoy, theoretically should not It would harm Princess Celine.

Now, I swear that the only thing I can do now is to pray like a goddess.

Bolzea on the side ignored Leonas’ reaction, but used the golden light to soothe Celine’s consciousness, so that Celine, who was still in pain, gradually calmed down. Celine's heavy breathing became quiet again.

<I can free you from your bondage, but don't speak and watch quietly until I am talking when I give the order, understand?>

Borzea's voice suddenly rang in Leonas's mind. The mage was taken aback and then subconsciously nodded, and then a warm flow came to the mage and immediately realized that the originally restrained body had recovered its freedom.

He stood up stiffly and moved his body slightly. Although he was a little dissatisfied with Bolzea’s actions, Leonas knew that it was not the time to protest with the other party. He walked gently to the bed and watched his forehead covered with sweat. In the semi-fainted state of Celine, Leonas finally had to look at Bolzea for help, but found that the other party was also full of solemn expressions. It seemed that Celine's situation was not optimistic.

"Celine tell me, who is the person you love most?"

"My...I love the most...I...I..."

"Is it Leonas?"

When Borzea suddenly changed the way of inquiring, Leonas on the side was slightly irritated and at the same time inexplicably more hopeful.


What is disappointing, however, is that Celine's indecision was spoken without hesitation this time compared to the previous question of Augusta.Hearing this, Borzea showed a look of'I'm sorry' to Leonas who was a little embarrassed, and at this moment, Leonas could only show a bitter smile.

Although he had been mentally prepared, Leonas was still very disappointed when he really said it from the princess.

Bolzea continued to ask in a different way: "As the princess of the Karthymian Empire, Celine, who is the most important person in your heart."

"Brother Augusta."

"Then Lord Leonas?"

"My brother's vow... is also my friend... is the person I trust the most."

Celine, who was half-dreaming and half-awake, said as if he had to answer questions. This answer also gave the lost Leonas a little more warmth, and Borzea's question did not end, but constantly tapped in a different way. With.

"Then Prince Augusta is your favorite person?"


"Also your favorite person?"

"No...no, my brother is me...my best...no...no~my favorite is..."

Bolzea changed his question: "Then, Your Highness Celine, tell me you have two favorite people in your heart, who are they?"

"My two favorites...no! The only ones I love the most are...only...me...me..."

Leonas also saw the problem here. Princess Celine seemed to have a contradictory answer in her consciousness. Her Royal Highness's favorite was her brother Augusta, but another person forcibly inserted it. Among them, the consciousness of the princess is distorted, but the worst thing is that once the name of the other party is mentioned, the consciousness of the princess struggles back and forth at this contradiction point.

hateful!It must be the fellow named Felecion who brainwashed Princess Celine with some kind of sorcery.

Leonas couldn't help but glared at Borzea, as if begging each other. It didn't matter who was occupying and distorting Princess Celine's heart, what was important was how to release the spell.

<Quiet the mage!>

However, Bolzea motioned to Leonas to be quiet: "His Royal Highness Celine remembers the person who danced with you last night? Fei Lexien, do you have any impression of this name?"

"I remember, he was a very interesting person..."

"Do you remember who danced with him?"

"The last..."

Bolzea glanced at Leonas as if asking whether the answer was correct, and the wizard nodded solemnly. Princess Celine was indeed the last dance with that guy, and Princess Celine almost Rejected the other dance partners.

"Is it happy to dance with him?"


Leonas frowned when she heard it. He really couldn't see the joy of Princess Celine dancing with that guy.

"Very happy~ Is it because he is a gentleman? Or that he is very handsome, and his talk is humorous and interesting. Can you tell me why you feel happy to dance with him?"

"No...because I must feel happy...I must feel happy to be with him..."

As soon as Leonardon said this, his mouth closed in surprise, and Bolzea's eyes flashed with a different color, and his tone became low and carefully guided and asked in Celine's ear, and this Once Leonas’ doubts about Borzea completely disappeared, the mage also dare not look at the other side little by little, as if slowly searching for loopholes, looking for this from Princess Celine’s mouth. Sean's bit by bit.

Obey every command of Felecion!

You will feel unparalleled happiness and satisfaction when you are around Felecion!

Feeling comfortable being touched by Felexien

The instructions given by Bolzea bit by bit made Leonas tremble with anger, especially when he heard these instructions, he would even dream of Felecien every night and imagined him as X I will gradually like Fei Lexien's every demeanor and every scent, and will like to show the slutty and bold side when Fei Lexien is alone, until finally Fei Lexien will become the favorite one in my heart In human time, the mage almost bit his gums out of blood.

Actually~ I dare to distort and blaspheme the consciousness of the Royal Princess of the Kartherman Empire in this way. I can't spare this guy. Even if he kills him, it will be cheaper for him. I must let him die little by little in the most painful way!

Borzea also became more and more difficult to look at in Celine's account, until the last hint would maintain the image of the princess of the Karlshamn Empire in peacetime, and be guided by strictly guarding the secrets about Felecien After coming out, Bolzea finally stopped thinking.

Seeing that Borzea hadn’t moved for a long time, Leonas was not good at disturbing the mysterious Vatican priest, but took advantage of this gap to temporarily take up the role of a maid and use a towel for Celine, who is still in a semi-coma Wiping sweat and tears, Borzea opened his own book and looked through the dense records on it, while writing something, and did not get up until half an hour later.

Leonas finally couldn't help asking: "Your Excellency Borzea, can those hints in the princess's consciousness be eliminated?"

"This..." This time Borzea couldn't help showing a distressed look: "To be honest, this is the first time I have seen Princess Celine, and I still have no definite cure."

Just hearing these words, Leonas’s heart was cold, even Borzea, as the messenger of the goddess, would be helpless about this. What exactly did the man named Felecion impose on the princess? The sorcery!

"Have you heard of the so-called dual personality?"

Dual personality?This is a relatively jerky and unfamiliar vocabulary for people in another world. Leonas, experienced as a mage, can only interpret this word literally: "You mean a person who is split in spirit. ?"

"Yes, it means that a person has two relatively unique and separate personalities. In simple terms, it is like having two different souls in a person's body, usually when encountering a huge or stressful component, or It is a unique phenomenon caused by living in a repressive and distorted environment for a long time..." Borzea explained to Leonas patiently.

Leonas's expression was not very good. After all, he didn't want to admit that Her Royal Highness became a lunatic: "You mean that Her Royal Highness Celine is now in a state of schizophrenia?"

"Princess Celine's current situation completely composites some of the characteristics of the dual personality, and is more thorough and complete. It is almost as if the soul is divided into two souls that operate independently of each other. One considers Feilexien as his favorite person. , And the other is to regard Prince Augusta as the most loved person, and at first we saw Princess Celine crying in one eye. What I call episodic personality is the personality that regards Felecion as a lover, and just now……"

Bolzea stared at Celine, who was lying on the bed, and said faintly: "Now this personality is the personality who loves Prince Augusta deeply, and is distorted and suppressed deep in his heart by Felecion's hint. Personality, just now through reverse recollection, this originally suppressed personality resurfaced."

"In other words, the current Princess Celine is normal, right?"


"Then removing the personality that loves Felecion can return to normal?" Leonas said with a trace of expectation.

This proposal was directly opposed by Borzea: "Please pay attention to Master, whether it is a distorted personality or a theoretically normal personality is part of Princess Celine’s soul and personality. This is not a foreign object. Anything that can be eliminated and destroyed at will will cause damage to Princess Celine’s memory and personality. At a minimum, Princess Celine may lose part of his memory and feelings, and at worst, Princess Celine may become a vegetable directly. Understand?"

Leonas heard a little fright, but finally nodded his head to make it clear.